Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mining Group Gold Essay

Introduction Thomas Kayser, author of Mining Gold: How to Cash in on the Collaborative Brain Power of a Team for Innovation and Results, stated in his book â€Å"If you can’t or won’t take the time to do the simple preparatory work, you haven’t earned the right to convene a group session.† Kayser developed a way for teams to collectively combine all efforts in a meeting. He named this method Mining Group Gold. Five Basic Steps According to FUNDAMENTALS, Kayser has set five basic steps for Mining Group Gold. These steps are: Determining the purpose of the session. Determining the desired outcomes of the session. Determining who will be the facilitator, scribe, and time keeper of the meeting. According to Trenton Hightower, there should also be a primary and secondary facilitator. The Primary Facilitator focuses on the group dynamics, controls the flow of the meetings, and when distractions occur the primary facilitator is in charge of intervening. The Secondary Facilitator is everyone in the group because they are responsible for creating a productive group session. The Timekeeper monitors how long each task takes to accomplish. The Scribe keeps track of what is being said on flip charts that can be hung on the wall for future reference. Determining the agenda. Allocating a time for each agenda item. Dealing with Emotion Kayser mentions in his book that there is a process to be taken when dealing with emotions called â€Å"Feelings-Facts-Solutions.† FUNDAMENTALS gives examples of how to properly deal with each of these steps, and they are: Feelings: Accepting, acknowledging, and processing feelings in a way that the team can move on to facts. One way that is suggested is to have every member in the group write down how they feel. Each group member will then present it to the group and they will work together to solve the problem. Facts: Objectively generate and develop facts that can be used to identify and  analyze problems. Solutions: Generate potential solutions, and make decisions as a group on a way of implementing and evaluating the solutions. Improving Teamwork I believe that Mining Group Gold is a great way to work on building team work within a team because it allows for everyone in the group to voice their opinions and feelings, and not just one person controls the whole meeting. It also allows for great communication for these same reasons. Everyone is able to share how they are feeling with the group, and everyone is expected to participate in creating solutions to any problems that might arise. Citations Effective Meetings: Part 1- The Fundamentals. Facilitating a Meeting. (p. 30-31) Received August 16, 2014 from Hightower, Trenton. Mining Group Gold: A Cooperative Approach to Meeting Effectiveness.. Received August 16, 2014 from Kayser, Thomas. (2011). Mining Group Gold, Third Edition: How to Cash in on the Collaborative Brain Power of a Team for Innovation and Results. McGraw Hill Professional.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Drama; the Crucible and Vinegar Tom

