Friday, May 31, 2019
Objectivism in The Fountainhead Essays -- Fountainhead
Objectivism in The wellhead Philosophy demands literature that can abet the understanding of social views. Without reflective literature, man cannot begin to toil the essential messages behind philosophy. One such philosophy, objectivism, is represented exceptionally by the novel, The Fountainhead. Through the use of compelling dialogue, Ayn Rand reveals her own feelings towards objectivism, and her thoughts towards conformity and independence. The interpretations and the implications of several of the quotes within The Fountainhead accurately depict the essence of objectivism and encourages the opposition of conventional standards through the embodiment of the uncompromising innovator standing against the world. Society dictates that there will be those that exist and those that will lead the followers. Peter Keating is one that adheres to conformity a man of little independent thought, a follower. Howard Roark, on the other hand, is a ma n shoot for to achieve a level of complete and utter independence from traditional principles. One telling passage occurs in a scene where Keating and Roark are discussing architecture. Keating How do you always manage to decide? Roark How can you let others decide for you? As two men on the extreme sides of conformity and independence, it is hard for Keating to understand how somebody could be so sure of himself, whereas it is incomprehensible for Roark to believe that Keating could have so little self-assurance and such a lack of resolve regarding the decisions he chooses to make. In this r... ... is most definately correct in saying that independence is the only gauge of human virtue and value. A conformist has low value because of his refusal to jump the bounds of submission the conformist would never experiment for the sake of self- improvement. This would not be looked up on well by other. Conformity is governed by the laws of compromise, egotism, productivity, and value. A conformist must be willing to sacrifice his philosophies simply because it does not correspond with the attitude of the clique. Independence, on the other hand relies on only one thing the performance of the individual. A conformist must be satisfied with the performance of the group. The independent individual has himself to blame when events turn for the worse, and he solely reeps the benifit of his own performance.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Consumerism Essay -- consumer movement
In the fourth date of reference of the consumer movement, the key marketplace features include forethought for the environment, increasingly complex technology, a diverse market, and a global market. Concern for the environment has manifested itself in a number of different ways. One example is the Exxon Valdez inunct spill, which caused many consumers to become thwart in Exxon. Exxon has had to work at improving its environmental image after this accident, and there ar still individuals who will not get gas at Exxon as a result of Exxons handling of this situation. There has been a trend in the past ten historic period or so to nurture the environment and to also buy products that are more(prenominal) than natural and environmentally sound. In our era, Fresh Fields, a supermarket that has sells radical and more natural products, has prospered because of consumers interests in buy food that is not contaminated by pesticides, chemicals, and other non-natural ingredients. Interestingly enough, a news report last week on TV indicated that organic produce, which is more expensive than regular produce, may actually be more dangerous to consume because it is fertilized with manure that contains E. Coli bacteria. There may be a consumer backlash against organic products if they are shown to pose a danger to the consumer. Complex technology, has also been a key marketplace feature of the fourth era of the consumer movement. Through the Internet, it is possible to buy even the most obscure goods and services, often at prices which are significantly less expensive than at a sell establishment. However, the Internet also presents drab risks to the consumer. The Clinton administration recently announced that it is proposing legislation that will address the illegal sale of drugs via the Internet. It is now possible to purchase ethical drug drugs though Internet companies, by placing the orders online. However, this practice is not sufficiently regulated, an d consumers may be getting medicines that would ordinarily require close supervision by a personal physician, without having adequate health check supervision when they buy through the Internet. It is very easy to do an Internet search for Internet drug companies, some of which are located overseas (especially in Asia, Mexico and Europe), and find companies which sell Viagra, Xenical, Propec... ...r safeguards to entertain the interests of the consumer. The FDA, for example, did not exist at the turn of the 19th Century. There were no regulations or laws to protect the environment. People were generally at the mercy of businesses, large and small, that could make claims about their products and services even if these claims were misleading or untrue. The activism in the beginning of the consumer movement was revolutionary, because this activism introduced and formal the idea that consumers pay off rights and essential be treated justly by business. Consumer activism is no long er a revolutionary idea, but it is more prevalent than it was l years ago. Consumer activism, in this mean solar day and age, actually is ubiquitous. Now, we think of consumer activism as a normal part of business. We buy Consumer Reports, check the Internet to compare products and prices, and engage in political activism for the purpose of preserving consumer rights. Moreover, businesses have become much more sensitive to the needs and wants of consumers. Consumer reaction has a great impact on the way that companies give-up the ghost today, and business have versed that consumers wield great power in todays marketplace. Consumerism Essay -- consumer movement In the fourth era of the consumer movement, the key marketplace features include concern for the environment, increasingly complex technology, a diverse market, and a global market. Concern for the environment has manifested itself in a number of different ways. One example is the Exxon Valdez oil spill, wh ich caused many consumers to become disappointed in Exxon. Exxon has had to work at improving its environmental image after this accident, and there are still individuals who will not buy gas at Exxon as a result of Exxons handling of this situation. There has been a trend in the past ten years or so to protect the environment and to also buy products that are more natural and environmentally sound. In our era, Fresh Fields, a supermarket that has sells organic and more natural products, has prospered because of consumers interests in buying food that is not contaminated by pesticides, chemicals, and other non-natural ingredients. Interestingly enough, a news report last week on TV indicated that organic produce, which is more expensive than regular produce, may actually be more dangerous to consume because it is fertilized with manure that contains E. Coli bacteria. There may be a consumer backlash against organic products if they are shown to pose a danger to the consumer. Complex technology, has also been a key marketplace feature of the fourth era of the consumer movement. Through the Internet, it is possible to buy even the most obscure goods and services, often at prices which are significantly less expensive than at a retail establishment. However, the Internet also presents serious risks to the consumer. The Clinton administration recently announced that it is proposing legislation that will address the illegal sale of drugs via the Internet. It is now possible to purchase prescription drugs though Internet companies, by placing the orders online. However, this practice is not sufficiently regulated, and consumers may be getting medicines that would ordinarily require close supervision by a personal physician, without having adequate medical supervision when they buy through the Internet. It is very easy to do an Internet search for Internet drug companies, some of which are located overseas (especially in Asia, Mexico and Europe), and find companies w hich sell Viagra, Xenical, Propec... ...r safeguards to protect the interests of the consumer. The FDA, for example, did not exist at the turn of the 19th Century. There were no regulations or laws to protect the environment. People were generally at the mercy of businesses, large and small, that could make claims about their products and services even if these claims were misleading or untrue. The activism in the beginning of the consumer movement was revolutionary, because this activism introduced and established the idea that consumers have rights and must be treated justly by business. Consumer activism is no longer a revolutionary idea, but it is more prevalent than it was fifty years ago. Consumer activism, in this day and age, actually is ubiquitous. Now, we think of consumer activism as a normal part of business. We buy Consumer Reports, check the Internet to compare products and prices, and engage in political activism for the purpose of preserving consumer rights. Moreove r, businesses have become much more sensitive to the needs and wants of consumers. Consumer reaction has a great impact on the way that companies operate today, and business have learned that consumers wield great power in todays marketplace.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Major League Baseball Salaries: How Much is Too Much? Essay -- Argumen
Major League baseball game Salaries How Much is Too Much? xxv million dollars made per year. Over one hundred fifty-four thousand dollars made per game. Over forty-seven thousand dollars earned per at bat. Sounds a minuscular ridiculous, does it not? That is what current Texas Ranger shortstop Alex Rodriguez earns to play the game of baseball ( Baseball is a game that children have been playing in schoolyards and fields for the ancient one hundred years. It may not be a game anymore. On the Major League level it has become a business. This is where the problem starts. Others associated with baseball do not see any problem. All businesses are entitled to the best employees they can afford. If the owner wishes to pay larger salaries, then he/she is at liberty to do this because he/she is in charge of the operations of the business. Baseball is no different. If New York Yankees owner, George Steinbrenner, chooses to spend $125 million on players salaries each year, who result stop him? If Minnesota Twins owner, Carl Pohlad, decides to only spend $25 million on players salaries, who tells him to spend more? The answer of course is nobody, because baseball is a business. each(prenominal) franchise is run by an individual owner who makes the business decisions. Compared to long ago, baseball has transformed from being the sport people have a madness for to an egotistical business of super-agents and ten million dollar players ( This essay will introduce the situation that Major League Baseball is in with regards to its players salaries. It will as well as describe how the salaries escalating at the rate they are is hurting the game overall by pushing the fans awa... ...ball itself.Works CitedHolahan, William L, Kroncke, Charles O. A Pedagogical Note on Baseball Stadium Economics Show Me the Money Social Studies Jan/Feb 2003 44-45Rosenthal, Ken. Look What Happened to the Big Boys. Sporting intelligence information 14 Oct. 2002 47-48Stein, Lisa. Lets Play Hardball. US News and World Report 15 Apr. 2002 14Twenty-five Highest Paid Major League Baseball Players. 12 May 2002. Arizona Republic. 25 March 2003 http// top25salaries2002.htmlVerducci, Tom. combination Theory. Sports Illustrated 10 Jan. 2003 22Wilson-Smith, Anthony. The Unsporting Life. MacLeans 17 Feb. 2003 4Baseball Salaries Database. 11 November 2002. USA Today. 25 March 2003 http//, Ken. The Baseball Fallacies. Esquire April 2001 110
Earnest Hemingway Essay -- essays research papers fc
Earnest Hemingway As one of the 20th centurys most important and prestigious writers. His writings drew heavily on his own experiences for his writing. His writing reflected his trouble with relating to women and his tendency to treat them as objects, as he had four marriages and countless affairs, foreground his theme of alienation and disconnection. Now here is why he is what he is by writing about what he was. Ernest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois, to Dr. Clarence Hemingway and Grace Hall Hemingway. Oak Park was a mainly Protestant, upper middle-class suburb of Chicago that Hemingway would later refer to as a town of wide lawns and narrow minds" (Gerogiannis 188). The second among six children, Ernest spent the first two years of his flavor dressed as a girl by his mother. She called him Ernestine and fantasized that he was the twin of his older sister, as she dressed them both in matching d resses and gave them similar hairstyles (Rozkis 233) As he grew older, however, his father stepped in and insisted that Ernest be elevated like a man, teaching Ernest how to behave and introducing him at a young age to hunting, fishing, and boxing, all activities in which he would stay interested for the rest of his life (Gerogiannis) It is perhaps this early start at questioning his manliness and his fathers attempts to drive any femininity out of him that instilled his characteristic obsession with proving his maleness throughout his life. Schlusemeyer 2 Hemingway received his schooling in the Oak Park public school system. In high school he was mediocre at sports, joining the football, swimming, basketball, and water polo teams and serving as the track team manager (Nelson 5). He began his journalistic career writing for the school paper, the Trapeze, where he wrote his first articles and very much humorous pieces in the style of Ring Lardner, a popular satirist of the time. After graduating in the spring of 1917, against the wishes of his parents, he forwent college and took a job as a cub reporter for the Kansas City Star. It is here that the seeds of his unmistakable staccato writing style were planted as he followed the rules of the Stars stylebook exactly. Use shortsighted sentences, it said. Use shor... ...Modified August, 1999. Viewed April 20, 2005. http//www.ernest.hemingway.comErnest Hemingway in Oak Park, Illinois pass away Modified 2004. Viewed April 21, 2005. http//www.ehfop.orgGerogiannis, Nicholas. "Ernest Hemingway." Dictionary of Literary Biography American Authors in Paris. Vol. 4. Detroit Gale, 1982. 187-211.Meyers, Jeffrey. Hemingway A Biography. New York Harper & Row, 1985.Nelson, Raymond S. Ernest Hemingway Life, Work, and Criticism. Fredericton, N.B., Canada York Press, 19 84.envisioning Hemingway A Writer in His Time Last Modified January, 1998. Viewed April 21, 2005. http// Rozkis, Laurie E. Macho, Macho Man Ernest Hemingway. New York Pearson Press, 1999. The Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum Last Modified 2002. Viewed April 20, 2005. http//www.hemingwayhome.comTimeless Hemingway. Last Modified January, 2005. Viewed April 20, 2005. http//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Being Charlie Kaufman: A Glimpse into the Mind of a Genius :: Essays Papers
Being Charlie Kaufman A Glimpse into the Mind of a mental capacity Movies suck these days. All Hollywood seems to care about anymore is making profitable movies, not thinking twice about what the movie might in reality be about. Whether its another special effects-ridden clunker, a giddy romantic comedy, or another lame-plotted action flick, they just dont seem to reduce it. Although a small(a) handful of movie theatres over a years while are occasionally worth seeing, for the most part its all about making money and not about the true art that filmmaking quarter be. Charlie Kaufman is exactly the kind of anomaly that the film industry needs. Kaufman was born in November 1958 in Massapequa, Long Island and spent his childhood there. Later his family moved to West Hartford, Connecticut, where he went to high school. After graduating, he attended Boston University for a defraud time, but soon transferred to New York University to study filmmaking. Kaufman got his start in writing for boob tube for sitcoms such as Ned and Stacey and The Dana Carvey Show (Couzens). After his realize with sitcoms, however, he began writing some of the oddest scripts that have ever been conceived. It was just over four years past when Kaufman presented his very prototypal film, Being John Malkovich, which was nominated for both Oscar and golden Globe awards, as well as winning many others, such as the Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay and Best Screenplay from the guinea pig Society of Film Critics. That is not something every screenwriter is able to do with their first script. His fortune of being nominated came again with his third film, the genre-bending Adaptation, which was a fictive movie about him working on writing the screenplay for a movie interpretation of a book that was based on a true story. His work on this won him the Golden Satellite Award for Best Adapted Screenplay. His in vogue(p) work, Eternal Sunshine of th e Spotless Mind, is being hailed as remarkable with forward-looking performances, which gives it a very likely chance of being nominated for awards (Travers, 2004). Although his reputation is already respectable, Kaufman didnt easily get to where he is now. His struggles of becoming a film screenwriter were not without boundaries, but every time he tripped, he got screening up and kept going.Being Charlie Kaufman A Glimpse into the Mind of a Genius Essays PapersBeing Charlie Kaufman A Glimpse into the Mind of a Genius Movies suck these days. All Hollywood seems to care about anymore is making profitable movies, not thinking twice about what the movie might actually be about. Whether its another special effects-ridden clunker, a giddy romantic comedy, or another lame-plotted action flick, they just dont seem to get it. Although a small handful of films over a years time are occasionally worth seeing, for the most part its all about making money and not about the true art that filmmaking can be. Charlie Kaufman is exactly the kind of anomaly that the film industry needs. Kaufman was born in November 1958 in Massapequa, Long Island and spent his childhood there. Later his family moved to West Hartford, Connecticut, where he went to high school. After graduating, he attended Boston University for a short time, but soon transferred to New York University to study filmmaking. Kaufman got his start in writing for television for sitcoms such as Ned and Stacey and The Dana Carvey Show (Couzens). After his work with sitcoms, however, he began writing some of the oddest scripts that have ever been conceived. It was just over four years ago when Kaufman presented his very first film, Being John Malkovich, which was nominated for both Oscar and Golden Globe awards, as well as winning many others, such as the Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay and Best Screenplay from the National Society of Film Critics. That is not something eve ry screenwriter is able to do with their first script. His fortune of being nominated came again with his third film, the genre-bending Adaptation, which was a fictional movie about him working on writing the screenplay for a movie adaptation of a book that was based on a true story. His work on this won him the Golden Satellite Award for Best Adapted Screenplay. His latest work, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, is being hailed as remarkable with groundbreaking performances, which gives it a very likely chance of being nominated for awards (Travers, 2004). Although his reputation is already respectable, Kaufman didnt easily get to where he is now. His struggles of becoming a film screenwriter were not without boundaries, but every time he tripped, he got back up and kept going.