Introduction Vinegar Tom was written by Caryl Churchill, a feminist, in 1976 but set in the 17th Century. The play was inspired by the women’s rights act of 1970, and the discrimination of women. The title comes from the name of a horrible creature which is supposed to be a witch’s familiar. It is about how four naive and innocent women’s lives are affected throughout the Salem witch-hunts. Modernised song, dance and rhythm are used to combine the horror of the past and attitudes which have carried on to our world today. The plot includes lots of witchcraft and demonstrates clear discrimination of women at that time, outlining society’s rejection of people who have differences. Vinegar Tom was influenced by Bertolt Brecht, Churchill, like Brecht wanted people to think about what they had saw, instead of just engrossing themselves in an entertaining play, she wanted them to act on their decisions of the play, and not getting too emotionally involved with plot or characters. She does this by using epic theatre, so the audience thinks about what is happening, not what is going to happen, plus the use of non- realistic songs to break tension and add political comment. The play is relevant to today’s audience as it looks at how prejudice against women is still occurring. The Crucible was written by Arthur Miller in 1953 and set in 1692, based on the actual events which led to the Salem Witch Trials, leading to the deaths of over 150 people accused of witchcraft. The play was in response to McCarthyism: where a committee in America grew fearful that the communism would destroy the capitalist American way of life. They made witnesses come to answer charges that they were a communist and give names of other communists; Miller was made to appear before the committee. This was called McCarthyism; Senator McCarthy making the US government get rid of communists; mirrored in the play where women were accused because of unknown causes to bad events, they were then forced to name other ‘witches’, Adding to this Miller’s failed marriage with Monroe was partly because of his guilt and confusion from his previous marriage. This is represented in The Crucible, by Proctor having an affair with Abigail, behind his wife Elizabeth’s back. It all escalates, eventually Proctor is in court arguing his innocence, when he says, ‘I have three children – how may I teach them to walk like men in the world, and I sold my friends? ’ I think this is how Miller felt when in front of the committee, now expressing himself through Proctor. These events helped Miller connect with the witchcraft trials two centuries before in Salem, influencing him to write ‘The Crucible’. The story is about young girls who after dancing in the woods get accused of witchcraft, Reverend Parris, both father of one girl and uncle of another, calls an expert who agrees that the girls’ strange behaviour is the devil’s work. This leads the girls to accusing others and being scapegoats for the problems in the community. The religious court does not rest until it discovers who the cause of all the evil is. The crucible is relevant to today’s audience as it looks at betrayal and how gossip can have devastating effects. The play is influenced by Konstantin Stanislavski, because Miller wanted the play to be naturalistic to reflect the real story. Stanislavski is primarily known for Realism, where he bases his methods on personal experiences, using ‘emotion memory’, getting actors to this of their own experiences to embrace an emotion, making the performance as close to real life as it can get. Also using ‘Given circumstances’, where actors are aware of the facts about the character, not only in the script but the social, historical and political facts. Plus Stanislavski influenced Miller to use realistic sets, keeping everything as realistic as possible. Social Cultural Historical Political The Crucible was based on puritan people in Salem 1692. Their society was theocratic, where God was the states civil ruler. The tragedy all began from a combination of economic conditions, jealousies and teenage boredom. Adding to this, not far away there was an Indian war, which guided the community to believe the devil was around. There were lots of possible causes for the witch hunts in Salem, first the religious society strongly believed in Satan and how he had people performing witchcraft for him; believing you can tell which people are witches by certain symptoms. Plus, because Salem was having so many problems, it appeared likely that the devil was at work; smallpox, Indian war. Secondly, teenagers had little freedom; working on the land and focusing on religion. Adding to this, old feuds and ideas of revenge arose. People saw witch hunting as a possible way of sorting out enemies, and gaining land and arguments over land ownership (most of the accused where financially better off) was a major contributor to who lived and died. Miller uses this to add context to the play, he mirrors the hysteria in Salem to the fear of being accused of communism in the U. S. The Crucible is accurate to what went on in Salem 1692, but he changed some details to make it more accessible and relevant to today’s audiences; Abigail in truth was 14, but Miller thought this would distract away from the main plot, because it is socially unacceptable today for a man and 14 year old to have a sexual relationship, so he changed her age to 17; making the affair more realistic as Proctors life is supposed to make him look like a tragic hero A Contempory audience can relate to the play in the sense that everyone has been betrayed, or felt victimized at some point in their life, which helps the play have meaning and importance to the audience. Scenes which happened years ago, can still be reflected, one way or another, in today’s society. Similarly, Vinegar Tom links the ideology of witch hunts and hysteria and power with her feminist theme, about women’s sexuality, based around the 17th Century major English witch hunts and social changes. Churchill noticed how the poor have always suffered, and how silly the witches’ offences were. She wanted to write a play about witches with no witches in it, showing the prejudice against women and the humiliation they endured, about poverty humiliation and prejudice, how women accused of being witches saw themselves. The audience can also relate to Vinegar Tom, thinking about prejudices today, and how we can prevent them. Especially because she is a feminist writer, we think about the meaning of some of the prejudices we hold, and how women are treated back then and today, because there are still arguments today about women being equal to men, in religion and general society. In both plays, Salem warns us to improve how we judge people, and to rethink our prejudices. The crucible is strongly influenced by Stanislavski. Stanislavski was a realist who wanted performances to be as natural as possible. He founded the Moscow Art Theatre. His philosophy was that actors should be true to their given circumstances of the character -conveying internal thoughts and feelings. We did this by thinking about our past experiences, when we have felt jealous, alienated, or scared, this makes performance more authentic when we had to embrace these emotions. Plus, Stanislavski wanted believable acting, without exaggerating. Stanislavski also encouraged trial and error, so we kept practicing until we found appropriate emotion memories which stimulated the best response from the actor for the scene. Another way to create realistic acting was to put you in the circumstances as the actor; ‘given circumstances’. Using your imagination- you are the character you’re playing, as most actors haven’t actually experienced what their character has, so Stanislavski technique, the ‘magic if’ puts yourself in the situation. Circle of Attention’, another Stanislavski technique, the area of focus an actor should hold, without getting distracted, because if you become distracted, performance could look artificial. We used these techniques in workshops: ‘Given Circumstances’, making sure we were aware of the story properly, then thinking about how it must feel for everyone you knew to want you dea d, like the accused must have felt. Then putting this emotion into performance. ProctorDo you look for a whipping? AbigailI look for John Proctor that took me from my sleep and put knowledge in my heart! You loved me, John Proctor, and whatever sin it is, you love me yet! In a workshop, we focused on Act 1, where Abigail and Proctor are discussing their relationship. First, I played Abigail in the above section; I portrayed her to be very frustrated. Then before I tried again, I thought about how Abigail must feel, a young girl who has unrequited love for Proctor, seeing him still stand by his wife, I would feel jealous and angry, frustrated that he can’t see how we should be together. My parents were murdered in front of me when I was a young child, and I have never felt love since, so Proctors love I cannot loose! My heart would be breaking. When I applied this new feeling to my performance, it became for realistic and emotionally powerful showing my devastation and heart ache as well as frustration, making me more vocally aware. This gave me insight to how Abigail feels and helped me to characterize her. Secondly, we imagined Elizabeth being a ‘fly-on-the-wall’. What her thoughts would be watching: shocked but almost pleased that Proctor is rejecting Abigail, and then we imagined Abigail’s thoughts in Act 4, when Proctor is in the cell talking to Elizabeth. This gave us real insight to link the characters objective and the motivation for their activities. Additionally, realistic sets would be used in the crucible to add a sense of truth, realistic like Stanislavski idea. Moscow Art Theatres’ philosophy was to make theatre a central concern. Vinegar Tom is written with influences from Brecht. Brecht studied Marxism, the political philosophy which analyses capitalism and a theory of social change; which links to how Churchill focused the play around feminism and social change. He wanted theatre to provoke thought, the audience to make decisions on what they saw, instead of apathy. Brecht wanted the audience to be entertained without getting too emotionally involved. He did this by keeping things minimal- sets and costumes, using narrators to tell the audience what is going to happen, multi-character, montage scenes, epic theatre, songs to break tension and letting the audience remember they are watching actor’s not actual characters. Plus Churchill includes songs, which is a music influence from Brecht, entertaining songs to break tension, but with serious ideas behind them. In a workshop we explored scene fourteen: We decided to use epic theatre to exaggerate the alternation between characters and to make more amusing. In my pair, we decided to start off at the back of the stage and move forward at each line, acting what we said. Margery: ‘struck me in the head’ – jack literally strikes her in the head. Adding comedy and exaggeration, distancing the audience but keeping them connected to the themes. Plus we used minimal props to symbolize set. This kept the audience entertained still, but reminded them they were watching actors in a play. Characterization/ Interpretation: We each chose a character from The Crucible and selected some speech for them. Then we had to create a freeze frame stance and say their lines, the rest of the class then debated who we were: Parris’the devil lives on such confidences, without confidences there could be no conspiracy, your honor! ’ I stood in this position, non verbally portraying myself to be Parris –>> Leaning forward, as Parris leans towards destruction, with hand gestures, palms up almost in prayer, to show Parris’s religious side, showing my eagerness to persuade/ make a point about Proctors life and that devils don’t exist. Plus making eye contact with the person whom he’s talking too. Facially, I looked concerned but angry/frustrated. Vocally I sounded confident, sure of myself, Parris’s power, he feels guilty that he helped to create the appearance of witch craft so the first clause I said calmly and quiet, but then gained pace and volume. This had a powerful impact, showing Parris’s confidence and regret. Vinegar Tom we characterized Ellen in Scene Nine by trying her with different personalities, then deciding which one fit best. The three ideas we came up with were: †¢ Old lady – fragile, soft voice, quiet but firm, glasses, squinty eyes. †¢ ‘Hippy’ – Stood tall, confident, happy young voice, feminine, talked faster. ‘Witch’ – Hunched back, croaky voice, stutter, open-aware eyes, slow creepy voice. We decided the old lady worked best, as it made her look wise and knowledgeable but without making her look evil. The hippy looked to young and felt to naive for the character. Next we thought of the circumstances for Alice, she is young, single, her mother is an alcoholic- Joan, who Alice cares for. She wants to go and see the witch trials in London, ironically, as she gets hung in the end. Susan thinks Alice always talks about men. She doesn’t say she is lonely, but I think she wants a man to love her, for companionship. I like the use of language in Scene twenty-two Vinegar Tom, the alternation between Sprenger and Kramer, Brecht’s Epic Theatre to reduce tension, making it comical but at the same time keeping us involved with the story and facts about what is going on. Both characters say approximate equal amounts. Scene Twenty-One Sprenger: He’s Kramer. Kramer: He’s Sprenger. Kramer/ Sprenger: Professors of Theology Kramer: Delegated by letters apostolic Sprenger: (here’s a toast, non-alcoholic) Kramer: Inquisitors of heretical pravities Sprenger: we must fill those moral cavities Kramer: so we’ve written a book Sprenger: Malleus Maleficarum Kramer: The Hammer of Witches Sprenger: It works like a charm Kramer: to discover witches Sprenger: and torture no hitches. Kramer: Why is a greater number of witches found in the fragile feminine sex to men? Sprenger: Why is a greater number of witches found in the fragile feminine sex to men? Kramer: ‘All wickedness is but little to the wickedness of a woman. ’ Ecclesiastes. Non verbal Communication/ Interpreation: gesture, facial expression, movement, mime, freeze frames, physical theatre We watched the beginning of The Crucible, a film, the director elected to show the children going to the woods to dance. We thought this gave too much away too soon, so began thinking of other ways to begin the play and develop the appropriate atmosphere. We decided to experiment by doing a selection of still images about the ideas in the play; this is a Brecht idea, letting the audience know more before they have watched the play, but we wanted to set the scene with an original impact. We needed to communicate non-verbally, considering facial expression, gesture and levels. The tableau we did was the cross on the floor (physical theatre to create cross) with characters on blocks looking down at it; symbolizing the corruption of religion on the Salem society. Secondly we had all the characters on stage pointing at each other, at different levels, on chairs, floor etc; representing blame and rumours. Finally, there was a abstract image of a dance, with Elizabeth looking at Abigail and Proctor dancing, showing the juxtaposition of the innocent dancing girls on the final impact of the affair. I would include these images before the play to give the audience a taster of what is to come, to grab their interest and make them think about what they could mean. We used physical theatre in an exercise for Vinegar Tom, using our bodies as the set and props. For example, for scene 1, on the roadside, a few of us stood back to back with arms out; we were a sign post, and others used levels to create plants as it was a rural area. Visual/ Spatial We considered a few types of staging for Vinegar Tom and the crucible; in-the-round, Proscenium Arch and thrust. In-the-round staging wouldn’t fit with Brecht’s ideas as it is too realistic and the audience would feel really involved for Vinegar Tom. Plus, it would be difficult for the action to engage everyone in the audience, as there would always be a section which couldn’t see. I don’t think this would be best suited as it involves the audience too much. Alternatively, it would be good for The Crucible as it involves audience and creates an interesting, realistic atmosphere. But I think it would get too complicated when lots of characters are on stage; too busy to see clearly. Thrust staging like in-the-round, is intimate, and can still have blind spots. Although it can have more props and is easier to perform without blocking views too badly. Again, I don’t think this would suit Vinegar Tom s it would include the audience too much, but it would suit my interpretation of The Crucible as it IS intimate with the audience and includes realistic, props and staging. Throughout The Crucible there is a variety of locations, so it is difficult to choose a stage, particularly Act 3, The ‘Bird’ Scene because all characters are important to see, this is why I chose Thrust Staging, personal and realistic, and more room to see more action. If I were to direct this scene, I would have it diagonally, so action can be scene by all 3 sides. First, I would have Hale higher up then the other characters, this gives him authority. Abigail and Proctor are spaced so Abigail can be seen looking over at Proctor, as well as Elizabeth. The relationship between all three characters on stage is a triangle, like the love triangle they used to be in. ADD CELL SCENE LAYOUT? SOUNDS Proscenium Arch distances the audience from the drama, this links with how Brecht wanted the audience to remember they are watching a play. Plus the actors can address the audience directly, another idea of Brecht. Plus the simple set can be moved around easily. This is the stage I would choose for Vinegar Tom. Scene Nineteen JOAN and Ellen are hanged while MARGERY prays. MARGERY: Dear God, thank you for saving us. Let us live safe now. I have scrubbed the dairy out. You have shown your power in destroying the wicked, and you show it in blessing the good. You have helped me in my struggle against the witches, help me in my daily struggle. Help me work harder and our good harvests will be to your glory. Bless Miss Betty’s marriage and let her live happy. Bless Jack and keep him safe from evil and let him love me nd give us the land, ahem. [pic] AUDIENCE If I was to do this scene, on a proscenium arch, I would have Margery in the foreground and the girls in the background. This keeps attention on Margery, but the audience can relate her monologue to the hangings, putting it in context. After ‘glory’, I would have a pause, then the hanging. As the girls step down from the block (as they ‘hang’) I would have Marg ery go down on to her knees for prayer, ‘Bless†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This simultaneous change of levels would draw the audience in, thinking about how Margery’s prayer and the hangings are related. Ellen and Joan’s backs would be to the audience so that their hangings are more symbolic then emotional. I think Vinegar Tom could be modernized, and the actors could wear modern everyday clothes, this is a Brecht technique, reminding the audience they are actors. I think The Crucible can’t be modernized, it is the history of 1692, so characters would be wearing clothing (picture) from that period of time, using the slang and dialect from that period. ———————– The book title is violent. ‘Hammer’ is a destructive word, like the destruction of witches. Non-alcoholic makes them sound innocent and good, which is the contrast to their ideas and book on witches. Academic lexis, implying they are knowledgeable; so their book will be truthful and correct. The repetition emphasizes the fact that most witches are female. Informal introduction, comical stand up style, introducing each other. Scene twenty-one is like an Aside, a speech to the audience, but in the style of a comical stand up or advert. They alternate lines to add interest and capture people’s attention. Rhyme for comic effect, combining Kramer and Sprenger as one person. Reference to philosopher suggests wisdom. [pic] [pic] [pic]