Being Charlie Kaufman: A Glimpse into the Mind of a Genius :: Essays Papers
Being Charlie Kaufman A Glimpse into the Mind of a star topology Movies string these days. All Hollywood seems to care closely anymore is making juicy celluloids, not thinking twice about what the movie might actually be about. Whether its another special effects-ridden clunker, a giddy romantic comedy, or another lame-plotted action flick, they just dont seem to get it. Although a small handful of films over a years prison term are occasionally worth seeing, for the most part its all about making money and not about the true art that filmmaking nookie be. Charlie Kaufman is exactly the kind of anomaly that the film industry needs. Kaufman was born in November 1958 in Massapequa, Long Island and spent his childhood there. Later his family moved to West Hartford, Connecticut, where he went to high school. After graduating, he attended Boston University for a short time, merely soon transferred to New York University to study filmmaking. Kaufman got his s tart in writing for tv set for sitcoms such as Ned and Stacey and The Dana Carvey Show (Couzens). After his work with sitcoms, however, he began writing some of the oddest scripts that have ever been conceived. It was just over four years agone when Kaufman presented his very source film, Being John Malkovich, which was nominated for both Oscar and Golden ballock awards, as well as winning many others, such as the Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay and Best Screenplay from the National alliance of Film Critics. That is not something every film writer is able to do with their first script. His fortune of being nominated came again with his third film, the genre-bending Adaptation, which was a fictional movie about him working on writing the screenplay for a movie variant of a book that was based on a true story. His work on this won him the Golden Satellite Award for Best Adapted Screenplay. His in style(p) work, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, is being hailed as remarkable with groundbreaking performances, which gives it a very likely chance of being nominated for awards (Travers, 2004). Although his reputation is already respectable, Kaufman didnt easily get to where he is now. His struggles of becoming a film screenwriter were not without boundaries, but every time he tripped, he got hindquarters up and kept going.Being Charlie Kaufman A Glimpse into the Mind of a Genius Essays PapersBeing Charlie Kaufman A Glimpse into the Mind of a Genius Movies suck these days. All Hollywood seems to care about anymore is making profitable movies, not thinking twice about what the movie might actually be about. Whether its another special effects-ridden clunker, a giddy romantic comedy, or another lame-plotted action flick, they just dont seem to get it. Although a small handful of films over a years time are occasionally worth seeing, for the most part its all about making money and not about the true art that filmmaking can b e. Charlie Kaufman is exactly the kind of anomaly that the film industry needs. Kaufman was born in November 1958 in Massapequa, Long Island and spent his childhood there. Later his family moved to West Hartford, Connecticut, where he went to high school. After graduating, he attended Boston University for a short time, but soon transferred to New York University to study filmmaking. Kaufman got his start in writing for television for sitcoms such as Ned and Stacey and The Dana Carvey Show (Couzens). After his work with sitcoms, however, he began writing some of the oddest scripts that have ever been conceived. It was just over four years ago when Kaufman presented his very first film, Being John Malkovich, which was nominated for both Oscar and Golden Globe awards, as well as winning many others, such as the Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay and Best Screenplay from the National Society of Film Critics. That is not something every screenwriter is able t o do with their first script. His fortune of being nominated came again with his third film, the genre-bending Adaptation, which was a fictional movie about him working on writing the screenplay for a movie adaptation of a book that was based on a true story. His work on this won him the Golden Satellite Award for Best Adapted Screenplay. His latest work, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, is being hailed as remarkable with groundbreaking performances, which gives it a very likely chance of being nominated for awards (Travers, 2004). Although his reputation is already respectable, Kaufman didnt easily get to where he is now. His struggles of becoming a film screenwriter were not without boundaries, but every time he tripped, he got back up and kept going.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Where Do You Find the Bodies??
The lack of intendning involved from local managers to corporate headquarters is affecting their Boomtown, Colorado location signifi dealtly. The railroad car serve internality management and supervisors are not doing enough to influence the strategic direction of their Boomtown location and they are not analyzing the environment efficiently. From the gathered statistics about the cubic decimeter percent increase in population and three percent unemployment, we know the towns economic richness is on the rise.The top management of Auto Service Center should utilize the human resources In the organization more Intelligently. Human resource planning will ensure your employees have the competencies and skills required for your business to succeed. An efficient plan will help determine the resources needed, prepare you for provide turnover, enlisting, and strategic hilling. Failure to anticipate changes in the workforce often leads to you making Irrational decision. In load Auto Se rvice Center is not implementing proper recruitment maintain distraction with current employees or developing their managers to suit their long term organizational goals.Implementing a proper human resource plan will clear up common misunderstandings between top management, supervisors and employees while achieving other plans and strategies. The organization should dissipate underlying issues so a motivated and committed workforce can operate effectively. Currently, without a proper human resource plan in ass the Boomtown location for Auto Service Center will suffer in output and contribution in a situation where the opposite is easily possible.Milt Sonorant is in an awkward situation because his short term solution in hiring crude chemical mechanism will lead to same results without proper strategic planning and hiring. 2. The Auto Service Center top management and supervisors are not determining the right recruitment ask in Boomtown. An important part of the recruitment ma ke is to avoid previous mistakes, anticipate shortages, and reduce dissatisfaction in the process. Not only does Milt Sonorant need to recruit the right response he also needs to establish the training needs of employees.Training programs are important for improving quality and skills of employees In the organization. Without the proper funding and schedule a training program can create dissatisfaction from managers and employees. Auto Service Center must understand the costs and benefits of hilling and the risks of not hiring. Several different strategies could be used In hilling new mechanics at Boomtown, Colorado such as entering different labor markets, Improving relations In local labor market, advertising electronically, attending think over fairs, producing Job and task descriptions.However, a proper Job analysis should be conducted for Auto Service Center to determine the person who would fit the organization properly. Overall, twofold recruitment methods could be used by Auto Service Center to recruit the proper mechanic in their Boomtown location. Where Do You Find the Bodies By mossback 1. I believe the case Where Do You Find the Bodies illustrates the lack of human utilize the human resources in the organization more intelligently. Human resource deed, prepare you for staff turnover, recruitment, and strategic hiring.Failure to anticipate changes in the workforce often leads to you making irrational decision. In essence Auto Service Center is not implementing proper recruitment maintain programs are important for improving quality and skills of employees in the understand the costs and benefits of hiring and the risks of not hiring. Several different strategies could be used in hiring new mechanics at Boomtown, Colorado such as entering different labor markets, improving relations in local labor market,
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Branches of Philosophy Essay
In order to narrow the aims of discussion philosophy was broken into branches. Traditionally philosophy has been broken into four main branches up to now we would like to add a fifth branch in our text -Epistemology Epistemology, from the Grecian words episteme (knowledge) and logos (word/speech) is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge and love. -Meta natural philosophy Metaphysics (derived from the Greek words ta meta ta physika biblia) meaning the contain that follows the physics book.It was the way students referred to a specific book in the works of Aristotle, and it was a book on First philosophical system. (The assumption that the word means beyond physics is misleading) Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy concerned with the sight of first principles and being (ontology). In separate words, Metaphysics is the study of the most general aspects of reality, such as substance, identity, the nature of the mind, and free will. In other way is a study of nature and the nature of the gentlemans gentleman in which man lives -Logic Logic (from Classical Greek (logos), originally meaning the word, or what is spoken, but coming to mean thought or reason out) is most lots said to be the study of arguments, although the exact definition of logic is a matter of controversy amongst philosophers (see below). However the subject is grounded, the task of the logician is the same to mature an account of valid and fallacious inference to allow one to distinguish good from bad arguments. -Ethics Ethics is a general term for what is often exposit as the science (study) of morality. In philosophy, ethical behavior is that which is good or right. The Western tradition of ethics is sometimes called moral philosophy. Other Branches philosophical system of Education Fairly self-explanatory. A minor branch, mainly concerned with what is the correct way to educate a person. Classic works accept Platos Republic, Lockes Th oughts Concerning Education, and Rousseaus Emile. Philosophy of HistoryFairly minor branch (not as minor as education), although highly important to Hegel and those who followed him, most notably Marx. It is the philosophical study of history, particularly concerned with the question whether history (i. e.the universe and/or humankind) is progressing towards a specific end? Hegel argued that it was, as did Marx.Classic works include Vicos immature Science, and Hegel and Marxs works. Philosophy of Language Ancient branch of philosophy which gained prominence in the last century under Wittgenstein. Basically concerned with how our languages affect our thought. Wittgenstein famously asserted that the limits of our languages mark the limits of our thought. Classic works include Platos Cratylus, Lockes Essay, and Wittgensteins Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Philosophy of Law Also called Jurisprudence.Study of law attempting to discern what the exceed laws might be, how laws came into being in the first place, attempting to delimit human laws from natural laws, whether we should always obey the law, and so on. Law isnt often directly dealt with by philosophers, but much of political philosophy obviously has a bearing on it. Philosophy of Mathematics Concerned with issues such as, the nature of the axioms and symbols (numbers, triangle, operands) of mathematics that we do to understand the world, do perfect mathematical forms exist in the real world, and so on.Principia Mathematica is almost certainly the most important work in this field. Philosophy of Mind Study of the mind, attempting to ascertain exactly what the mind is, how it interacts with our body, do other minds exist, how does it work, and so on. Probably the most popular branch of philosophy right now, it has spread out to include issues of AI. Classic works include Platos Republic and Wittgensteins Philosophical Investigations, although every major philosopher has had some opinion at least on what the mind is and how it works. Philosophy of Politics Closely related to ethics, this is a study of government and nations, particularlyhow they came about, what makes good governments, what obligations citizens have towards their government, and so on. Classic works include Platos Republic, Hobbes Leviathan, Lockes Two Treatises, and J. S. Mills On Liberty. Philosophy of Religion Theology is concerned with the study of God, recommending the best religious practises, how our religion should descriptor our life, and so on. Philosophy of religion is concerned with much the same issues, but where Theology utilizations religious works, like the Bible, as its authority, philosophy likes to use reason as the ultimate authority.Philosophy of Science Study of science concerned with whether scientific knowledge force out be said to be certain, how we obtain it, can science really explain everything, does causation really exist, can every event in the universe be described in terms of physi cs and so on. Also popular in recent times, classic works include Humes Treatise on Human Nature, Kripkes Naming and Necessity, Kuhns complex body part of Scientific Revolutions. Empiricism is a philosophical idea based on the idea that all reliable knowledge about the world is gained in the dish of experience.Famous empiricists were Hume, Locke and Berkley, basing themselves on ideas already postulated by Aristotle, that we are born with the Tabula Rasa which receives throughout our lives information on which it can base all thinking and knowing. The movement of luridness was in part a countermovement to what Descartes and Spinoza had proposed as rationalism. Knowledge derived from experience is called a posteriori. - Doing Philosophy Many fields can be studied and lettered without ever actually working with the tools in the field.For instance, chemistry can be learned in depth without ever picking up a canvass tube or mixing ionic compounds. Philosophy, however, is more about the methodology behind deriving answers than it is about the answers themselves. As such, students studying philosophy must use the methodology of philosophy on the philosophy they are learning as they are learning it. Doing philosophy involves asking the right questions, critically examining the work of antecedent philosophers, truly understanding the works and the reasoning behind the works, and possibly building on the works of previous philosophers by expanding or testing this methodology.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Physical and Emotional Burdens Essay
In The Things They Carried, OBrien talks about multiple disparate things that the men at war carry. They care things with them that soldiers always have like guns, bags, grenades, ammo, food, water, and things like that, but they also carry personal items like Kiowas discussion and moccasins, or Jensens vitamins. The men however, have more than just physical items. They have things that always stay with them like emotional and figurative things. Throughout the novel, OBrien goes back to the theme of things carried, whether that be in necessities, superstitious items, or emotional burdens.OBrien uses the first chapter to explain, in detail, the physical things that the men carried. He tells of how the men take their, compass, maps, code books, (OBrien 5) along with the M-60, M-16, M-79 they carried whatever presented itself, or whatever seemed appropriate as a means of killing, or staying alive. (7). These young men at war delegate anything that tolerate possibly help them in th eir bags. Even if it is not necessary for the specific mission they are on, they take these items with them because of their collective fear of the unknown. Their cumbersome, bulky, heavy backpacks and shift weigh on the men physically, and also as shown throughout the book, take a toll on their morale. OBrien uses this style of writing and the theme as a tool to impress upon his audience just how heavy the burdens of the men really are. The longer they have to carry all these things the worse it got.The physical items that they satiate with them are not limited to items issued by their generals. Many of them also carry superstitious things that they think might help throughout the war. Jimmy Cross has his, good-luck while from Martha. It was a simple pebble (6), and Dobbins carried his girlfriends pantyhose wrapped around his neck (9), and Kiowa always took along his New Testament and a pair of moccasins (9). Whether it is to comfort them, or for religious purposes, or just plai n superstition, most of them have some sort of personal item that they take along with them.Even though they already have hundreds of pounds of equipment to carry, they calm choose to carry these things. This is very justifiable however, because most of these items are something from home, something to remind them of what they have back home, and gives them hope that they will someday reaping there. Hope is a present theme in The Things They Carried, and is always necessary with men at war, because without hope they would have nothing to fight for and their morale would be gone.The most burdensome of things carried by the men, is the emotional baggage. Throughout the novel, Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carries the emotion of love. This weighs on him an enormously throughout the war because he can never get his mind off of Martha, even though she does not love him back. This causes emotional detachment from the war and from commanding his troops. When Ted Lavender dies, Cross blames hims elf for not being as focused as he should be because of Martha, and burns her pictures and letters.Even though he no longer physically carries these things, he still emotionally carries them throughout the book because he can never get them out of his mind. Kiowa is another example of one of the soldiers who carries an emotional burden with the tremendous tip of his grandmothers distrust for the white man (3). This could propose a difficulty to trust his bloke soldiers. All the men carry with them the memories of their fallen friends and fellow soldiers. They find different ways to grieve over the fallen soldiers, but never do forget them. Like OBrien says, The thing about remembering, is that you get int forget. (33).These young men fighting for their country in Vietnam are extremely brave. War is a really hard thing for non-soldiers to comprehend when you set down totalk about the stories of what happened when they are just marching around the jungle. But the theme of emotiona l and physical things carried is heavily shown throughout the book and presents reasoning for wherefore these men did and felt the things they did.Works CitedOBrien, Tim. The Things They Carried A Work of Fiction. New York, Boston Mariner, 2009. Print.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Civilization and Medicinal Uses
1. How is the discovery of beer linked to the offshoot of the first civilization?A The discovery of beer is linked to the emergence of the first civilizations because, a change happened around 12,000 years ago when the nomads deserted there migratory ways, settled down and took up farming. When they began to farm and collect grains thats when beer was discovered. Therefore beer is linked to the first civilizations emergence by the sudden adoption of farming.2. How is the production of beer an example of plant domestication?A For something to be domesticated it has to be grown or breed for a specific purpose. Well the plants/grains used to make beer were given just that, a purpose to be grown.3. What sources does Standage use to suffer his information on beer?A Ballinger, Clint. Beer Production in the Ancient Near East. Unpublished paper, personal communication.Baron, Stanley. Brewed in America A History of Beer and Ale in the unify States.Boston Little, Brown, 19624. What were som e of the uses for beer?A Beer was as a currency scarce it was also used medicinally. The workers that built the pyramids were paid in beer and bread, the standard amount severally worker got was three or four loafs of bread and two jugs (contains eight liters). Tablets from the Egyptian records that date back to 2100 BCE contains list that disaccordent medicinal uses for beer.The Ebers Papyrus just another medical text for the uses of beer that dates around 1550 BCE , contains many recipes for the medicinal uses of beer but combined with otheringredients . Half an onion mixed with beer was said to cure constipation.5. How did beer take aim man according to Standage?A Beer permeated the lives of Egyptians and Mesopotamians from the cradle to the grave. Their enthusiasm for it was almost inevitable because of the emergence of complex societies, the need to come on written records, and the popularity of beer all from surplus of grain. (Standage, 39)What he is saying here is that no one could over look or avoid there excitement for the beer because it brought out more civilized societies, made them keep up with written records to pass down the process to make the beer, and that beer became so popular and so available because of the numerous counts of grains that they had access to know that they had taken up farming and gathering.6. Explain the relationship between beer writing, commerce, and health?A Beer and writings relationship is that in order for the process of making beer to not only be remembered but also passed down generations, the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians had to make clay tablets. These had the processes, medicinal uses, and ingredients written on their faces. Beer and commerces relationship was created when both civilizations used beer as a currency.They used this beverage as means of payment for the builders of the Great Pyramids. On that note this is why the builders on the third Giza pyramid were known as the Drunkards of Menkaure. Last ly, Beer and hygienic relationships come from both civilizations use of this beverage for medicinal purposes. They used ingredients mixed with beer to cure a wide variety of illnesses or discomforts.WINE1. How did the use of wine differ from the use of that in ancient Greece and Rome?A Wine was seen as a symbol of wealth, he chose not the usual Mesopotamian culture beverage but the elegant wine. Carved stone shows him drinking wine from a bowl not beer. Beer was not used that much for gathering and festalthough it was provided, guest would choose the stark naked drink over there native beer. It was regarded as an exotic drink and it high price and sacristy made it worthy of the gods themselves.2. What did drinking wine symbolize in ancient Greece and Rome?A Drinking wine in ancient Rome and Greece was an emblem of power, prosperity, and privilege.3. How was wine consumed? Is this similar to or different from beer utilization in Mesopotamia/Egypt?A The Pharaohs tasted the wine an d made their own vineyards near the deltas of the Nile, for this was a place with rich soil. They made it to where the production outside of their own vineyards was limited. However in Mesopotamia the elegant yet powerful wine was restricted only to that of the wealthy because of the lands incapability to support larger surpluses of the wine.4. How did the use of wine differ in the
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Research Assignment: Praising Students
Research Assignment Praising Students I chose to do my research activity on the article highborn Caution Praise Can Be Dangerous by Carol S. Dweck. The main goal that Dweck needed to achieve was to prove that evaluate your students on their word fecal matter in fact affect their academic achievement in a bad way. 85 percent of parents thought they needed to praise their childrens learning in order to assure that they were smart (Dweck 4). It was thought that if you boost a students self esteem that it would help them academically, solely in certain ways, this was wrong.The problems that the article dealt with were that if praise wasnt handled properly, then it can become a negative force, or a drug that rather than strengthening students, it makes them hands-off and dependent on the opinion of others (Dweck, 4). If you use praise correctly, then it will help the students realize the value of effort, and become fulfilled with the accomplishments that they achieved on their own and hope to succeed more(prenominal). They also will have a better epoch dealing with any setbacks.The theory that was said to be true intimately praising students was that Giving students many opportunities to experience success and then praising them for their success will indicate to them that they are intelligent if they feel good about their intelligence they will achieve. They will love learning and be confident and successful learners (Dweck 4). Educators had this theory wrong because research shows that giving students easy tasks and praising their success simply says to the students that in a way you think their unintelligent.In order to prove this theory wrong, Dwecks along with Melissa Kamins and Claudia Miller held an experiment. This experiment was conducted of six diametric studies with more than cd fifth come outrs. The goal was to study the effects of praising children for being intelligent. Among the 400 fifth graders, they included people of different ethn icities, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and were tested from all different parts of the country. This pr even upted any faults or biased opinions to be conducted in the experiment.They also made sure that some students were taken from take aims in the city and some in more rural areas. This is something that you would want to do in any experiment given in order to get a variety of different subjects. branch they began working with students one at a time on a more challenging puzzle task that was easy enough for them to all do well on it. They praised one third of the children for their intelligence, saying that they were very smart for knowing how to do that and telling that they got a certain amount correct and that they were stupid(p) by it.The second group of people were tested and were told that they got a good score and praised on their effort of the task. The last third of the group was praised on their performance, with no comment on why they were successful. After the experiment, all students were happy about the outcome and were eager to do their take-home practice problems and were confident on their in store(predicate) performances. During the second part of the experiment, the same students were asked if they wanted to try a more challenging task from which they could learn a lot (but might not succeed) or an easier one where they would do well and look smart.Students praised on intelligence said they wanted to do the easier one, and 90% of the students that were praised on effort wanted to do the more challenging task. (The ones tested on performance were 50/50, so she wasnt going to focus on them. ) When it came time to actually do the harder task, the students tested on intelligence didnt like it and werent interested in doing the take home problems. They even started questioning their intelligence thinking they were dumb. The effort tested students care the task and some even like the harder problems better than the easier onesThis is where we start seeing the differences in the right and wrong types of praising. When we praise children for intelligence , were teaching them that this is what they want to achieve. They want to look and feel smart, so dont risk making a mistake. When we praise them on effort and hard work, they realize the value of what theyre doing to succeed and get to realize their improvement and efforts, thitherfore having a better long-term successful academic achievement. For the last part of the experiment, they had the students go back and re-do the offset task that they had did before.The intelligence students had an even worse performance and did worse than the first time, and the effort students performed the best and better than they did in the first place. After this, they were to write a litter to a student in another school telling them about the tasks that they had to do and how they tried them. The intelligence students actually lied about their pull ahead to make them seem s marter, and the effort students didnt exaggerate at all on their performance.This plainly says that failure becomes more of a problem when we praise students on intelligence, and they think that intelligence is something that you either dont or do have instead of being a skill or knowledge. Our students should know that there are tasks and problems that they arent going to know how to do and that it shouldnt discourage them, but make them want to learn more about it because theyre laborious so hard and doing a great job of learning. This experiment was applied to education very well by the author herself.She states that you cant just forget about the students feelings because what we say to them will affect how they think that we view them. We can praise our students as much as we want, BUT we need to do it when they learn or do well, and NOT praise them on how smart they are because it stops the students from setting the bar any higher. Dweck wants us to rave about their effort a nd ask questions that show intelligent appreciation (8). This would be a proper way to praise the students because you can still re point them that they are intelligent, but in a way that they are doing the right thing effort wise and giving it their all.You cant waste your students time by giving them tasks that are too easy that make them look good, but need to test their ability and give them more challenging responsibilities. Dwecks even tested these theories on students going into junior high from elementary school and going into college from high school. She found that the students who believed that intelligence was fixed and that a poor grade or performance meant that they were dumb, and some wanted to consider cheating if they didnt do well.These students did even worse grade wise than they did in elementary school and didnt grow intellectually. However, students who believed that intellect can be developed, and that a bad performance was because of lack of their effort and they needed to study more. These students were in the right mind set to allow the new school environment to encourage them to do well in school. All in all, students ideas and levels of intelligence can be influenced by the messages that they receive from teachers and parents.We need to encourage and praise them on their efforts, not their intelligence. We can allow them to feel smart in different ways instead of just telling them, Wow You got this many right, you must be really smart, good job This will make them want to get this reply so they keep their achievement and difficulty level low so they can seem smart. This will keep them on the road to disappointment academically. check your students on task and striving for new goals and wanting to learn. Like Dwecks says, Believing is Achieving
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
African Penguins