Monday, July 29, 2019

Paraphrase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Paraphrase - Essay Example Some of them included: the American Standards Association, Crystal Eastman’ Work Accidents, and United Mine Workers. The era was marked by the perception that workers’ safety was necessary and that accidents at the workplace were mental. Safety concerns in the agricultural sector, the steel industry, and several other manufacturing industries had outstanding records. Of these industries, the Steel one led the way with the ideas by Fredrick Taylor making major contributions in creating a safe environment for the management. Taylor developed a favorable interaction between management policies, various processes, and worker schedule (McGerr, 2010). In addition, the researches in this period discovered that most accidents were psychologically made and that the only remedy was to create awareness and train individuals about the issue. However, the 1930s made it difficult for workers to sue those who violated the safety regulations due to the introduction of thoughts from the West. The Judiciary became stricter in ruling out cases, since they would consider the level of fault from both sides of the coin; the workers and the company in question. Following such challenges, there was little evidence that the psychological wa y of looking at safety was convenient. It was also a hard task for researchers to convince people that science and investigation would precisely solve the issue, thus the occupational approach became less popular. The Energy exchange theory consists of ideas related to modern science. It developed a connection between human injury and the various forms of energy. According to this theory, the first set of injuries meddles with the whole body. The energy exchanges establish the environment in which people’s fears, personalities, and goals play out. For example, when one kidney fails, the activities of the entire body are interfered with, since energy is not equally distributed or some chemical functions are not in order. In the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Museography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Museography - Essay Example he same meaning as globalisation, these terms are far from the present definition of globalisation and far from appropriately expressing the status of contemporary art. Globalisation at present is defined as the growth of the relationship of nations beyond territories (Scholte 42) which in if examined further, means a relationship that is not limited by territorial boundaries of countries. The global relationship that is free from the restrictions of territory gives way to the further exploration of cultures, customs and economic practices of other nations while also providing the chance of explorative collaboration of nations with a common goal of improving bonds and creating innovations among nations. Moreover, globalisation in this sense means crossing even the boundaries set by society on matters that are socially acceptable and those considered taboo by the public. After clearly defining the term globalisation in relation to Hou Hanru’s statement, it is now easy to analyze the effects of the contemporary definition globalisation to the art world relative to Hou Hanru’s statement on promoting different cultures and fusing these cultures through art. Analyzing the effects of globalisation to the art world would mean looking into every perspective of the connection between the concept of globalisation and art. Some angles that would help in better understanding of the interrelation between globalisation and art are the readiness of nations to accept differences in cultures and art ideas; the willingness to fuse art concepts; and the openness to incorporate new ideas and elements into concepts of art. The preparedness of nations in accepting cultures and concepts of other nations taking into consideration that some cultures and ideas may have some conflict points with each other would be an area of concern because this may cause misunderstanding among nations. For instance, an incident in the Interpol art exhibition in Sweden wherein the art event was to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Strategic IT Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Strategic IT Management - Assignment Example Introduction of several differentiated products and expected technology revolution increased the needs of customers. Since then, the organizations are always trying to develop several effective business and operational strategies in order to survive in the competitive global business market. E-commerce is the example of modern technological revolution. Several global, glocal and local organizations are providing the facility of online goods and services to their customers through this e-commerce concept. Mobile commerce or M-commerce is an important evolving area of e-commerce. The mobile commerce helps their users to interact with several service providers through a wireless network and mobile. Moreover, in mobile commerce process, mobile devices are being used for transaction processing and information retrieval. Location based service is an important mobile application that is introduced by the mobile industry in order to fulfil the demand of the customers. However, the study will analyze and evaluate several aspects of mobile application and location based services. In order to support the evaluation, several background theories have been applied in this study. This evaluation will help the readers to understand the significance of mobile commerce and location-based services. Identification of Key Ares The complications of modern life are dramatically changing due to change in purchasing or consumption process of the customers. It is difficult for the people to consume time for traditional shopping processes and activities due to their daily busy work schedule. Mobile commerce is a significant and important aspect of e-commerce. People generally place their orders through several mobile commerce applicatio

OPERATIONS STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

OPERATIONS STRATEGY AND MANAGEMENT - Essay Example McDonalds has a huge supply chain network spread globally and the company puts lots of concentration over its supply chain as it is in the food division so maintenance of the quality of the food items and protecting them from getting damaged. The diagram showing the complete supply chain network of the company is been given below (Bass, 2010, pp. 89-96). The flow of information and also the flow of the materials give a clear indication in as to how important the supply chain is for the company. The company uses various transport medium like for transporting the materials which are perishable are been transported using cold vans which has freezer facilities which helps the company to maintain the quality of the item (Manos and Vincent, 2012, pp. 65-68). Company has looked to get local suppliers for supply of vegetables which can be availed in the fresh way. It has distributors in the supply chain in every city where all the raw materials come from the various suppliers of vegetables, breads, meats, milk items etc. From these distributors the materials are been supplied to the various outlets and restaurants using cold vans and trucks. The time limit for every supply of raw materials is 3 days, that is after every 3 days new stock of raw materials are been supplied to the stores and the maximum stock been maintained in the stores are only for 3 days which helps the company to keep the freshness of the product as a result of which the quality of the food item is been maintained in a good way (Wireman, 2004, pp. 113-115). McDonalds looks to maintain a good relation with the suppliers by providing them good facilities and good knowledge regarding good maintenance of the animals and also gives information to the vegetable suppliers regarding the various methods used for maintaining the quality and freshness of the vegetables. The company ma intains a simple policy of one material-one supplier to give the suppliers under control and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Spss assingment Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Spss assingment - Speech or Presentation Example raw score table above, it is evident that the use of calculator results into a very high mean score of 116.60 compared to without the use of no calculator. However, in calculator use, the standard deviation of the score is 7.1 compared to 5.1 without calculator. The amount of spread is higher on using a calculator. The t-test shows that, the score with and without a calculator is statistically different at 95% level of significance with a p = .000. in this case, the comparison of the means in the best test used since mean measures centrally the whole data. The mean of the scores in not special education is 106.60 with a standard deviation of 11.62 while that for special education is 106.70 with a standard deviation of 12.74. The mean difference is not statistically different at 95% level of significance and p = .986. This shows that, special education and not special education have got almost the same score level. The mean score for the recently traumatized is 32.15 with a standard deviation of 25.87. The not recently traumatized had a smaller mean of 31.80 with a standard deviation of 24.72. The mean is the best measure of central tendency used to determine the data distribution. The standard deviation on the other hand is the best in showing the data

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Effective Team and Performance Management Essay - 6

Effective Team and Performance Management - Essay Example The benchmark for turnaround times range between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. The team leader ensured that each team member was equipped with bottled oxygen and steroids for emergency in case of serious exhaustion. Our team reached the Southeast Ridge Balcony approximately five and half hours after departure. This is one of the most difficult points to climb. Our team gradually ascended along the Balcony from around 8 a.m. to 10 a.m (Kayes, 2004). Did the team project work as expected or not expected? The team project did not work out as planned because not all members reached the summit. Most gave up ascending at Hillary Step due to wastage of time and snarl-ups. One of the expedition leaders breached the agreement regarding the order at which each team would begin for final summit. The team was not armed with radios for communication. One our team member was severely exhausted when we reached the Southeast Balcony. I together with another team pulled the climber with assisted with guide Sher pa. Moreover, our team was caught up in bottleneck. We could not proceed beyond that point because safety ropes had not been fixed. Our team together with other teams joined hands to secure the fixed safety ropes to secure our next mountain climbing session. This marked the onset of series of bottlenecks that were to occur in the course of our climbing. Our sojourn at Hillary Step took roughly an hour. Again, we were caught up in traffic snarl up, since long queue of climbers behind us was waiting for their turn to climb. Ropes had not been fixed as anticipated. We could not communicate to those below us, because we lacked radios. Unnecessary anxiety and confusion among climbers was looming. This point was approximately 28,800 feet beneath peak of Mount Everest. The previous climbers had not secured the ropes to facilitate ascent of those below at reasonable time (Kayes 2004). As a result, some team members arrived at the summit beyond the stipulated deadline at 2 p.m. The bottlenec ks had ripple effects, because it affected the whole operation. Things went astray between 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., because whiteout occurred, which grounded descent to near halt. The turnaround time was set at 12 hours after departure. The bottlenecks caused delays so that 6 hours past the deadline, snowstorm occurred and halted descent. Some team members ran out of oxygen supply. Fatigued ensued. Some team members were conspicuosly absent. The team members who abandoned the summit attempt at snarl up, and few climbers who successfully reached the summit, started arriving at Camp IV between 4.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. What factors contributed to your experience (e.g. personal, social) Mountain climbing at Mount Everest offered opportunity for unique research experience. Authorities restricted public investigations. As a result, empirical data regarding the Mount Everest Disaster of 1996 remains scanty. Also, the chronology of the tragedy was never archived. In order to create sense, the team crea ted chronology of possible events after painstaking review of observations by witnesses and survivors. A recent study (Kayes 2004) highlighted importance of integrated multiple analytic approach to tragedy sense-making. In order to ensure rational chronology of events, each team member conducted individual research, independence of chief investigations outlined in scholarly articles. The chronology was mounted on narratives, which contained