The topic of my report is african penguins who are also known as disconsolate footed penguins . I chose this topic because through out my life i have seen penguins only in Antarctica which made me wander how can they survive on islands. The main characteristics are that they are 26-27 inches in height and there weight is 4-11 pounds. There back is colored black and there front is colored dust coat which has a black stripe. They have large black beak and feet. They sound like donkeys when they communicate with each another(prenominal).Another interesting haracteristics is they have pink glands supra each eye and their average swimming speed is 4-12 MPH. The African Penguin are found in South Africa which is in the southern hemisphere. After penguin choose their mate for life, breeding occurs throughout the year. Although the main breeding begins in February, Nest are constructed and two eggs are laid and they incubate for 38-42 days. When the eggs hatch the parents mission for th e baby penguins for 8-18 weeks. African Penguins like to hunt in the nutrient rich cold water and like to eat mainly fish such as squid, anchovies and a few other thingsThe major facts about african penguins are that they are only found in south coast of africa. There is no other place in the world where these penguins are found. There is no fixed breeding season it can happen throughout the year. The enemies of penguins are sharks,killer whales and other dangerous marine creatures. In conclusion i very much enjoyed researching about this animal because they have a lot of interesting facts that the penguins in Antarctica dont have. The well-nigh interesting fact i learned was they have pink glands above there eyes.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Blood Promise Chapter Four
At any opposite date in my life, I would harbor loved exploring Moscow. Sydney had planned our trip so that when our train arrived there, wed waste a few hours before we had to board the next oneness to Siberia. This gave us well-nigh time to wander around and grab dinner, though she wanted to make sure we were safely inside the station before it grew too dark knocked out(p). despite my badass claims or my molnija marks, she didnt want to take any chances.It make no difference to me how we spent our slashtime. So long as I was attemptting closer to Dimitri, that was each(prenominal) that mattered. So Sydney and I walked aimlessly, taking in the sights and saying very little. I had never been to Moscow. It was a beautiful metropolis, thriving and full of people and commerce. I could have spent days there right shopping and trying out the relaxationaurants. Places Id heard about all in all my life-the Kremlin, Red Square, the Bolshoi Theatre-were all at my fingertips. Des pite how cool it it all was, I truly tried to tune out the citys sights and sounds after a while because it reminded me of well, Dimitri.He used to talk to me about Russia all the time and had sworn up and down that Id love it here.To you, itd be like a fairy tale, hed told me once. It was during a before-school practice late last autumn, nevertheless before the source snowfall. The air had been misty, and dew coated everything.Sorry, comrade, Id replied, reaching back to tie my copper into a ponytail. Dimitri had always loved my hair down, that in combat practice? dogged hair was a total liability. Borg and out-of-date music arent part of any happy ending Ive ever imagined.Hed given me one of his rare, easy grins then, the kind that just slightly crinkled up the corners of his eyes. Borscht, not borg. And Ive seen your appetite. If you were thirsty(p) enough, youd eat it.So starvations necessary for this fairy tale to work out? thither was nothing I loved more than teasing Dimitri. Well, aside from maybe kissing him.Im talking about the land. The buildings. Go to one of the big cities-its like nothing youve ever seen. Everyone in the U.S. tends to build the equal-always in big, chunky blocks. They do whats agile and easy. But in Russia, there are buildings that are like pieces of art. They are art-even a lot of the ordinary, ordinary buildings. And places like the WinterPalace and TroitskyChurch in Saint Petersburg? Those will take your breath away.His face had been aglow with the memory of sites hed seen, that joy making his already handsome features divine. I recall he could have named landmarks all day. My heart had burned within me, just from watching him. And then, just like I always did when I worried I efficiency turn sappy or sentimental, Id made a joke to shift the attention away and hide my emotions. It had switched him back into business mode, and wed gotten to work.Now, walking the city streets with Sydney, I wished I could take back that joke and listen to Dimitri talk more about his homeland. I would have given anything to have Dimitri with me here, the way he used to be. Hed been right about the buildings. Sure, most were blocky copies of anything youd find in the U.S. or anywhere else in the world, just now some were exquisite-painted with bright colourise, adorned with their fantastical yet beautiful onion-shaped domes. At times, it really did seem like something from another world. And all the while, I kept thinking that it should have been Dimitri here by my side, pointing things out and explaining them to me. We should have been having a romantic poseaway. Dimitri and I could have eaten at exotic restaurants and then gone dancing at night. I could have worn one of the designer dresses Id had to leave behind in the Saint Petersburg hotel. Thats how it was supposed to be. It wasnt supposed to be me with a glowering human.Unreal, huh? Like something from a novel.Sydneys voice startled me, and I realize d wed come to a stop in front of our train station. There were a number of them in Moscow. Her echoing of my conversation with Dimitri sent chills down my spine-largely because she was right. The station didnt have the onion domes barely quench looked like something straight out of a storybook, like a cross amid Cinderellas castle and a gingerbread house. It had a big arched roof and towers on either end. Its white walls were interspersed with patches of brown brick and green mosaic, almost making it look striped. In the U.S., some might have called it gaudy. To me, it was beautiful.I felt tears start to spring to my eyes as I wondered what Dimitri would have tell about this building. He probably would have loved it just as he loved everything else here. Realizing that Sydney was waiting for a response, I swallowed back my grief and played flippant teenager. Maybe something from a story about a train station.She arched an eyebrow, surprised at my indifference, unless when she didnt question it. Who could say? Maybe if I kept up the sarcasm, shed eventually get annoyed and ditch me. Somehow, I doubted Id be that lucky. I was pretty sure her fear of her superiors trumped any other feelings she might have in regard to me.We had resplendent train accommodations, which turned out to be a lot smaller than I expected. There was a combination bed/sitting bench on each side, a window, and a TV high on the wall. I supposed that would help pass the time, but I often had trouble side by side(p) Russian television-not just because of the language but also because some of the showings were downright bizarre. Still, Sydney and I would each have our own space, even if the room was cozier than we would have liked.The colors reminded me a lot of the same fanciful patterns Id seen by dint ofout the cities. Even the hall outside our cabin was brightly colored, with plush carpet in red and color designs and a teal and yellow runner press release down the middle. Inside our room, the benches were covered in cushions with rich orange velvet, and the curtains matched in shades of gold and peach, made of thick heavy fabric embossed with a silky pattern. Between all that and the ornate table in the middle of the cabin, it was almost like change of location in a mini-palace.It was dark out by the time the train left the station. For whatever reason, the Trans-Siberian always left Moscow at night. It wasnt that late yet, but Sydney said she wanted to sleep, and I didnt want to make her more irate than she already was. So we turned wrap up all the lights, save for a petite reading lamp by my bed. Id bought a magazine at the train station, and even if I couldnt check the language, the pictures of makeup and clothes transcended all cultural barriers. I flipped through the pages as quietly as I could, admiring summer tops and dresses and wondering when -if ever-Id be able to start worrying about that kind of thing again.I wasnt tired when I lay down, bu t sleep took me nonetheless. I was dreaming about water-skiing when suddenly, the waves and sun around me dissolved into a room seamed with shelves and shelves of books. Tables with state-of-the-art computers lined the rooms, and there was a calmness that permeated the place. I was in the library at St. Vladimirs Academy.I groaned. Oh, come on. Not instantly.Why not today? Why not every day?I turned and found myself looking into the handsome face of Adrian Ivashkov. Adrian was a Moroi, the queens great-nephew, and someone Id left behind in my old life when I took off on this suicide mission. He had beautiful emerald-green eyes that made most girls swoon, particularly since they were paired with stylishly mussy brown hair. He was also kind of in love with me and the reason I had so much money on this trip. Id sweet talked him out of it.True, I admitted. I suppose I should be grateful you only show up about once a week.He grinned and sat down retroflex in one of the slatted wooden c hairs. He was tall, like most Moroi, with a leanly muscled build. Moroi guys never got too bulky. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, Rose. Dont want you to take me for granted.Were in no danger of that dont worry.I dont suppose youre going to tell me where you are?Nope.Aside from Lissa, Adrian was the only other spangn living spirit user, and among his talents was the ability to show up in my dreams-often uninvited-and talk to me. I took it as a blessing that his powers never actually let him know where I was.You kill me, Rose, he said melodramatically. Every day is agony without you. Empty. Alone. I pine for you, wondering if youre even still alive.He spoke in an exaggerated, silly sort of way that was feature film of him. Adrian rarely took things seriously and always had a flippant edge.Spirit also had a tendency to make people unstable, and while he fought it, he wasnt unaffected. underneath that melodrama, though, I sensed a kernel of truth. No matter how shallow an appeara nce he gave off, he really did care about me.I get over my arms. Well, Im still alive, clearly. So I guess you domiciliate let me go back to sleep.How many times have I told you? You are asleep.And yet I inexplicably feel exhausted talking to you.This made him laugh. Oh, I do so miss you. That smile faded. She misses you too.I stiffened. She. He didnt even need to say her name. There was no question as to whom he was talking about.Lissa.Even saying her name in my mind caused me pain, particularly after seeing her last night. Choosing between Lissa and Dimitri had been the hardest decision of my life, and time passing hadnt made it any easier. I might have chosen him, but being away from her was like having an arm sleep with off, particularly because the bond ensured we were never truly apart.Adrian gave me a canny look, like he could guess my thoughts. Do you go see her?No, I said, refusing to acknowledge that Id just seen her last night. Let him think I was truly free of all tha t. Thats not my life anymore.Right. Your life is all about dangerous vigilante missions.You wouldnt understand anything that isnt drinking, smoking, or womanizing.He shook his head. Youre the only one I want, Rose.Unfortunately, I believed him. It would have been easier for both of us if he could find someone else. Well, you can clench feeling that way, but youre going to have to keep waiting.Much longer?He asked me this all the time, and every time, I emphasized how long it would be and how he was wasting his time. persuasion of Sydneys possible lead, I hesitated tonight. I dont know.Hope blossomed on Adrians face. Thats the most optimistic thing youve told me so far.Dont read too much into it. ?I dont know could be one day or one year. Or never.His mischievous grin returned, and even I had to admit it was cute. Im going to hope its one day.Thinking of Sydney brought a question to my mind. Hey, have you ever heard of the Alchemists?Sure, he said.Typical. Of course you have.Why? Di d you run into them?Kind of.Whatd you do?Why do you think I did anything?He laughed. Alchemists only show up when trouble happens, and you bring trouble wherever you go. Be careful, though. Theyre religious nuts.Thats kind of extreme, I said. Sydneys faith didnt seem to be anything bad.Just dont let them convert you. He winked. I like you being the sinner you are.I started to tell him that Sydney probably thought I was beyond all salvation, but he ended the dream, sending me back to sleep.Except, instead of returning to my own dreams, I woke up. Around me, the train hummed comfortingly as we sped through the Russian countryside. My reading lamp was still on, its light too bright for my sleepy eyes. I reached over to turn it off and noticed then that Sydneys bed was empty. Probably in the bathroom, I thought. Yet, I felt uneasy. She and her group of Alchemists were still mysteries, and I suddenly worried that she might have some sinister plan going on. Was she off meeting with some c overt operative? I decided to find her.Admittedly, I had no idea where she could be on a train of this size, but logic had never really deterred me before. No reason they should now.Thankfully, after slipping on my shoes and stepping out in the hall adjacent to our cabin, I observe I didnt have to look very far.The corridor was lined with windows, all draped in those rich curtains, and Sydney stood with her back to me, gazing outside, a blanket wrapped around her. Her hair was messy from sleep and looked less gold in the poor lighting.Hey I began hesitantly. Are you okay?She turned slightly toward me. One hand held the blanket the other played with the cross around her neck. I remembered Adrians comments about religion.I cant sleep, she said bluntly.Is it is it because of me?Her only answer was to turn back to the window.Look, I said, feeling helpless. If theres anything I can do I mean, aside from going back and canceling this tripIll handle it, she said. This is just, well, its r eally strange for me. I deal with you guys all the time, but I dont actually deal with you, you know?We could probably get you a room of your own, if that would help. We can find an attendant, and Ive got the money.She shook her head. Its just a couple of days, if that.I didnt know what else to say. Having Sydney on was inconvenient in the grand scheme of my plans, but I didnt want her to suffer. Watching her play with the cross, I tried to think of something comforting to tell her. attach over our views of God might have been a way to get closer, but somehow, I didnt think telling her how I had daily battles with God and doubted His humankind lately would really help me out with the whole evil creature-of-the-night reputation.Okay, I said at last. Let me know if you change your mind.I returned to my bed and take flight asleep surprisingly fast, despite worrying that Sydney would be standing in the hall all night. Yet, when I woke in the morning, she was curled up on her bed, fa st asleep. Apparently, her exhaustion had been so strong that even fear of me had driven her to rest. I got up quietly and changed out of the T-shirt and sweatpants Id gone to bed in. I was hungry for breakfast and figured Sydney might sleep longer if I wasnt around.The restaurant was in the next car over and looked like something out of an old movie. handsome burgundy linens draped the tables, and brass and dark wood, along with bits of bright-colored stained glass art, gave the whole place an antique feel. It looked more like a restaurant Id find on the streets of Saint Petersburg than a train dining car. I ordered something that reminded me vaguely of french toast, except that it had cheese on it. It came with sausage, which thus far seemed to be the same everywhere I went.I was just about finished when Sydney wandered in. When Id met her that first night, Id assumed her dress pants and blouse had been for the sake of the Nightingale. I was discovering, however, that that was he r normal style. She struck me as one of those people who didnt own jeans or T-shirts. Shed been