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Diabetic Disease Management in African American Elderly Essay

Diabetic Disease Management in African American Elderly - Essay Example There are two forms of diabetes. The first type occurs when one’s immune system counteracts a body’s immune system and fights insulin-producing cells. The second type of diabetes affects the aged and people with a family history of diabetes. However, lately trends have changed, and cases are becoming increasingly common to young adolescents. In this type of diabetes, the â€Å"pancreases produce enough insulin", but the body fails to utilize it well. It thus, ends up not synthesizing glucose as required (Zazworsky & Bolin, 2005). Some of the major experienced symptoms of diabetes include patients being fatigued, frequent passing out of urine, weight loss, low immunity and blurred vision. However, it is essential to note that some people do not elicit any signs of illness. Diabetes can be managed if effective measures adhered (Zazworsky & Bolin, 2005). For instance, patients are required to observe strict diets and prescribed routine procedures. The main concern in mana ging the disease is normally sugar level management. Sugar levels are highest after eating. Patients are therefore, advised to plan on small, balanced diet meals at regular times. Medical practitioners mainly advise that constant amounts of carbohydrates be consumed since they affect majorly on blood sugar amounts. Good management calls for getting food portions right. Eating in small amounts leads to complications as it may cause reduced sugar levels while eating too much may cause increased sugar level a condition referred to as hyperglycemia (Zazworsky & Bolin, 2005). Diabetic patients advised to engage in a lot of body exercise as it helps improve body response to insulin production in controlling sugar synthesis. Good and simple exercise helps a lot in reducing sugar levels. Regular check up is also essential to keep sugar level in check. Plenty of water is appropriate for patients experiencing dehydration. Good management of the disease leads to hundred percent recovery for pa tients (Mazze, Strock & Bergenstal, 2007). Diabetes management in diverse care settings Management of diabetes has not been easy for many despite the availability of effective treatment. No mutual relationship exists between diversity in diabetes management programs, and concept frameworks of medical care. The need to have a concerted plan of action in dealing with diabetes cases is crucial. Ministries of health in all countries need to establish standardized conceptual frameworks aimed at ensuring that diabetes related deaths curbed. Most of the programs in place in most places, lack valuable elements of improving the quality of the disease management (Mazze, Strock & Bergenstal, 2007). Researchers conducted performed have proved that of all the programs put in place, to deal with the disease, only fifteen percent are perfectly effective in terms of both cost and clinical efficiency (Mazze, Strock & Bergenstal, 2007). Differences in cultural and social economic settings in disease management must be noted. Before any attempts can be made on standardization of quality, profound insight may be useful to conceptualize high quality care. Limitations in health care delivery particularly in availing resources and self-management must be addressed to ensure efficiency in management of the disease (Streltzer & Tseng, 2007). Age related disease management concerns Diabetes poses many enduring requirements on the side of patients in terms of "glycemic control" as well as life quality (Mazze,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Undercover Operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Undercover Operations - Essay Example They could play lovers, prostitutes, drug dealers or crime bosses. Undercover work has facilitated the prosecution of criminals operating in a complex setting and uncovering of operations of criminal gangs. Despite its benefits to the society, some people are against the use of undercover work as a means of collecting evidence of crime. Some of the reasons they give are that its increase crime, do not respect privacy, involves deception, allows the government to do what it is prohibiting others to do among other reasons (Pollock, 2004). Personally, I support the use of undercover work by law enforcement officials. Although it involves unethical actions, it is also ethically justifiable. When it is examined from the utilitarian viewpoint, it is a noble-cause corruption in which the end-justifies the means. It leads to the good of the greater population and thus it is justifiable if it is used to obtain useful and important ends. For example, it is important in the prevention of crimes when there are specific hints and reasonable grounds to suspect that some people are planning a serious crime or have done it. It helps to uncover the truth, collect evidence and make arrests. Victims of some serious crimes do not report their experiences and rarely are such crimes reported. These include pornography rings, drug distribution networks and fences of stolen property. In this case, underground work is the best investigation tool. Undercover work is ethical when the targets are individuals or gangs who commit crimes they are aware that they could call for the use of deceptive police practices for example drug distribution. It could also be risky for the law enforcement officers to investigate some of the crimes openly and thus underground work justifies the use of special risks. In this case, it is ethical and justifiable as the best means towards the collecting of evidence and making arrests in some crimes. Pollock

Monday, July 22, 2019

Stockholm Syndrome Essay Example for Free

Stockholm Syndrome Essay Throughout the semester our class has discussed various types of deviant behavior and what kind of acts might be considered as deviant. Analyzing the motives behind deviant behavior has been very interesting to learn about and has opened my eyes to various reasons why someone might act deviant. Learning and thinking about the numerous kinds of criminal acts that occur in the world not only make me wonder about the criminals themselves, but also about the individuals that are victims in criminal acts. Hearing about various crimes where people are injured, murdered, raped, etc, have made me interesting in learning about the thoughts and feelings that victims experience in these kinds of harmful situations. The cases that I find the most interesting are ones of kidnapping and child abduction. The events that take place when someone is held captive are unspeakable and many question why abductees would not try to escape. When individuals are placed in a situation where they no longer have any control over their fate, feel intense fear of physical harm, and believe all control is in the hands of their tormentor; a threat for survival can result. This fear for survival can develop into a psychological response that can leads to having sympathy and support for their captor. This kind of psychological response is referred to as Stockholm syndrome. Stockholm syndrome refers to a group of psychological symptoms that some individuals face when they are held in captive or hostage situations. The name ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ was derived from a 1973 bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden, where four hostages were held for six days. When they were in captivity, each hostage seemed to defend the actions of the robbers and even resisted efforts by the police to rescue them. Months after their ordeal had ended, the hostages continued to show loyalty to their captors to the point of refusing to testify against them, as well as helping the criminals raise funds for legal representation. The hostages appeared to have formed a paradoxical emotional bond with the captors. Psychologist and criminologist, Nils Berjerot, described this phenomenon as ‘Stockholm syndrome’. Stockholm syndrome is the feelings of trust or affection felt by a victim toward a captor in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage. This paradoxical psychological phenomenon, where a positive bond between hostage and captor forms, appears irrational because of the frightening ordeals that victims endure. So what causes it to happen and why? These positive feelings between hostages and hostage takers develop when a captor threatens a victim’s life and decides not to kill them. The victim forms a survival instinct that overpowers the instinct to hate the captor who caused the life-threatening situation. The victim is so concerned with saving their life that they would not jeopardize it with showing hatred or anger toward their captor. It is a basic survival instinct, and it occurs when a number of factors are present in a traumatic situation. The first factor that seems to cultivate the presence of Stockholm syndrome is when the person in control is perceived as having the power to kill the victims and threatens to do so. Second, the situation must be one where the victim cannot escape. Since the captor threatens to kill the victim and gives the perception of having the capability to do so, it leads the victim to align with the captor, endure hardship of captivity, and comply with the captor to resist getting killed. Thirdly, the traumatic situation must put the victim in an isolative state. This creates an environment where the victim is dependent on the captor for information. The victim is prevented from knowing about the world news and the public search for them. This causes feelings of abandonment and isolation, which makes the victim feel as if they have no choice but to bond with the captor. The victim gets mentally involved in the captor’s problems and views, and often the victim starts helping to achieve t he captor’s goals. This behavior creates positive bonding between the victim and captor, which increases the chances of survival for the victim. Finally, the abuser must show some form of kindness. The victim seeing the perpetrator as showing some degree of kindness is the most important factor for causing Stockholm syndrome. The syndrome will not develop unless the captor shows compassion in some form toward the victim. For example, lack of abuse may be misinterpreted as kindness, leading to the development of feelings of appreciation. When a victim is under extreme stress and fearing for their life, they see the smallest act of kindness as proof of the abusers compassion. Seeing the abuser as kind helps to lower stress levels and gives the victim a false security that they are safe. There are three characteristics that seem to be apparent in individuals in situations resulting in Stockholm syndrome. One is that the victim has positive feelings for the captor. This often results from the thankfulness of the victim towards the captor for giving life by simply not taking it. The second characteristic usually shown is that the victim shows fear, distrust, and anger towards the authorities. This occurs because the victim feels as if the authorities can only mishandle the situation, therefore putting their life in danger. Viewing authorities as the enemy stimulates a positive bond between victim and captor. This leads to the last characteristic, which is when the captor displays positive feelings towards the victim. Positive feelings from the shown toward the victim are seen as essential for the victim’s survival. Stockholm syndrome has received considerable media publicity over the years because it has been used to explain the behavior of some notorious kidnapping victims. One famous case of Stockholm syndrome was when the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapped actress, Patty He arst, in 1974. After two months in captivity, she actively took part in a robbery that they planned. Another well-known case was that of Elizebeth Smart. She fell victim to Stockholm syndrome after her nine months of captivity and abuse by her captives, Brian David Mitchell and Wanda Barzee. Lastly, the case of Jaycee Lee Dugard was a very prominent story of Stockholm syndrome. Phillip Garrido abducted her for 18 years. Garrido fathered two girls with Jaycee during her captivity. When Jacyee was questioned by investigators, she did not reveal her identity, instead she told them that she was a battered wife who was hiding from her abusive husband. She described Garrido as a good person who she trusted. It was clear that she formed an emotional bond over the years she was held captive by Garrido. While many people will survive such encounters, it does not mean that they do so mentally unharmed. The psychological effects are numerous and victims of Stockholm syndrome are left with mental anguish that can last a lifetime. There are many side effects that are cause by Stockholm syndrome. The main effects that seem to have been shown in many victims are depression, self-blame, social isolation, self-destructive behavior, flashbacks, guilt, and anger. With so many side effects it is extremely important for sufferers to receive treatment. Treatment of Stockholm syndrome entails a combination of medications and psychotherapy. It is unfortunate to see what the effects of someone’s criminal behavior can have on others. It is frightening that there are people out there in this world that are capable of committing such terrible actions. The many who have lost their lives and have to deal with life long memories and scars of traumatizing events is horrifying.