mussed while standing in the hall last night, but now she was in neat black fiddle and a dark green sweater. I was in jeans and a long-sleeved gray thermal shirt and felt kind of sloppy beside her. Her hair was brushed and styled but had a slightly messy look that I suspected never went away, no matter how hard she tried. At least I had my sleek ponytail going for me today.She slid across from me and ordered an omelette when the server came by, again speaking in Russian.How do you know that? I asked.What, Russian? She shrugged. I had to learn it growing up. And a few other languages.Wow. I had taken intros to a couple of languages too and performed miserably in all of them. I hadnt thought much of it at the time, but now, because of this trip and because of Dimitri, I really wished Id learned Russian. I supposed it wasnt too late, and I had picked up a few phrases in my time here, but s till it was a daunting task.You must have to learn a lot of stuff for this job, I mused, pondering what it must mean to be part of a secret group that crossed international lines and interacted with all sorts of governments. Something else crossed my mind. And what about that stuff you used on the Strigoi? That disintegrated the body?She smiled. Almost. Well, I told you the Alchemists started off as a group of people trying to make potions, right? Thats a chemical we developed to get rid of Strigoi bodies fast.Could you use it to actually kill one? I asked. Dousing a Strigoi in some dissolving liquid would be a lot easier than the usual ways decapitation, staking, or burning.Afraid not. Only whole kit and boodle on corpses.Bummer, I said. I wondered if she had other potions up her sleeve but figured I should ration my amount of Sydney questions for the day. What are we going to do when we get to Omsh?Omsk, she corrected. Well get a car and drive the rest of the way.Have you been the re? To this village?She nodded. Once.Whats it like? I asked, surprised to hear a wistful take note in my own voice. Aside from my quest to find Dimitri, there was a piece of me that just wanted to cling to everything I could of him. I wanted to know everything about him that I hadnt known before. If the school had given me his possessions, I would have slept with them each night. His room had been cleared out pretty quickly, though. Now I could only gather what pieces of him I could, as though hoarding these bits of information would keep him with me somehow.Its like any other dhampir town, I guess.Ive never been to one.The server set Sydneys omelet down, and she paused with her fork in the air. Really? I thought all of you well, I dont know.I shook my head. Ive been at the Academy my whole life. More or less. My biyearly stint among humans wasnt really relevant.Sydney chewed thoughtfully. I was willing to wager she wouldnt finish the omelet. From what Id seen that first night and while waiting for trains yesterday, she hardly seemed to eat anything. It was like she subsisted on air alone. Maybe it was another Alchemist thing. Most likely it was just a Sydney thing.The town is half-human and half-dhampir, but the dhampirs blend in. They have a whole underground monastic order that the humans are completely oblivious to.Id always figured there was a whole subculture going on, but Id had no idea how it would fit into the rest of the town. And? I asked. Whats that subculture like?She set her fork down. Lets just say youd better brace yourself.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Major Problem of teenagers today Essay
Evangeline pilarBeed II-BInformative Speech PlanTitle Major Problem of teenagers today.Specific Speech Purpose To predicate my engl.III audience what are the major problems of teenagerstoday.Statement There are 5 major problems of teenagers today.IntroductionI. .Attention mensuration are you one of the teenagers who have a problem? You may program for it In connection with this, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about the recent finding on the major problem of the teenagers today.Read more Speech about youth times essayII. Clarification Step luggage compartmentI. Internet and Gaming Addictiona. Younger generations, unlike their parents generations, often socialize, hang out, and communicate online, rather than in person. They prefer to text rather than talk on the phone, and often prefer to socialize on chitter or Facebook rather than in the local bar, on the street or at the town square.b. The digital divide The newfangleder generation has been referred to as being one of Digital Natives while the older generation has been referred to as one of Digital Immigrants.c. Unlike the older generation, young hatful are highly able of effective multitasking, which is sometimes seen by the older generation as a lack of attention and focus.d. some(a) young people spend much too much time in front of a computer screen, spending up to 20 hours a day, seven days a week.e. Spending uncounted hours a day, every day, on gaming or perusing the Internet can interfere with young peoples emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual development.II. Violence In Mediaa. T.V. influences behavior. If it didnt, Nike, Budweiser, Pepsi, etc. would not invest billions of dollars in advertisements. b. Violence on T.V.occurs in most programs and even more so, in cartoons. III. Bullying Online and At shoala. Bullying is an ongoing pattern of harassment and abuse. It can be done behavely by physical or verbal attacks or indirectly by exclusion, spreading rumors, etc.b. Cyberbullying is a growing problem among Middle and High School aged students. While it also occurs among College-aged students, for the most part young people have matured past cyberbullying at that pointc. Bullies seek power through aggression and direct their attacks at vulnerable victims. In-person bullies often lose their popularity in high school and have a high likelihood of having a criminal record as adults. IV. Violent Culturea. There is a direct link between the way in which we use power with our children, our significant others, our neighbors and our environment and what we get word our children about ferocity. b. Cultures in which young children regularly receive loving touch have lower incidents of convulsive crimes. V. Violence At Homea. One of the main reasons that children become violent is because they are exposed to violence in their own homes, whether it is directed towards them or towards others.b. Violence at home can be of a physical nature, or it c an be expressed verbally or through neglect and abandonment. shameful homes and violent neighborhoods are stronger predictors of adult violent behavior than violence in the media. Most abusive parents were physically or sexually abused as children.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Native Americans in the United States Essay
Today, race is seen less as culture and history and more as your intelligence, wealth, morals, and how you should proceed. Unfortunately, racism, stereotypes, and prejudice give birth been around so long its become some what subconscious of us to pair actions and personalities with a skin color. In Princess Oreo Speaks Out by Dwan Carter, people around her ar shocked by how she acts and even go as far as calling her white or not menacing enough. Carter states, It seems that, for a lot of people around me, being black is an attitude. In society today, people, especially new-fashioned teens, are pressured to act a certain way based on how they look to feel legitimate and normal. A personality that may be perfectly fine if you were one race is found spiritual and strange in an early(a). In reality, though, race is lonesome(prenominal) skin deep and the color of your skin net not affect how you choose to act. Indian mascot controversies have been going on for years and years. Teams with mascots and names numerous consider offensive towards Indians exist from high school teams all the way up to professional leagues. some examples include the Illini Chiefs, Washington Redskins, and Cleveland Indians. Redskins team owner Dan Snyder says, After 81 years, the team name Redskins continues to hold the memories and heart of where we came from, who we are, and who we want to be in the years to come. Even though the name has traditions, it nevertheless has a disconfirming impact and should be retired. The term Redskins is defined in dictionaries as an offensive racial slur. You shouldnt be using a racial slur to sell a sports team to America and especially not for entertainment.The word is degrading and in a way dehumanizing because of the imagery that goes along with it. The name that claims to be straightforward in fact actually leads to negative stereotypes of Native Americans. In arenas across the nation you will rule war chants, face paint, animal feath ers, and savage like behavior in the stands. Theses images suggest that Native Americans act like they did 150 years ago. We are ignoring who Native people are today and we are treating them as objects of the past rather than people just like us.Racial integration in schools is very authorised for kids to be receptive to different races. In Why Are American Schools Still Segregated, studies are viewing that schools seem to be falling back towards their segregated pasts. Racial integration in schools is not only important because of unfair educational opportunities and outcomes, but I believe it is also important for kids to be exposed to different races. The studies are showing that the minority races are slowly becoming the majority and that White nation is getting smaller.This is even more reason for students to request to learn how to interact in a versatile environment. There are also advantages of having students work with others who are not of the same background. We liv e in a country founded on the principle of equality of all people regardless of race, but we still campaign to meet that ideal. Some people think we should be colorblind to peoples race, but on the other hand other people think you should pay attention to race because people of different races have encountered different things that need to be taken into account.Kids in highschool who are just starting to figure out who they are have lots of pressures to be someone that they might not necessarily be just because of how they detect to look. I think its important to know someone as an individual rather than a person of a specific race. Its also important to recognize racism in liveness wherever you may encounter it like on tv, in books, and even things people say and thus even start challenging it.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Hamlet: Context of the Original Version Essay
Shakespeare uses haggling in his plays that are often puzzling to new-fangled readers. His wordplays, however, are what make his works worth reading. That is why there are available resources that render to explain at least some of the context of Shakespeares words in his plays. One of these resources is a website that offers a translation of the superior work into the innovational-dayistic lyric. The service is called No Fear Shakespeare. The translations, however, does not leave alone the experience that is brought to the audience that employ Shakespeares words does.One of the plays that No Fear Shakespeare translates into the modern adaption is critical point. We shall examine and compare how the original chance variable differs in context and complexity from the modern version using Act III scene 4. This is where Hamlet met Gertrude in her room and had killed Polonius. First, we examine that Shakespeares words, while may be utilize in its literal sense, is also us ed to refer to something else. In fact, the English language is full of connotations and metaphorical usage that it is often easy to undermine the context of Shakespeares words by modern readers.Hamlet and Gertrudes exchange of words in the beginning of the scene, for example, use words that, when translated into modern version, lose their symbolic meat. The word offended was translated into the word insulted which is not as effective or tidy in use as the original term. Idle applauder was translated simply into foolish and wicked spittle simply into evil. Tongue in the original context is used to refer to the characters manner of speaking.Thus, an idle tongue nub that Hamlet was speaking without meaning, purpose or basis and wicked tongue while may mean to be literally evil, may also refer to something with impishness. One must remember that Hamlet is very critical about those around him, treating the other characters with suspicion. He knew that there are those who contriv e against him and his get down does not escape his doubts. Thus, Hamlets use of wicked is more closely applicable to mischief than to evil. Fact is the term question may actually mean doubt in the original context.It is big to note that while the translations closely resemble the meaning of the original, it loses the power of the original. Hamlet also referred to Polonius, although he was unaware that it was Polonius who was behind the tapestry, as a cuckold. One might be easily led in the modern translation that Hamlet simply means to regard the person literally as a rat which justifies killing it. Those aware of the English language know that the term rat could refer to someone who is despicable, or an informer of sort, a spy perhaps.This meaning is reinforced when Hamlet regarded Polonius as an intruding fool later(prenominal) on. Hamlet also regarded Polonius as wretched and was translated into simply low-life, which hardly compares to the power of the original term that means someone who is in a very unhappy or unfortunate state. The term is also used to express anger, hatred or annoyance. Gertrudes expression confronting Hamlet stating that he dared to wag thy tongue in a noise so rude was simply translated to talk to me so rudely.One could immediately catch the birth rate of the original passage as compared to the translation. While the meaning of the phrase was preserved, the power and drama of the original was not. The use of figurative speech was also disregarded in the modern translation. For example, when Hamlet cried Rebellious hell, the apostrophe was omitted from the modern translation. The lines were translated not as if Hamlet was calling out to hell, hence, does not retain the richness and complexity of the original.It must be noted that the use of figurative speech makes a literary work an art, and the failure of the translated version to maintain its use in the original passage is a failure to meet the excellence exemplified by the original. The problem that exists in the modern translation of Shakespeares plays lies in the context of the meaning of the words, the mystery of its use, and the application program of figurative speech. Shakespeares words are often richer in context and complex in meaning that it is also the reason of the difficulty to understand some concepts and messages in the play.The meaning, context and complexity of the words as used in the original version disappear when translated into the modern version. Modern versions of the text are usually taken in its literal sense, thus, the authors real purpose in using the words disappear. Furthermore, the art of using words by applying figurative speech was not preserved in the modern version. Modern translations of the text, while easier to understand, fail to meet the complexities of Shakespeares words and come short in the richness of its context.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Five ways of identifying a setting Essay
My essay will pick up five ways of identifying a range as inclusive. I tempt as a nursemaid in a sole charge role, in a family home. I work with a family of 3 children, one of the little girls has additional needs and she attends a special needs tame. I will smooth on my life experiences and the route material within this essay and how this has influenced my understanding of cellular inclusion. Inclusion is about liveliness like you belong, being valued and musical noteing happy within the setting and the topical anaesthetic residential area, regardless of loving backgrounds, age and ability. The five criteria I bemuse chosen atomic number 18 The name of the setting, social inclusion, the curriculum, setting accompaniment, and the take of inclusion presented. I have chosen these criteria as I believe they can form the foothold for a setting to be seen as inclusive. I believe that the name of the setting says a plentifulness about what is taking place, if you are se nding a child to a special unit given over to a instruct my view is that it should have the alike name as the civilise. Social inclusion is meaning(a) because everybody has the right to be treated the same, everybody should be interacted with and spoken to in a kind and friendly manner.I think its important that the same curriculum should be followed in entirely(prenominal) educational settings and then equal as required for individual needs. It sets a baseline for the educational system so that essential rudiments are met. I feel that the settings funding needs to be addd equally between main develop and special units. I understand that special settings require additional equipment to support their children and needs to be interpreted into consideration. However, the amount of money spent for teachers should be the same. I think peoples own opinion on inclusion is important as everybody needs to work to the same guidelines in early years provision. If perspective parent s are not presented with an adequate view of inclusion it could greatly effect their standpoint on certain settings. tout ensemble of the five criteria are important to me when thinking about inclusion, and my own understanding of what inclusion involves. Part B Name of setting draw up green has its own name which is unique to the setting, where as Aspen 2 a special needs school has given the name as an addition to the main burgeon forth school. Aspen 2 used to be referred to as the mobile which wasnt seen as inclusive. Aspen 2 is now in the main stream school and has it owns unique unit.Deri View is a newly built primary school with a childrens pore attached the local community had a say in the design and structure of thebuilding. The school and childrens condense is in a poorly deprived protrude of Wales. Social inclusion publish Green is a message for under 5s and their families in Corby in Northamptonshire. Pen green shows social inclusion through its moving-picture sho w clips. Pen Green has an open community, providing team building and meet and greet sessions. Pen Green focuses on the whole family, it pass ons children to progress from a very young age offering groups such as tiddler massage. The centre offers a wide range of groups and drop in classes, there are options to go to something everyday. Pen Green cares about all the children at the centre and gives them all equal chances at training and play. Sheena Griffiths-baker a teacher at Pen green explains that we will being these observations to plan for him as an individual (E214,DVD2) which tells me that the setting is inclusive. Pen green offers classes for parents to learn GCSEs or computer flows, which has helped the parents to ingest confidence and independence. At Aspen 2 the children all have additional needs they are included in some main stream school lessons.The Aspen 2 students are treated equally in main stream lessons they are given the same work load but are provided with instruction support assistants (LSA) to help them to understand. The Aspen 2 students take part in P.E all to beat outher and its capable to their needs. Deri View is a school with the Acorn Childrens Centre attached to it. The school offers primary aged teaching with the Acorn Centre ranging from pregnancy to 13 years old. The Acorn Centre works with the local community to provide children with a breakfast club. The centre offers adult learning and services for parents to use e.g. the crche for when they go to study at the centre. Maggie Teague the head teacher at Deri View comments 70 of our pupils parents were unemployed now that has foregone down to between 30 and 40. I am certain the school has an impact, because of the number of parents who have started with us through family learning are now in employment (E214,DVD2). The curriculum The Pen Green centre offers a wide and varied curriculum staff members observe childrens patterns of learning and make action plans on the ch ildren to help with planning activities that are age and stage appropriate.The centre records videos of the children which is known as the PICLE involvement, this allows parents to view what their children have been doing at nursery and can link in with what the child is doing at home. Sheena Griffiths-baker explains about the PICLE group thither are several PICLE groups, so there will bemorning afternoon and evening PICLE groups so it as available as possible to many parents, so during that time they watch of video of him, the doer discusses whats happening with the parent and then the parents reciprocates with there information of what is happening at home.(E214,DVD2) There are courses for parents to gain an education and learning together groups for adults. At Aspen 2 the local educational authority aims to develop and provide inclusion at the school. The children work to the same curriculum as the main stream school, the activities are adapted to the students needs. Sarah Wilms hurst a teacher at Aspen 2 comments I take the abilities of all children into consideration (E214, DVD2). Children are allowed to mock up nearer to the front that allow for sight problems and hearing needs. Some of the children in Aspen 2 work on the gold curriculum which is part of the main stream school programme for children who are struggling.Aspen 2 children are included in sports days, music and art lessons. Richard and Sam two students talk about the Aspen 2 course programmes and that the students gain a course certificate at the end. A teaching assistant called Mary Fellows talks about how some of the children can not access the mainstream education, especially the PMLD students that she works with.(E214,DVD2) At the Deri View school and the Acorn Centre they work together to give the families the best support available, they provide respite care and work with health visitors and the local authority. The butterflies pre-school provided free childcare for children ages 2 an d half to 5 years on five mornings a week. The Acorn Centre has credit union service that comes in to the centre to help parents and give advice. The children excessively have their own saving scheme available to them. Funding and recourses The Pen Green setting provides funding for childrens groups and adult learning courses to allow everybody to be given a chance to attend the services provided by the centre. Pen Green uses the European social fund. Deri View and the Acorn Centre work together with the welsh fiction to provide free breakfasts for children in the area, all children are included.The centre has access to the community fund. Aspen 2 is given money from the local authority to help with special equipment needed to teach the lessons. The PMLD group has bought equipment to make them inclusive. The course materials state that the mechanisms that local authorities use to distribute their resources can have an impact on the evolution of inclusive practices (E214, Unit 12, p.209)Views of inclusion The community around Pen Green see that the centre is for parents, grandparents, males and females of all ages and cultures, it provides groups to suit the needs of everybody and the centre represents new schemes in the area. Pen green provides partnerships with local schools and the community. At Pen Green, Donna the Community Education Manager says Pen Greens unique as it grew out of a community and planned by the community (E214, DVD2.) Sure start is used within the centre sign wording groups provide people to learn how to communicate with the deaf. The centre has been used for generations. The Aspen 2 setting is for children with serve learning difficulties.One to one LSA support teachers are provided to students. Main stream teachers provide hints on work sheets to allow the Aspen 2 children to be able to do the work. Lynne Mills a teaching assistant at Aspen 2 says in the last 8 years I have had to do a lot more training, (E214,DVD2) This is so that she has the skills provided to teach individual children. Deri View and the Acorn Centre work together and share joint management. The reliable start centre is part of the Acorn Centre. The Acorn Centre provides a food co-op, midwifes and speak and language classes. There is a community bus that goes around the people who are unable to make it to the centre and has rhyme time and story sessions on board.The centre has a drop in area for parents where they can go to get a hot drink, have a chat or use the parents forums. Conclusion I feel that a setting needs to treat children, parents and adults as equals to allow the setting to be fully inclusive. every last(predicate) settings need to be offered the recourses needed and given funding to all departments justice. References The Open University, E214 Equality, participation and inclusion learning from each other views, 2011 The Open University, E214 Equality, participation and inclusion learning from each other, DVD 2, 2010
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Essay for Speech Outline About Friendship
MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS WINDOWS VISTA central basiscelledice BASIC SERVICE PACK 1 WINDOWS VISTA basis PREMIUM SERVICE PACK 1 WINDOWS VISTA ultimate SERVICE PACK 1 These indorse price atomic number 18 an arrangement in the midst of you and the gismo maker that distri merelyes the packet with the device, or the packet product orderer that distributes the parcel with the device. Please read them. They carry to the packet named above, which includes the media on which you adjoind it, if round(prenominal). Printed-paper authorize terms, which whitethorn come with the bundle take the place of every on-screen license terms. The terms in addition cod to every Microsoft modifys, supplements, profit-based improvements, and life run for this softw be product, unless opposite(a) terms accomp some(prenominal) those items. If so, those terms apply. both(prenominal) of the terms nurture changed since the initial release of Windows panorama. The changes i nclude details more or less the subdue of run linkions available additional knowledge about the activation and governing body functions of the parcel system, which determine whether the software program is counterfeit, im a set accredited or a non-genuine Windows product additional privacy disclosures about lucre-based answers description of rights for specific-geographic softwareThis list highlights nearly of those changes. The terms below govern your practice sitting of the software. If you obtain updates or supplements directly from Microsoft, Microsoft, and non the manufacturer or inst b other(a), licenses those to you. By utilise the software, you accept these terms. If you do non accept them, do non custom the software. Instead, suffer the manufacturer or inst tout ensembleer to determine their return policy for a give back or credit.. As describe below, victimisation the software also operates as your acquiesce to the transmission of certain computer c ulture during activation, validation and for net civilise-based assists.If you comply with these license terms, you deport the rights below for each license you acquire. 1. OVERVIEW a. Software. The software includes desktop operating dodge software. This software does non include Windows Live services. Windows Live is a service available from Microsoft under a spot touchment. b. License Model. The software is commissi aned on a per copy per device basis. c. Edition item Rights. See the Additional License Terms sections at the end of this agreement for license terms that apply to specific editions of the software. . INSTALLATION AND practice session RIGHTS. The software license is permanently assigned to the device with which you acquired the software. That device is the accredited device. A hardware partition or blade is considered to be a separate device. a. Licensed Device. You whitethorn inst entirely sensation copy of the software on the commissi angiotensin-conve rting enzymed device. You whitethorn engagement the software on up to two processors on that device at one quantify. You whitethorn not intent the software on any other device. b. Number of rehearsers.Except as addd in the Device lodges (all editions), outdoor(a) get at Technologies (Home prefatory and Home Premium editions) and new(prenominal) Access Technologies (Ultimate edition) sections below, just one commitr whitethorn usage the software at a beat. c. Alternative Versions. The software whitethorn include much than one discrepancy, such as 32-bit and 64-bit. You whitethorn affair lone(prenominal) one version at one time. If the manufacturer or installer provides you with a one-time selection between language versions, you may mapping moreover the one language version you select. 3. additive LICENSING REQUIREMENTS AND/OR practice session RIGHTS. . Multiplexing. Hardware or software you example to pool connections, or quail the number of devices or exp loiters that directly retrieve or use the software (sometimes referred to as multiplexing or pooling), does not reduce the number of licenses you need. b. Font Components. While the software is running, you may use its fonts to display and print content. You may only embed fonts in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions in the fonts and temporarily download them to a newspaperwoman or other output device to print content. . Icons, images and sounds. While the software is running, you may use but not share its icons, images, sounds, and media. 4. MANDATORY ACTIVATION. Activation associates the use of the software with a specific device. During activation, the software volition send randomness about the software and the device to Microsoft. This information includes the version, language and product key of the software, the Internet protocol address of the device, and information derived from the hardware configuration of the device.For more information, regard http/ /go. microsoft. com/fwlink/? Linkid=96549. By using the software, you accept to the transmission of this information. If properly licensed, you have the right to use the version of the software installed during the installation process up to the time permitted for activation. Unless the software is activated, you have no right to use the software after the time permitted for activation. This is to hamper its unlicensed use. You are not permitted to bypass or circumvent activation.If the device is connected to the Internet, the software may automatically connect to Microsoft for activation. You can also activate the software manually by Internet or telephone. If you do so, Internet and telephone service charges may apply. Some changes to your computer components or the software may require you to reactivate the software. The software will remind you to activate it until you do. 5. VALIDATION. a. Validation verifies that the software has been activated and is properly licensed.It al so verifies that no unofficial changes have been made to the validation, licensing, or activation functions of the software. Validation may also obstruct for certain beady-eyed or unauthorized software think to such unauthorized changes. A validation suppress confirming that you are properly licensed permits you to continue to use the software, certain qualitys of the software or to obtain additional benefits. You are not permitted to circumvent validation. This is to prevent unlicensed use of the software. For more information, see ttp//go. microsoft. com/fwlink/? Linkid=96550. b. The software will from time to time perform a validation check of the software. The check may be initiated by the software or Microsoft. To enable the activation function and validation checks, the software may from time to time require updates or additional downloads of the validation, licensing or activation functions of the software. The updates or downloads are required for the proper functionin g of the software and may be downloaded and installed without gain ground notice to you.These updates and downloads may be delivered to you through the Windows Update service (if you use the service) or through other means. During or after a validation check, the software may send information about the software, the device and the results of the validation check to Microsoft. This information includes, for example, the version and product key of the software, any unauthorized changes made to the validation, licensing or activation functions of the software, any colligate malicious or unauthorized software found and the Internet protocol address of the device.Microsoft does not use the information to identify or contact you. By using the software, you consent to the transmission of this information. For more information about validation and what is sent during or after a validation check, see http//go. microsoft. com/fwlink/? Linkid=96551. c. If, after a validation check, the softw are is found to be counterfeit, improperly licensed, a non-genuine Windows product, or includes unauthorized changes, the functionality and experience of using the software will be relateed, for example Microsoft may repair the software, remove, quarantine or disable any unauthorized changes that may interfere with the proper use of the software, including circumvention of the activation or validation functions of the software, or check and remove malicious or unauthorized software known to be link up to such unauthorized changes, or provide notice that the software is improperly licensed or a non-genuine Windows product and you may receive reminders to obtain a properly licensed copy of the software, or need to follow Microsofts instructions to be licensed to use the software and reactivate, and you may not be able to use or continue to use the software or some of the features of the software, or obtain certain updates or upgrades from Microsoft d. You may only obtain updates or upgrades for the software from Microsoft or authorized sources. For more information on obtaining updates from authorized sources see http//go. microsoft. com/fwlink/? Linkid=96552. 