“the Effectiveness of Teaching Moral Values to Elementary Essay Example for Free

â€Å"the Effectiveness of Teaching Moral Values to Elementary Essay ABSTRACT Nowadays, we need the improvement in intensity and quality of character building implementation in formal educational institution. This claim is based on the growing social phenomenon, namely the increasing juvenile delinquency in society, such as brawl and various other cases of moral decadence. These phenomena are obviously not expected to happen in our society. Therefore, the formal education institutions which are functioned to create the younger generation is expected to increase its role in the formation of personality of students through increased intensity and quality of character education. Since the reformation of our national curriculum, we have been developing new methods in building the students’ character, which we know better in schools as character education. It has been applied to the national curriculum method which turns around developing â€Å"good character† in students by practicing and teaching moral values and life skill. Moral values and life skill can be taught in a fun way using the media such as music, specifically songs which has a good moral values and life skill. This paper reports the effectiveness of using character development songs in teaching moral values and life skill in SDN Adiarsa III Karawang. The samples taken will be only the 6th grade students. Data are collected through interview and classroom activity. The study reveals that the effectiveness of using character development songs in teaching moral values is unexpectedly successful, though there are some difficulties in organizing the 6th grade class which are great in number. This study is expected to give contribution to those who are planning to conduct a research on character building in English Language Teaching (ELT). Research Question 1)How can songs as a media in CTL of ELT be implemented in teaching moral values? 2)The students’ response to the use of character building songs in CTL of ELT to teach moral values to the 6th Grade students in SDN Adiarsa III Karawang. Background Nowadays, the need of improvement in intensity and quality character ducation implementation in formal educational institutions is increasing. This idea is based on the growing social phenomenon, namely the increasing juvenile delinquency in society, such as a mass brawl and various other cases of moral decadences. These phenomena are obviously not expected to happen in our society. Therefore, the formal education institutions which are functioned to create the younger generation is expected to increase its role in the formation of personality of students through incre ased intensity and quality of character education. Before we discuss further about the need of character education nowadays, it is better to know the definition of character itself. The Sage’s English Dictionary and Thesaurus defines character as â€Å"the inherent complex of attributes that determines a person’s moral and ethical actions and reactions†. American Dictionary of the English Language defines character to be â€Å"the stable and distinctive qualities built into an individual’s life which determine his or her response regardless of circumstances†. Abraham Lincoln once said that, â€Å"Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree. † Our character is not just what we try to display for others to see, it is who we are even when no one is watching. Good character is doing the right thing because it is right to do what is right. Nancy A. Wood (2008) defines character as an evaluation of a particular individuals moral qualities. It can also imply a variety of attributes including the existence of lack of virtues such as integrity, courage, fortitude, honesty and loyalty, or of good behaviors or habits. When someone is a moral character, it is primarily referring to the assemblage of qualities that distinguish one individual from another. Character building is the way to strengthen one’s character by molds oneself into a productive person within one’s sphere of influence. Developing such personal qualities seems as a purpose of education. Character building in school, we call this term as character education, is applied to the national curriculum method that turns around developing â€Å"good character† in students by practicing and teaching moral values and decision making. On the other word, character education is an investment system of the character values to the citizens of schools that include components of knowledge, awareness or volition, and actions to implement those values (Bila Nastiti, 2010). As Theodore Roosevelt expresses that to educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace society. His statement implies that if we want to make students good at not only cognitive aspect but also have a competent in moral aspect, we should educate them in a pleasurable condition. Songs are one of a pleasurable media to teach moral values in English subject. English teachers can use songs as part of their classroom teaching repertoire. Larry M. Lynch (2010), states that songs contain authentic language, is easily obtainable, provide vocabulary, grammar and cultural aspects and are fun for the students, especially to Elementary students. The 6th grade elementary students somehow will enter Junior High School later. This is a stage of adolescence for them. According to Ghifari (2004), adolescence is a group of people who are leaving childhood full of childhood dependency and towards the establishment of responsibility. Therefore, teaching moral values through education is important to be implemented in early education, as well as an early preparation for them to face their adolescence later. This research titled â€Å"The Students’ Response to the Use of English Character Building Songs in CTL of ELT to Teach Moral Values to the 6th Grade Students in SDN Adiarsa III Karawang†, is carried out to see how the students response to the implementation of using character building songs in teaching moral values to them. In order to accomplish this purpose, the writer conducts a teaching simulation of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) using songs as a media in English Language Teaching (ELT) and wrote their responses through interview to conclude how the students response. The writer also purposes to see how songs as one of a pleasurable media, can be implemented to teach moral values to the young learners, specifically to the 6th grade elementary students.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Program Management Principles and Program Life Cycle

Program Management Principles and Program Life Cycle A program is collection of correlated projects managed in synchronized manner to acquire benefits which cannot be obtained by managing them separately. While, program management is application of knowledge, skills and tools required to meet program requirements. The terms program and project management look similar but Project management Body of Knowledge(PMBOK) industry guide clarifies the difference between these two terms such as a program comprises number of resources needed for satisfying the specified objectives. A program is a continuing task whereas project is a temporary endeavor to form a sole product or service. In actual, project is a part of program. The program management involves management of interrelated project, while the term program management outsourcing refers to transfer of program administration to outsider management. The program management outsourcing is preferred these days due to some factors such as stakeholder management, benefit management and proper pr ogram governance. In this research paper, the section II describes about the program management in depth such as program management principles and program life cycle etcetera. The section III explains program management outsourcing and organization decision strategy. The following sections demonstrates some factors affecting the success of outsourcing as well as challenges to program management outsourcing are also evaluated. Today, business institutes manage several projects simultaneously with sharing resources from different geographical places. Program management is best solution to run correlated projects, in other ways effective program management is key to success for execution of organizations objectives or to achieve worldwide customer satisfaction. The program management delivers strategic objectives, business plans etcetera. A. Program Management The Program Management Group defines program management as planning and monitoring of tasks and resources across a portfolio of projects and identifies that organization with implemented program management got advantages such as multiple projects can be handled concurrently, alteration in schedules, deadlines or in objectives can be maintained by different high skilled professionals. Program management is technique for managing interrelated projects or for example if a whole project is difficult to operate, then it is divided into smaller number of projects which are handled by number of project managers and all small projects are intended to have single objective for organization and to control these all projects, a program manager is required who will ensure that all projects are running on target and confirm their over-all involvement to program as a whole and responsible for evolution from present business operations to future approach. B. Standard for Program Management Framework by PMI Several Program Management Frameworks exist throughout the worldwide organizations such as PMI based Standard Program management, Managing Successful Programs Framework by UK government etcetera. PMI based Standard Program management consist of mainly three areas such as Program life cycle, Governance of program and managing stakeholders as well as benefits management. Program Governance and Program Stakeholder Management: Program Governance confirms alignment between business policy and pathway to desired outcomes over program life cycle or ensures the progress of program. Program Governance assistances in risk management, benefits of stakeholders and in decision making and delivery management. It also offers an organizational structure, polices and events to support proper program delivery. In other words, Governance in actual is a group of persons with executive and management roles and negligent functions systematized into structures and polices that help to define management values and decision making. Program Stakeholder management is important for establishment of program governance and organizational structure which is observed during program life cycle and program stakeholder management more likely to deal with that how program affect the stakeholders such as organizational culture etcetera and communication strategy is developed for manag ing their expectation and objectives of program Program Benefits Management: Benefit realization plan is developed as a part of program management to schedule benefits measurement activities along with strategic objectives of the organization. This planning includes delivering final benefits within the program and comparing it with initial business cases to confirm that program produces actual benefits. Program Life Cycle: The program milestones are used to manage programs same as project milestones. The program lifecycle involves five consecutive phases starting from pre-program setup, program setup, establishment of program management, Benefits delivery and closing phase. While moving program from different phases, program manager confirms that strategic benefits of program should be aligned with organizations mission and vision and program governance mechanism is recognized and program lifecycle complies with demands of organizations and expected benefits are realized in synchronized manner. Program Management process groups are set of interconnected activities performed to achieve a desired outcome. Program management is technique for improving program from technical and management point of view. The program management resembles with construction management as the Construction Management association of America defines construction management as, a professional service that applies effective management techniques to the planning, design and construction of a project from inspection to completion for purpose of controlling time, cost and quality. Outsourcing program management is process of transferring program life cycle management to outsider program management consultancy(PMC) and program is known as PMC managed program and usually happened in case of big projects and analogous experience, high skills and global class tools and technique and time management are main key points making program management outsourcing, a preferable method. All Public and private sector organizations are moving towards the outsourcing the program management for large scale programs. The program management outsourcing is adopted among various fields such as Public health, Construction, Oil and Gas sector and in telecommunication along with Olympics or any global events. The organizations go for program management consultants for managing large scale programs because of lack of skills and transfer managerial and technical risks to third party. The survey conducted by Rasdorf indicates that in private construction sector mostly go for program management outsourcing than public sector. The survey was conducted on construction sector which covers program management aspects and when organization acquire services from outsourced management or hire external program managers to manage their programs then some factors are considered such as fees to external program manager, which organization providing services and criteria for selection of program manager, relationship between the organization and external service provider, experience of similar projects , on time delivery etcetera and cost can be negligible for decision of hiring any external program managers as more emphasis is on skills and expertise required. A. Why Outsourcing Preferred? The Program management outsourcing increase operational competence and cost budgeting can be reduced and Doz Hamal et al. (1998) [1] discussed that in international market it is difficult to get potential profit from skills and expertise within a firm and increasing demand for products forces organizations to devote in tactical business alliance. Outsourcing is becoming popular because of its benefits such as external program managers examines the program activities and govern the running programs with strategic planning, controlling and scheduling. The ROI (Rate of Interest) is often better than if projects are handled in-house and it becomes better reference for future projects. B. Outsourcing Decision Strategy The benefits, risks and several factors are typically included in making decision of outsourcing. The following figure represents the Outsourcing decision strategy: Figure 1: Outsourcing Decision Model The motivation for outsourcing included three key points such as cost, strategy and political. The cost outsourcing includes cost savings and strategy is more related to outsourcing because of hasty organizational growth and technological advancement and mostly public organizations drive outsourcing for services that include general well-being and social aspects and come under political driven outsourcing. The benefits that can be considered before making decision of outsourcing are cost savings, condensed capital expenses, flexibility, access to newest technology, access to technical expertise and improved accountability. The risks factors should be included while making decision of outsourcing. The poor selection of outsource provider can be a risk and changing environment and supplier problem such as relationship between provider and organization or less control and security can be the potential risks for the decision of outsourcing C. Selection of Oustsourcing provider The selection of provider is important concern after making decision of outsourcing. The skills and expertise are main components while selecting and depending upon the requirement of client, three main capabilities are considered such as delivery competency, relationship and transformation capability. Â   Â   Figure 2: Outsoucing provider`s competenices Proper relationship between Program Management Consultancy and organization is required for success of outsourcing. There are some factors reviewed which contribute to the success of program management outsourcing. A. Business Case: The business case is input documents program planning and building an outsourcing business case is necessary and for this research must be conducted and all assumptions should be clearly defined so that the benefits with outsourcing programs can be assessed. The business case should include substitute analysis that defends adoption of program management consultancy for delivery of program. The outsourcing step covers not only the reduced costs and technical expertise but also covers how business functions are affected for long duration of time. A Good Outsourcing business case determines the outsourcing solution should be associated with technical and business strategies of any firm. The most of the program execution decisions are determined by business cases. Hence, while outsourcing solutions the business cases are the important factors to consider. B. Contract between Organization and Outsource provider: Booz Company directs that contract between the firm and program management consultancy is not just a paper document but it is a vehicle that aligns the interest of two parties and the strong relationship and delivery of good service always motivates customer to outsource more from that service provider. Contract Management Archetypes are the frameworks that investigate outsourcing relationships at individual stage and further at organizational level. C. Program Governance Structure: Program Governance basically develop a structure within which program management is executed and gives active route to monitor results and classify and execute the adjustments to achieve consequence. The organizations should have a structure to define their goals and there is no robust structure, it is implemented as per the practices and dynamics. The program governance is core part of program management that allows the organization to review the progress of the program aims and it provides a framework to get things on time and should be on track. The persons who directs program and organization employees must be organized and to confirm decision making their roles should be framed. D. Roles and Responsibilities : Booz and Company defines that an appropriate relationship structure between the organization and program management provider with accurate operational model can boost up the possibility of project success. The roles and responsibilities are the part of program governance but plays important role in success of outsourcing. In organizational structure the program manager directs other manager to achieve objective allied with business strategy. Program manager is supported by individuals and program management office. The appropriate allocation of roles and responsibilities leads to proper execution of program governance model. The following table demonstrates roles and responsibilities of some of staff members: Table 1: Roles and Responsibilities Roles Responsibilities Program planner The program planner mainly responsible for making planning strategies and schedules for the program and maintain all these activities. Budget administrator Budget administrator responsible for finances of the program and all financial activities. Communication Coordinator The communication coordinator serves communication polices and handle all type of communications for the execution of program. E. Program Stakeholder Management: The standard of Program Management outlines stakeholders as, those who interact with program and those who are affected by the program. The project will not succeed if needs of stakeholders are not considered well. Stakeholder management manages the hopes of the stakeholders and their needs to get task done. The process of stakeholder management comprises the identification of stakeholder and their influence on the program which can be high. Moderate and low as well as communication supervision plan is established and stakeholders are engaged through good communication, relationship etcetera. F. Program Management Office: The program management office(PMO) gives support to managerial and fiscal process. PMO has deep relationship with project coordination and in standardization of projects and enhance program management best practices. A definite procedure along with architypes, devoted program mangers, standards and standardized tools is offered by Program Management Office. The administrative polices, procedures and practices deliver operative framework for working employees for specific program. Program management office included delivery of program on time and within schedule. PMO can differ from single individual like program support to team of persons and can be dispersed over more sites if program distributed worldwide. The program management office is responsible for planning, tacking program and logistics management and setting quality standards, stakeholder management and benefits realization etcetera. Some additional roles are also involved such as auditing and strategic overview of project and providing health checks during the program. Program management key component of success of outsourcing G. Capable Internal Staff: The organizations internal employees should be competent enough to oversight on some part of the programs for adopting substitute ideas and guarantee that programs are running on time and responsible for stakeholder engagement. H. Procedures and process in Program Life Cycle: The program lifecycle consists of program pre-set phase, program set phase which includes scope and planning and after that establishment of program structure and delivery of benefits and last phase is program closure. Program management consultancy is responsible for evolving the program practices, processes across the programs life cycle in coordination with firm and implementation of all programs and procedures are come under program audit office. I. Organization and Program Management Consultancy cultural: The relationship between the organization and PMC has important impact on the achievement of program success. In case of IT projects, there are issues in cross border outsourcing of software and IT programs and for resolving these issues, organization should make appropriate choice of projects and relationship should be managed through cultural trainings and extra efforts are required to manage cross cultural issues of outsourcing. The cultural difference between program management consultants and organization employees can make difference in final output. A good relation between provider and company can make the outsourcing program successful and tries to build long term relationship between client and service provider. Khamooshi et al. conducted a survey to find top challenges of implementing program management outsourcing. The following figure represents the top five challenges. Mainly challenges to program management outsourcing success are improper program management practices and lack of business cases and if roles and responsibilities and delegations are not assigned properly that will lead to obstacle for success of program management outsourcing and improper stakeholder engagement and other top five hindrances to success of outsourcing are difference between culture of organization and program management outsider and absence of program management office , Governance structure absence is also major challenge to outsourcing. Lack of competent internal staff for managing activities and improper contract model between PMC and organization. Figure 3: The Organization and Program management consultants viewpoint on top five challenges The Client firm and PMC Cultural Difference: From study analysis of survey, cultural difference is top challenge to the success of outsourcing. The cultural difference arises when outsourcing internationally come into place such as social and economic difference such difference in culture of United states and United Kingdom. Organizational culture difference is also one aspect when organization is government firm. Due to cultural difference, some organization are resistant to change their work practices while outsourcing. Hence, proper training should be given individuals in organization during outsource from international consultancy specifically in case of IT outsourcing. Non-appearance of Program management Office and Audit functions: The Program management office plays important role in managing large programs and stakeholders. The survey study resulted that it is second biggest obstacle in program management outsourcing. The PMO is only unit of firm that provides regular check on program execution and serves standards and polices to program management consultancy and to client firm also. The absence of PMO can lead to no resources and time optimization and inefficient decision making. Lack of Competent individuals in organization: The organization can outsource the program management but cannot outsource the program governance unit. PMI has been trying to develop a shared program management vocabulary but company and outsource providers still not use same program management language. The non-professional staff in organization can be obstacle to the relationship between firm and PMC. Inappropriate program management Model and Risk allocation strategy: The organization and program management advisor have different scope of interests such as organization like government funded complete their programs with low budget and in short duration of time but on the other hand outsource provider have different perspectives. The contract between both fails to put both firm and program management advisor on same leaf can lay the entire program on risk due to improper program management consultant model. For example, the Booz and Company recommends cost plus incentive fees structure as efficient model in program management outsourcing agreement and inducements are provided after completion of program at time and within budget. But in case of increase delays and cost over runs, performance based risk sharing agreement plan is better method. Suitable program management model and risk strategy can lead to the success of program outsourcing. Lack of efficient Governance structure: In case when a program is outsourced to PMC, too much dependence on provider or blind trust and negligence of role of organization can be happened and leas to several issues that organization does not interfere with program management consultant`s work apart from financial structure and lack of accountability also arises due to unstructured contract administration. For example, PMC accepts design structure that comes from outsider design expert may contain some errors which are notified at the time of implementation and neither program management consultancy nor outsider expert take accountability of occurred errors and benefits should be delivered as expected and this is only possible through good governance structure. The roles and responsibilities of client and outsider should be defined as it is vital part of program governance. Sometimes situation is that shared and indistinct responsibility will lead to solemn consequence. The lack of per formance management is also hindrance to success of outsourcing. In this research paper, a case study related to outsourcing program is reviewed to know about how program management outsourcing concept works with real world examples. A. Background of Case Study: B. Name Learning experience Acknowledgment (Heading 5) References G. Eason, B. Noble, and I.N. Sneddon, On certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529-551, April 1955. (references) [2] Â   Â  