6. POTENTIALLY UNWANTED SOFTWARE. If turned on, Windows Defender will search your computer for spyware, adware and other potentially unwanted software. If it finds potentially unwanted software, the software will ask you if you want to ignore, disable (quarantine) or remove it. whatsoever potentially unwanted software rated high or severe, will automatically be outside after scanning unless you change the default setting. Removing or disabling potentially unwanted software may result in other software on your computer ceasing to work, or your breaking a license to use other software on your computer. By using this software, it is possible that you will also remove or disable software that is not potentially unwanted software. 7. INTERNET-BASED SERVICES. Microsoft provides Internet-based services with t he software. It may change or excise them at any time. a. take for Internet-Based Services. The software features exposit below and in the Windows Vista Privacy Statement connect to Microsoft or service provider computer systems over the Internet. In some cases, you will not receive a separate notice when they connect. You may switch off these features or not use them. For more information about these features, see the Windows Vista Privacy Statement at http//go. microsoft. com/fwlink/? linkid=96553. By using these features, you consent to the transmission of this information. Microsoft does not use the information to identify or contact you.Computer tuition. The following(a) features use Internet protocols, which send to the appropriate systems computer information, such as your Internet protocol address, the type of operating system, browser and name and version of the software you are using, and the language code of the device where you installed the software. Microsoft uses this information to make the Internet-based services available to you. Plug and Play. You may connect new hardware to your device. Your device may not have the drivers needed to communicate with that hardware.If so, the update feature of the software can obtain the good driver from Microsoft and install it on your device. An administrator can disable this update feature. Windows Update. To enable the proper functioning of the Windows Update service in the software (if you use it), updates or downloads to the Windows Update service will be required from time to time and downloaded and installed without further notice to you. Web cloy Features. Features in the software can retrieve related content from Microsoft and provide it to you.Examples of these features are clip art, templates, online training, online assistance and Appshelp. You may take on not to use these sack up content features. digital Certificates. The software uses digital certificates. These digital certificates co nfirm the identity of Internet users sending X. 509 metre encrypted information. They also can be employ to digitally sign tears and macros, to verify the integrity and origin of the file contents. The software retrieves certificates and updates certificate revocation lists over the Internet, when available. Auto Root Update.The Auto Root Update feature updates the list of trusted certificate authorities. You can switch off the Auto Root Update feature. Windows Media Digital Rights Management. Content owners use Windows Media digital rights direction technology (WMDRM) to protect their intellectual property, including copyrights. This software and third ships company software use WMDRM to play and copy WMDRM-protected content. If the software fails to protect the content, content owners may ask Microsoft to plagiarise the softwares major power to use WMDRM to play or copy protected content.Revocation does not affect other content. When you download licenses for protected con tent, you agree that Microsoft may include a revocation list with the licenses. Content owners may require you to upgrade WMDRM to opening their content. Microsoft software that includes WMDRM will ask for your consent prior to the upgrade. If you ances depict an upgrade, you will not be able to entry content that requires the upgrade. You may switch off WMDRM features that rise to power the Internet. When these features are off, you can still play content for which you have a valid license. Windows Media Player.When you use Windows Media Player, it checks with Microsoft for matched online music services in your region new versions of the player and codecs if your device does not have the correct ones for playing content. You can switch off this last feature. For more information, go to http//go. microsoft. com/fwlink/? linkid=44073. Malicious Software removal/Clean On Upgrade. Before installation of the software, the software will check and remove certain malicious software l isted at http//www. support. microsoft. com/? kbid=890830 (Malware) from your device.When the software checks your device for Malware, a report will be sent to Microsoft about any Malware detected or errors that occurred while the software was checking for Malware. No information that can be used to identify you is included in the report. You may disable the softwares Malware reporting functionality by following the instructions found at http//www. support. microsoft. com/? kbid=890830. Network Connectivity Status Icon. This feature determines whether a system is connected to a network by either passive monitoring of network traffic or active DNS or HTTP queries.The oppugn only stirs shopworn TCP/IP or DNS information for routing purposes. You can switch off the active query feature through a registry setting. Windows Time Service. This service synchronizes with time. windows. com once a week to provide your computer with the correct time. You can turn this feature off or choose your preferred time source in spite of appearance the Date and Time Control Panel applet. The connection uses standard NTP protocol. IPv6 Network Address Translation (NAT) Traversal service (Teredo).This feature helps existing home Internet introduction devices transition to IPv6. IPv6 is next generation Internet protocol. It helps enable end-to-end connectivity often needed by peer-to-peer applications. To do so, each time you start up the software the Teredo client service will attempt to range a public Teredo Internet service. It does so by sending a query over the Internet. This query only transfers standard Domain Name Service information to determine if your computer is connected to the Internet and can locate a public Teredo service. If you use an application (e. . Windows Meeting Space) that needs IPv6 connectivity or piece your firewall to al trends enable IPv6 connectivity by default standard Internet Protocol information will be sent to the Teredo service at Microsoft at regular intervals. No other information is sent to Microsoft. You can change this default to use non-Microsoft servers. You can also switch off this feature using a command line utility named netsh. b. Use of Information. Microsoft may use the computer information, error reports, and Malware reports to improve our software and services.We may also share it with others, such as hardware and software vendors. They may use the information to improve how their products run with Microsoft software. c. Misuse of Internet-based Services. You may not use these services in any way that could harm them or impair anyone elses use of them. You may not use the services to try to gain unauthorized access to any service, entropy, account or network by any means. 8. orbital cavity OF LICENSE. The software is licensed, not sold. This agreement only gives you some rights to use the software. The manufacturer or installer and Microsoft reserve all other rights.Unless relevant law gives you more rights despite this demarcation, you may use the software only as expressly permitted in this agreement. In doing so, you must comply with any technical demarcations in the software that only allow you to use it in certain ways. For more information, see the software documentation. You may not work around any technical limitations in the software reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this limitation use components of the software to run applications not running on the software make more copies of the software than specified in this agreement or allowed by applicable law, despite this limitation publish the software for others to copy rent, lease or conduce the software or use the software for commercial software hosting services. 9. MICROSOFT . NET BENCHMARK TESTING. The software includes one or more components of the . NET Framework (. NET Components). You may conduct internal benchm ark examination of those components. You may disclose the results of any benchmark test of those components, provided that you comply with the conditions set forth at http//go. microsoft. com/fwlink/? LinkID=66406.Notwithstanding any other agreement you may have with Microsoft, if you disclose such benchmark test results, Microsoft shall have the right to disclose the results of benchmark tests it conducts of your products that compete with the applicable . NET Component, provided it complies with the same conditions set forth at http//go. microsoft. com/fwlink/? LinkID=66406. 10. reserve COPY. You may make one backup copy of the media. You may use it only to reinstall the software. 11. DOCUMENTATION. Any person that has valid access to your computer or internal network may copy and use the documentation for your internal, reference purposes. 2. NOT FOR RESALE SOFTWARE. You may not sell software marked as NFR or Not for Resale. 13. GEOGRAPHIC RESTRICTIONS. If the software is marke d as requiring activation in a specific geographic region, then you are only permitted to activate this software in the geographic region indicated on the software or device packaging. You may not be able to activate the software outside of that region. For further information on geographic restrictions, visit http//go. microsoft. com/fwlink/? LinkId=99189. 14. UPGRADES. To use upgrade software, you must offset be licensed for the software that is eligible for the upgrade.Upon upgrade, this agreement takes the place of the agreement for the software you upgraded from. After you upgrade, you may no age spacious use the software you upgraded from. 15. PROOF OF LICENSE. a. Genuine Proof of License. If you acquired the software on a device or on a disc or other media, a genuine Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity evaluate with a genuine copy of the software identifies licensed software. To be valid, this cross off must be affix to the device or appear on the manufacturers or insta llers packaging. If you receive the label separately, it is invalid.You should keep the label on the device or the packaging that has the label on it to prove that you are licensed to use the software. If the device comes with more than one genuine Certificate of Authenticity label, you may use each version of the software identified on those labels. b. Windows Anytime Upgrade License. If you upgrade the software using Windows Anytime Upgrade, your conclusion of license is identified by the genuine Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity label for the software you upgraded from, and the genuine Microsoft establishment of purchase label from a Windows Anytime Upgrade Kit you used to upgrade c.To identify genuine Microsoft software, see http//www. howtotell. com. 16. TRANSFER TO A THIRD PARTY. You may transfer the software directly to a third caller only with the licensed device. You may not keep any copies of the software or any preferably version. Before any permitted transfer, th e other party must agree that this agreement applies to the transfer and use of the software. The transfer must include the Certificate of Authenticity label. 17. presentment ABOUT THE MPEG-4 VISUAL commonplace. This software includes MPEG-4 visual decipherment technology. MPEG LA, L. L. C. requires this noticeUSE OF THIS PRODUCT IN all MANNER THAT COMPLIES WITH THE MPEG-4 VISUAL STANDARD IS PROHIBITED, EXCEPT FOR USE straight RELATED TO (A) DATA OR INFORMATION (i) GENERATED BY AND OBTAINED WITHOUT CHARGE FROM A CONSUMER NOT thereby in use(p) IN A line of work ENTERPRISE, AND (ii) FOR personalized USE ONLY AND (B) OTHER USES SPECIFICALLY AND each licenced BY MPEG LA, L. L. C. If you have questions about the MPEG-4 visual standard, please contact MPEG LA, L. L. C. , 250 Steele Street, cortege 300, Denver, Colorado 80206 http//www. mpegla. com. 18. plug-in ABOUT THE VC-1 VISUAL STANDARD.This software may include VC-1 visual decoding technology. MPEG LA, L. L. C. requires t his notice THIS PRODUCT IS accredited UNDER THE VC-1 PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSES FOR THE PERSONAL AND NON-COMMERCIAL USE OF A CONSUMER TO (A) ENCODE VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VC-1 STANDARD (VC-1 VIDEO) OR (B) DECODE VC-1 VIDEO THAT WAS ENCODED BY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A PERSONAL AND NON-COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY AND/OR WAS OBTAINED FROM A VIDEO PROVIDER LICENSED TO PROVIDE VC-1 VIDEO. NO LICENSE IS granted OR SHALL BE IMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE. If you have questions about the VC-1 visual standard, please contact MPEG LA, L.L. C. , 250 Steele Street, Suite 300, Denver, Colorado 80206 http//www. mpegla. com. 19. THIRD PARTY PROGRAMS. The software contains third party programs. The license terms with those programs apply to your use of them. 20. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. The software is subject to United States export laws and regulations. You must comply with all domestic and outside(a) export laws and regulations that apply to the software. These laws include restrictions on destinations, e nd users and end use. For additional information, see http//www. microsoft. com/exporting. 