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Way of Tlachtli Essay -- Anthropology

Since the early 1400s BCE, people of this era have played one of the earliest known forms of a sport that involves two teams and a rubber ball played on a court. Based on archaeological evidence, Tlachtli (which translates in English to â€Å"ball game†) is thought to have been played by the civilizations of Mesoamerica including the Aztec, Maya, Olmec, and Toltec. The game was more than a sport to these people. It was a means of settling conflicts and maintaining social harmony, it was a very important part in the ritualistic lives of those cultures. The most fascinating aspect of this sport is what set it apart from other ritual-based events of these cultures. Based on how you played in the ball game was a matter of life and death. As seen on murals and carvings showing the ball game, the sport was linked to rituals involving human sacrifice. Shrouded in speculation and myth, the sacred game of Tlachtli remains one of the most fascinating and intriguing mysteries of the Mes oamerica civilizations. This paper will touch basis on how this sport played a part in shaping the lives of these Pre-Columbian civilizations. Taladoire speculates that the ball game may have originated in the coastal lowlands along the Pacific Ocean (Taladoire 2001:107-108). Archaeologists discovered the oldest known ball court at the ruins of the city of Paso de la Amada which is around 3,400 years old. According to most, around 300 BCE, Tlachtli was already found throughout most of Mesoamerica. Ceramic ball player figurines have been discovered as ceremonial internments in cities such as San Lorenzo Tenochtitlà ¡n (the last site of the Olmec civilization) and areas such as the Valley of Oaxaca. Many archeologists are indecisive on when or where the Mesoameric... ...ndo Horcasitas and Doris Heyden. University of Oklahoma Press, 1971. Fox, John. "Students of the Game: Archaeologists are Researching Ulama - Oldest Sport in the Americas." Smithsonian Magazine Apr. 2006. Heitzman, James, Schenkluhn, Wolfgang. â€Å"The world in the year 1000.† University Press of America, 2004. Kowalewski, S. â€Å"Pre-Hispanic Ballcourts from the Valley of Oaxaca† University of Arizona Press, 1991. Taladoire, E. and Colsenet, B. â€Å"Bois Ton Sang, Beaumanoir: The Political and Conflictual Aspects of the Ballgame in the Northern Chiapas Area† University of Arizona Press, 1991. Taladoire, E. â€Å"Architectural background of the Pre-Hispanic ball game: an evolutionary perspective†. Charlotte, 2001. Tokovinine, Alexandre. Divine Patrons of the Mesoamerican Ballgame. Moscow State University. 2002.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues - We Must Accept Gays and Lesbians :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Don't Tolerate Gays and Lesbians    Tolerance. Preference. I am so sick of those words.    Why should people have to be tolerated? Tolerance should apply to annoying habits, like hearing the tapping of a pencil or cracking knuckles. People shouldn't have to be tolerated because of who they are. People shouldn't have to be put up with because of whom they wish to spend their time with.    I believe a person's sexuality is not a preference. It is not a choice or a decision. It is simply the way a person is born. Period. Some are born straight, some are born gay, and some are born loving everyone. There is no choice in the matter. One can, however, decide whether or not to live out who he or she is. Living a lie for a lifetime is not good for anyone.    I am proud of who I am. I am a teenager, and I am a lesbian. I haven't told my family yet because I am afraid of what they'll say. It's a really sad world where a daughter has to be afraid of being herself in front of her parents, but it is the world I live in.    It's a really sad world because I have to, essentially, move across an ocean to the Netherlands just to get married if I ever find a woman I wish to spend the rest of my life with. There are actually laws prohibiting homosexual marriages in the United States. In the land of freedom and opportunity, I am denied the right to love and marry as I see fit.    It's a really sad world where there are people in my generation telling me that I am wrong, that I can always go back to being straight, that I am disgusting.    Whether they're influenced by parents, religion, or other peers, I find it extremely disappointing that individuals in our nation, especially younger ones like me, can be so closed-minded and prejudiced.    My parents are the type of people who claim to be accepting of all, but really aren't. They are prejudiced against everyone - black people, Middle Eastern people, Asian people, people who talk with an accent, homosexuals - in short, everyone who isn't like them. I have learned to tune them out and ignore the cruel things that come out of their mouths.

The United Nations, the United States, and Iraq: Are we going to war? :: Essays Papers

The United Nations, the United States, and Iraq: Are we going to war? This paper was originally written over a week before the due date. As it was edited, events unfolded that may not be reflected in the following paragraphs. Printing the paper for final submittal, I can’t help but feel that it is not finished. Today seems to be a pivotal moment in the conflict with Saddam Hussein. Iraq is located in Western Asia, between Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, and Iran. 95 percent of its 23 million inhabitants are Muslim, with a 5 percent Christian minority. The official language of the State is Islam while ethnically the population is made up of Arabs, Kurds, Aramaic, and Azerbajanes. Between 1534 and 1918, Iraq was part of the Ottoman Empire. Afterwards, it was occupied by the British, until its independence in 1930. In 1958, the monarchy in place was overthrown and the Republic was established. In 1963, the Baas party assumed power until Saddam Hussein’s election in 1979. Between 1980 and 1988 the Iran-Iraq war ensued. Further turmoil followed when Hussein’s dictatorship invaded Kuwait in 1990, thus originating the Gulf War. The United States reacted by launching Operation Desert Storm, between January 17 and February 29, 1991, with the support of Egypt, Syria, Morocco, and other Arab States. The end of the war was marked by Kuwait’s liberation, the instatement of international sanctions on Iraq, and the implementation of an embargo on that has proven devastating to the Iraqi people. Saddam Hussein, on his part, has resorted to repressing all types of opposition (including, among others, Kurds and Shiites). The result is a tense relationship between Baghdad and the United Nations. From an economic standpoint, Iraq holds significant power because it is the second country in the world in oil reserves. Members of the UN Security Council that support military intervention see this approach as a way to keep Hussein from threatening to gain control of other countries in the Gulf and thus their oil. These countries want to protect oil deposits in the Arabian Peninsula while keeping Hussein from using weapons of mass destruction. By removing Saddam Hussein from power and implementing a democratic regime in Iraq, the United States also aims to eradicate what it considers to be a terrorist-harboring State. The United Nations, the United States, and Iraq: Are we going to war? :: Essays Papers The United Nations, the United States, and Iraq: Are we going to war? This paper was originally written over a week before the due date. As it was edited, events unfolded that may not be reflected in the following paragraphs. Printing the paper for final submittal, I can’t help but feel that it is not finished. Today seems to be a pivotal moment in the conflict with Saddam Hussein. Iraq is located in Western Asia, between Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, and Iran. 95 percent of its 23 million inhabitants are Muslim, with a 5 percent Christian minority. The official language of the State is Islam while ethnically the population is made up of Arabs, Kurds, Aramaic, and Azerbajanes. Between 1534 and 1918, Iraq was part of the Ottoman Empire. Afterwards, it was occupied by the British, until its independence in 1930. In 1958, the monarchy in place was overthrown and the Republic was established. In 1963, the Baas party assumed power until Saddam Hussein’s election in 1979. Between 1980 and 1988 the Iran-Iraq war ensued. Further turmoil followed when Hussein’s dictatorship invaded Kuwait in 1990, thus originating the Gulf War. The United States reacted by launching Operation Desert Storm, between January 17 and February 29, 1991, with the support of Egypt, Syria, Morocco, and other Arab States. The end of the war was marked by Kuwait’s liberation, the instatement of international sanctions on Iraq, and the implementation of an embargo on that has proven devastating to the Iraqi people. Saddam Hussein, on his part, has resorted to repressing all types of opposition (including, among others, Kurds and Shiites). The result is a tense relationship between Baghdad and the United Nations. From an economic standpoint, Iraq holds significant power because it is the second country in the world in oil reserves. Members of the UN Security Council that support military intervention see this approach as a way to keep Hussein from threatening to gain control of other countries in the Gulf and thus their oil. These countries want to protect oil deposits in the Arabian Peninsula while keeping Hussein from using weapons of mass destruction. By removing Saddam Hussein from power and implementing a democratic regime in Iraq, the United States also aims to eradicate what it considers to be a terrorist-harboring State.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