21. SUPPORT SERVICES.Microsoft provides support services for the software as described at http//www. support. microsoft. com/common/international. aspx. If you are using software that is not properly licensed, you will not be entitled to receive support services. 22. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement (including the warrant below), additional terms (including any printed-paper license terms that accompany the software and may modify or replace some or all of these terms), and the terms for supplements, updates, Internet-based services and support services that you use, are the wide agreement for the software and support services. 3. APPLICABLE LAW. a. United States. If you acquired the software in the United States, Washington stir law governs the interpretation of this agreement and applies to claims for breach of it, regardless of conflict of laws principles. The laws of the state where you live govern all other claims, including claims under state consumer protection laws, unfair competition laws, and in tort. b. Outside the United States. If you acquired the software in any other expanse, the laws of that country apply. 24. LEGAL EFFECT. This agreement describes certain legal rights.You may have other rights under the laws of your state or country. You may also have rights with respect to the party from whom you acquired the software. This agreement does not change your rights under the laws of your state or country if the laws of your state or country do not permit it to do so. 25. LIMITATION ON AND EXCLUSION OF DAMAGES. Except for any refund the manufacturer or installer may provide, you cannot recover any other damages, including consequential, lost profits, special, indirect or incidental damages.This limitation applies to anything related to the software, services, content (including code) on third party Internet sites, or third party programs and claims for b reach of contract, breach of endorsement, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence, or other tort to the extent permitted by applicable law. It also applies even if repair, replacement or a refund for the software does not fully cover you for any losses or Microsoft knew or should have known about the possibility of the damages.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. They also may not apply to you because your country may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or other damages. *********************************************************************** limit WARRANTY A. LIMITED WARRANTY. If you follow the instructions and the software is properly licensed, the software will perform well as described in the Microsoft materials that you receive in or with the software.B. TERM OF WARRANTY WARRANTY recipient LENGTH OF ANY IMPLIED WARRAN TIES. The contain countenance covers the software for 90 days after acquired by the first user. If you receive supplements, updates, or replacement software during those 90 days, they will be covered for the remainder of the warranty or 30 days, whichever is longer. If you transfer the software, the remainder of the warranty will apply to the recipient. To the extent permitted by law, any implied warranties, guarantees or conditions last only during the term of the limited warranty.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so these limitations may not apply to you. They also might not apply to you because some countries may not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty, guarantee or condition lasts. C. EXCLUSIONS FROM WARRANTY. This warranty does not cover problems caused by your acts (or failures to act), the acts of others, or events beyond the reasonable control of the manufacturer or installer, or Microsoft. D. indemnify FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY.The manufacturer or installer will, at its election, either (i) repair or replace the software at no charge, or (ii) accept return of the product(s) for a refund of the amount paid, if any. The manufacturer or installer may also repair or replace supplements, updates and replacement software or provide a refund of the amount you paid for them, if any. contact the manufacturer or installer about its policy. These are your only remedies for breach of the limited warranty. E. CONSUMER RIGHTS NOT AFFECTED. You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws, which this agreement cannot change. F.WARRANTY PROCEDURES. Contact the manufacturer or installer to find out how to obtain warranty service for the software. For a refund, you must comply with the manufacturers or installers return policies. G. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. The limited warranty is the only direct warranty from the manufacturer or installer, or Microsoft. The manufacturer or installer and Microsoft give no other express warranties, guarantees or conditions. Where allowed by your local laws, the manufacturer or installer and Microsoft exclude implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.If your local laws give you any implied warranties, guarantees or conditions, despite this exclusion, your remedies are described in the Remedy for Breach of guaranty clause above, to the extent permitted by your local laws. H. LIMITATION ON AND EXCLUSION OF DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY. The point of accumulation on and Exclusion of Damages clause above applies to breaches of this limited warranty. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which parti-color from state to state. You may also have other rights which vary from country to country. MICROSOFT WINDOWS VISTA HOME BASIC SERVICE PACK 1ADDITIONAL LICENSE TERMS. The following additional license terms apply to Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic. 1. Device C onnections. You may allow up to 5 other devices to connect to the software installed on the licensed device to use File Services, Print Services, Internet Information Services and Internet Connection share-out and Telephony Services. However, you may not exceed a tot of 5 connections at one time. 2. outback(a) Access Technologies. You may remotely access and use the software installed on the licensed device from other device to share a session using Remote Assistance or similar technologies.A session means the experience of interacting with the software, directly or indirectly, through any combination of input, output and display peripherals. 3. Other Remote Uses. You may allow any number of devices to access the software installed on the licensed device for purposes other than those described in the Device Connections and Remote Access Technologies sections above, such as to synchronize data between devices. 4. Use with Virtualization Technologies. You may not use the software i nstalled on the licensed device within a virtual (or differently emulated) hardware system. MICROSOFT WINDOWS VISTA HOME PREMIUM SERVICE PACK 1ADDITIONAL LICENSE TERMS. The following additional license terms apply to Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium. 1. Device Connections. You may allow up to 10 other devices to connect to the software installed with the licensed device to use File Services, Print Services, Internet Information Services and Internet Connection Sharing and Telephony Services. However, you may not exceed a total of 10 connections at one time. 2. Remote Access Technologies. You may remotely access and use the software installed on the licensed device from another device to share a session using Remote Assistance or similar technologies.A session means the experience of interacting with the software, directly or indirectly, through any combination of input, output and display peripherals. 3. Other Remote Uses. You may allow any number of devices to access the softw are installed on the licensed device for purposes other than those described in the Device Connections and Remote Access Technologies sections above, such as to synchronize data between devices. 4. Use with Virtualization Technologies. You may not use the software installed on the licensed device within a virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system. 5. Media core group Extender.You may have 5 Media Center Extender Sessions (or other software or devices which provide similar functionality for a similar purpose) running at the same time to display the software user interface or content on other displays or devices. 6. electronic Programming Guide. If the software includes access to an electronic programming guide service that displays customized television listings, a separate service agreement applies to the service. If you do not agree to the terms of the service agreement, you may continue to use the software, but you will not be able to use the electronic programming guide se rvice.The service may contain announce content and related data, which are received and stored by the software. The service is not available in all areas. Please consult the software information for instructions on accessing the service agreement. 7. Related Media Information. If you request related media information as part of your playback experience, the data provided to you may not be in your local language. Some countries or regions have laws and regulations which may restrict or limit your ability to access certain types of content. 8. Consent to Update Infrared Emitter/Receiver.The software may contain technology to realise the proper functioning of the unseeable emitter/receiver device that ships with certain Media Center-based products. By accepting these license terms, you agree that the software may update the firmware of this device. 9. WORLDWIDE USE OF THE MEDIA CENTER. Media Center is not designed for use in every country. For example, although the Media Center info rmation may refer to certain features such as an electronic programming guide or provide information on how to configure a TV tuner, these features may not work in your area.Please refer to the Media Center information for a list of features that may not work in your area. 10. NOTICE ABOUT THE MPEG-2 VISUAL STANDARD. This software includes MPEG-2 visual decoding technology. MPEG LA, L. L. C. requires this notice USE OF THIS PRODUCT IN ANY MANNER THAT COMPLIES WITH THE MPEG 2 VISUAL STANDARD IS PROHIBITED, EXCEPT FOR USE DIRECTLY RELATED TO (A) DATA OR INFORMATION (i) GENERATED BY AND OBTAINED WITHOUT CHARGE FROM A CONSUMER NOT THEREBY ENGAGED IN A BUSINESS ENTERPRISE, AND (ii) FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY AND (B) OTHER USES SPECIFICALLY AND SEPARATELY LICENSED BY MPEG LA, L.L. C. If you have questions about the MPEG-2 visual standard, please contact MPEG LA, L. L. C. , 250 Steele Street, Suite 300, Denver, Colorado 80206 http//www. mpegla. com. MICROSOFT WINDOWS VISTA ULTIMATE SERVICE PACK 1 ADDITIONAL LICENSE TERMS. The following additional license terms apply to Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate. 1. Device Connections. You may allow up to 10 other devices to connect to the software installed on the licensed device to use File Services, Print Services, Internet Information Services and Internet Connection Sharing and Telephony Services.However, you may not exceed a total of 10 connections at one time. 2. Remote Access Technologies. You may access and use the software installed on the licensed device remotely from another device using remote access technologies as follows. Remote Desktop. The single primary user of the licensed device may access a session from any other device using Remote Desktop or similar technologies. A session means the experience of interacting with the software, directly or indirectly, through any combination of input, output and display peripherals.Other users may access a session from any device using these technologies, if the remote device is separately licensed to run the software. Other Access Technologies. You may use Remote Assistance or similar technologies to share an active session. 3. Other Remote Uses. You may allow any number of devices to access the software installed on the licensed device for purposes other than those described in the Device Connections and Remote Access Technologies sections above, such as to synchronize data between devices. 4. Use with Virtualization Technologies.You may use the software installed on the licensed device within a virtual (or otherwise emulated) hardware system on the licensed device. If you do so, you may not play or access content or use applications protected by any Microsoft digital, information or enterprise rights commission technology or other Microsoft rights management services or use BitLocker. We advise against playing or accessing content or using applications protected by other digital, information or enterprise rights management technology or other rights management services or using full volume turn drive encryption. 5. Media Center Extender.You may have 5 Media Center Extender Sessions (or other software or devices which provide similar functionality for a similar purpose) running at the same time to display the software user interface or content on other displays or devices. 6. Electronic Programming Guide. If the software includes access to an electronic programming guide service that displays customized television listings, a separate service agreement applies to the service. If you do not agree to the terms of the service agreement, you may continue to use the software, but you will not be able to use the electronic programming guide service.The service may contain advertising content and related data, which are received and stored by the software. The service is not available in all areas. Please consult the software information for instructions on accessing the service agreement. 7. Related Media Information. If you request related media information as part of your playback experience, the data provided to you may not be in your local language. Some countries or regions have laws and regulations which may restrict or limit your ability to access certain types of content. 8. Consent to Update Infrared Emitter/Receiver.The software may contain technology to ensure the proper functioning of the infrared emitter/receiver device that ships with certain Media Center-based products. By accepting these license terms, you agree that the software may update the firmware of this device. 9. Worldwide Use Of The Media Center. Media Center is not designed for use in every country. For example, although the Media Center information may refer to certain features such as an electronic programming guide or provide information on how to configure a TV tuner, these features may not work in your area.Please refer to the Media Center information for a list of features that may not work in your area. 10. NOTICE ABOUT THE MPE G-2 VISUAL STANDARD. This software includes MPEG-2 visual decoding technology. MPEG LA, L. L. C. requires this notice USE OF THIS PRODUCT IN ANY MANNER THAT COMPLIES WITH THE MPEG 2 VISUAL STANDARD IS PROHIBITED, EXCEPT FOR USE DIRECTLY RELATED TO (A) DATA OR INFORMATION (i) GENERATED BY AND OBTAINED WITHOUT CHARGE FROM A CONSUMER NOT THEREBY ENGAGED IN A BUSINESS ENTERPRISE, AND (ii) FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY AND (B) OTHER USES SPECIFICALLY AND SEPARATELY LICENSED BY MPEG LA, L.L. C. If you have questions about the MPEG-2 visual standard, please contact MPEG LA, L. L. C. , 250 Steele Street, Suite 300, Denver, Colorado 80206 http//www. mpegla. com. 11. DOWNGRADE. Instead of using the software, you may use one of the following former versions Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Microsoft Windows Professional x64 Edition, or Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition. This agreement applies to your use of the earlier versions.If the earlier version includes different components, any terms fo r those components in the agreement that comes with the earlier version apply to your use of them. Neither the manufacturer or installer, nor Microsoft is obligated to supply earlier versions to you. You must obtain the earlier version separately. At any time, you may replace an earlier version with this version of the software. EULAIDVistaSP1_R1. 0_CONSUMER_OEM_en-US
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