DBQ apush Essay

To what extent did the American Revolution fundamentally change American society? In your answer be sure to address the political, social, and economic effects of the Revolution in the period from 1775 to 1800.  Notes from Mr. Williams: This essay was given to 2 nd  period APUSH on their first in – class essay. Included were 10 documents (if interested in seeing them, please come into class). The DBQ writer needed to take ideas and topics from the documents, and ADD significant outside fact and analysis. Notice that this writer does a complete job. He/she  deals with the entire question (deals with extent) and answers the question from economic, political and social points of view. Additionally, he/she used a significant amount of documents and included o  utside knowledge. After the American Revolution, Americans, who were free of British control, started to reevaluate politics, the economy and society. After breaking away from what they thought was a corrupt and evil government, Americans changed how the y wanted to  govern their society, even though they ultimately reverted to a more centralized government similar to Britain. The uneducated masses, as viewed by the elite, didn’t experience a lot of change though the ideals from the revolution still guided some to seek  better financial opportunities. Women, slaves, and loyalist experienced a considerable amount of change in society as women experienced more freedoms, some slaves were set free, and loyalist left America. Overall, America didn’t experience a l ot of economic  change, but it did experience, to varying degrees, political and social  change.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Disney Company

outer EnvironmentThe Disney Comp whatever is renowned throughout the human as a steer media and frolic attach to in the world. The external environment for this company is vast and has several cause on the companys trading operations and performance and progress. The environment allow ins competitors such as News Corporation and AOL metre Warner Inc, resources, engine room, and the sparing circumstances that influence the incline.With media and entertainment companies experiencing a boom with a wider consumer and viewer plate it is not easy to compete in the industry. Disney analyzes its general as well as its task environment thoroughly to weight for opportunities and threats. In the following text, we will come upon two direct and two validatory forces break the potential to affect the company progress.Direct ForcesDirect forces or forces from the task environment include all those forces that atomic number 18 closer to the organization. They abide casual tran sactions with the company and take aim a major influence on the companys performance and base operations. The forces which come under this category include customers, competitors, suppliers and the labor market. We would be analyzing customers and competitors.CustomersThe Disney customers argon passing important for Disney. The bargaining power of customers is similarly high. The customers decide what price they be willing to pay for a depiction, what price they argon willing to pay at the charm of Disneys theme parks and finally but most importantly the unusual customer experience they desire. Therefore customers, as recipients of Disneys services, determine the companys success and prox growth.If Disney slacks any genius of these three crucial theme song points it would lose its market sh be to early(a) rivals. Mottos for Disney, thus, revolve around the customers like one which reads Be so nice to the guests so that they cant believe it. Disney looks for chances to fashion magical moments for its customers and always making them smile. Customers are what make up Disney and if it wasnt for these customers Disney wouldnt have been where it is now.CompetitorsDisney faces a range of competitors both(prenominal) at a local and supranational level. Since the Disney party has been able to tap a really distinctive niche in the industry and has a stronghold, the barriers to entry do exist for the animated entertainment industry. in spite of these barriers competition in addition exists. Disney has been able to put a mark in the movie business and the Network-television department where several effectual rivals do exist making it extremely risky.Moreover, new cartoon figures appear each day in television shows and in movie theaters overseas. The recent merger of AOL and Time Warner poses a great threat to Disney. Moreover, Viacom and contrive Entertainment are some other gigantic competitors. In order to safeguard its spotlight as the lea ding media conglomerate, Disney must perpetually invest in technological and operating(a) improvements.Indirect ForcesIndirect forces or forces from the general environment are forces that affect the organization substantiatively. It embodies the outer grade of the organizational environment. These forces arent involved with the organizations day-to-day activities but do affect the organizations progress and performance overtime. These indirect forces include several dimensions like technological, international, socio-cultural, scotch and legal-political but we will focus on technological and international dimensions.Technological DimensionThe Disney Company provides entertainment through lifetime and animation and technology have a very strong link. Superior animation is support through superior technology therefrom it is imperative for Disney to be up-to-date with technology. With scientific and technological advancements occurring at an astounding railyard it is often hard for companies to keep up but it is crucial for them to do so. Newer competitors are using the latest world technology and providing customers with better experiences, Disney should do the same in order to maintain its position.International DimensionEvents occurring in other foreign countries also have a strong potential to affect Disneys progress. Since Disney operates theme parks in France, Japan, Hong Kong and the States and furthermore operates its own cruise absorb as well, events and relations with other countries are of great importance. This international environment also provides new competitors, customers and suppliers and also forms social, technological and economical trends which Disney has to adapt to.ConclusionDisney is the worlds leading entertainment company but does face many challenges and threats within its environment in terms of direct and indirect forces which have the potential to affect its operations, performance and future growth. It is imperative for D isney to analyze these forces carefully and stoop its operations and strategies in accordance to them.References keepJones, G. R. (2007). Contemporary Management. 5th Edition, illustrated, revised. Mc Graw-Hill CompaniesWood, J. C (2002). Henri Fayol Critical evaluations in business and management. Illustrated edition. Taylor & FrancisOnline diary/ArticleFine, J (2008). Disney Emerges a Winner. job Week, Retrieved June 10, 2009.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Humour is a key theme in the novel â€Å"Pride wired and Prejudice.† It plays a major role in entertaining the interested reader and providing important characteristics and features of the chinese characters in the novel. Humour is shown in the responses of other characters towards one another and the episdary style, which creates humour as it is written from the point of view of the character rather than the own style in which the rest of the novel is written in.In chapters 1-20 the general reader learns about the character of Mr.Laughter might be a superb antidote to stress.In previous chapter 13, Mr.Bennet receives a letter from Mr.Collins in which Mr.Collins informs Mr.Laughter is the medicine.

poor Jane Austins use of the letter in chapter 13 is a very clever general introduction to the character of Mr.Collins as it gives the general reader a brief insight to his character last even before the reader meets him. The letter reveals Mr.Collins as a person with an astonishing pomposity.Folks remember a great laugh.Furthermore, humour is conveyed in Mr.Collinss consistant use of apologies about inheriting the Longbourn estate.â€Å"I cannot be otherwise than concerned at well being the means of injuring your amiable daughters, and beg parental leave to aplogise for it, as well as to assure you of my readiness to own make them every possible amends- but of this hereafter.† Chapter 13.Humor special needs to be impulsive, nevertheless it has to be planned.

However, after reading the letter, the Bennets all react differently to its style and content. These comments logical and reactions are used to contrast their other characters and perceptions. Mrs.Bennet is immediately placated by Mr.Dont forget that sarcasm what does not have any place in the faculty.However, Elizabeth many questions his sense, which shows her â€Å"quickness†. Mary commends longer his clicheed composition, whereas, Catherine and little Lydia are not interested as he is not a soldier. Mr.Bennet meanwhile looks forward to the enjoyment of Mr.Its very nice to tease and have fun try once in a time.

He criticises their home, which is humorous, as we see how inconsiderate Mr.Collins is. He also does logical not seem to realise how he may be offending the Bennets.Mr.There what are lots of genres in humor.Mr.Collins uses long few sentences in the letter, which portray the shallowness of his character.In chapter 20, when Mr.Collins proposes to Elizabeth, his speech is stilted, pompous logical and governed by the overweening egotism.Media serves to strengthen Americans stereotype.

Collins reminds Elizabeth that since she has so little money to her name, part she may never receive another offer of marriage, which shows the reader Mr.Collinss selfishness, rudeness and how inconsiderate he is.Humour is also highlighted in Mr.Collinss marriage proposal when Elizabeth refuses to marry him.Stress is a component in the evolution of sexual dysfunctions.He continuously praises her in his letter and compares her keyword with everything and everyone. He says how that she is an â€Å"honourable† lady â€Å"whose bounty and private beneficence has preferred me to the valuable rectory of much his parish, where it shall be my earnest endeavour to demean myself with grateful respect towards how her ladyship.† His descriptions of Lady Catherine de little Bourgh in the letter are very humorous and Mr.Collinss artificiality is reinforced.Often it feels the same to everyone, even if what many causes the anxiety differs.

Mrs.Philips soon realises that he is tedious snob.Finally, humour throughout â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† old has been successful. Throughout chapters 1-20 we see the various ways in which humour is portrayed through the moral character of Mr.Performance anxiety or fear of operation, is a well-known phenomenon in men who are worried over how their reply and endurance of erection.No matter the reason it remains a societal fear for a lot of us.Four things to do to make life simpler.

Change up your thinking and discover out how youre feeling.Among the most frequent thoughts are that nothing is likely to go right.Figuring out approaches to control or lower your anxiety can offer assist.Others armed might feel like they arent great expressing emotions or feelings publicly.