Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Literature- Discussing Questions 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Literature- Discussing Questions 1 - Essay Example She appears plain and hard-working in this first scene. Henry and Elisa seem to be a â€Å"settled†couple. He cares how she feels and she cares for him also, but there seems to be no passion there. Instead they are good friends, but not intimate in the sharing sense of the word. She does not want him to know about the mums. He seems to value her skills and strength, rather than her femininity, and he says she looks â€Å"nice†, not beautiful. The salesman takes and interest in order to establish rapport, and to get some work from her, plus a flowerpot he can sell. She is taken in, believes his story and thinks he has a genuine interest in her flowers. It is her specialty and she loves feeling like she is sharing it. (Ten inch mums are huge.) The first paragraph describe Elisa’s feeling about her life: closed in, grey and damp, waiting for something to change. She is isolated and her life is quite limited and simple, as opportunities for women of that time were very limited.The valley is ready to sleep through the coming wionter in anticipation of spring, but Elisa has passed her chance at spring and new blooms. She lives that part of her life through her flowers. 5 How might Elisas preparations for going out for dinner be likened to her care for the chrysanthemums? Explain Elisas response after seeing her seedling chrysanthemums have been tossed out onto the road. Elisa’s preparations for going out to dinner are meticulous and thorough. She does not only care for her own body, but for her husband’s clothing too. When she is done bathing she surveys the results and then dresses. She is as careful with her flowers, as we see in the first scene and she tells us with her directions to the salesman for taking care of them. She packed the seedlings with great care for him to take to the fictional client. She realizes that he has manipulated her and just wanted the money and the flower pot, which she notes that he
Monday, October 28, 2019
Understanding American culture Essay Example for Free
Understanding American culture Essay I was 18 years old when my father decided to send me to America and to cover the traveling expenses, my father sold his land. At that time, my future looked so bright. Studying abroad was such a big deal to most Afghans not only on account of the cost that it entailed but also of the social prestige that went with it. My family then was living in a place called Macaroyain Community, a modern European-style, five-storey apartment complex in a three-square mile area complete with all the modern amenities. My family had high hopes for me and I felt like an adult with so many relatives sending me off the night before my departure. My brother had left for America two years earlier and even if I had never been away from my family for just a single night, I was unfazed. I had my brother to count on. I was jolted by culture shock the moment I arrived at the San Francisco airport. Nothing resembled anything that I was used to back in Kabul. The exposure I had had to American culture through the movies I watched back home and through the American friends of my uncles who came to Kabul hardly helped. Although I did well in high school in Afghanistan, I realized that the technical English I knew would not take me far. It was not even sufficient to enable me to convey my ideas correctly. To cope, I used to carry a Dari-English dictionary with me wherever I went. I must have been an unusual sight having to rehearse in my head what I wanted to say and, when at a loss for the right word, I would frantically scan my dictionary. It was so comforting for me whenever the fellow I was speaking to would be considerate enough to wait as I groped for the correct word. It felt so embarrassing to be holding up the line at the grocery store or in the convenience store. The majority would wait sympathetically while a few would show their impatience and irritation by ill-concealed gestures. Basic differences between English and Dari worsened matters. Robson and Lipson highlights the difficulties of Afghans in their observation that â€Å"Dari and Pashto both put direct objects before the verb (John Mary saw), whereas in English, we put direct objects after the verb (John saw Mary). †(Cross-cultural Adjustments and Challenges,Grammar) At the same time, I also had trouble with â€Å"th†sounds, like â€Å"th†as in thank and this, and with the distinction between w and v as in wine and vine. †(Pronunciation) My difficulties with English pronunciation and the frustration I felt when I could not be understood increased my homesickness. It also heightened my awareness of being different, my being a foreigner, my being from another culture. I truly wanted to be assimilated into American culture. Try as I did, my efforts seemed to backfire. Instead of making me blend into American culture, my persistent attempts to speak the English language like an American made me so self-conscious of my â€Å"otherness†that I often had the feeling that I was in effect isolating myself. Fortunately, most Americans I made contact with had the patience to adjust to my language difficulties. Perhaps, the fact that America is the melting pot of almost all cultures around the world made my problems very commonplace. With a lot of people of different nationalities arriving in America as tourists or immigrants, it is no longer uncommon for Americans to encounter people from different cultures. Looking back, I realize that I found strength in being with students from other countries when I started taking English as a Second Language course at Heald College. There were also Asians who, like me, were doing their best to get assimilated in the American way of life. Aside from this motley group of foreign students, the small community of Afghan students in the Bay Area offered some kind of psychological crutch. I was given a lot of advice and tips about how to go about with my new life in America. Their suggestions, though well-meant, ended up confusing me as some turned out to be contradictory. For example, a few advised that I should discreetly try to make inconspicuous my Afghan traits when I am with Americans in order to get assimilated quickly. On the other hand, others would say, it is pointless to hide my Afghan origins as it would always show up in one form or another. I attended school all day and spent the nights and week-ends working as a busboy and then as a waiter in a restaurant close to our apartment. Every Sunday afternoon, an uncle would take me to Alameda City to play volleyball with friends who are mostly Afghans themselves. After the game, we would go to a restaurant and have dinner together. This was a welcome treat for me. In their company, I was able to relax and have a good time. I didn’t have to exert extra effort to reach out to another culture. I felt at home and the feeling of belongingness was such great comfort.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Essay -- Differential Diagnoses
Regina is a teenager who’s living in a college dorm. When she was younger she broke her nose and afterwards a tiny bump remained. By the time she was a legal adult, Regina thought she had a facial deformity. She became obsessive and refused to go in public. Even after she underwent plastic surgery she still found something else wrong with her face. All this (along with other symptoms) has led me to diagnose Regina with body dysmorphic disorder. People who suffer from body dysmorphic disorder exhibit certain symptoms. Some of these include social isolation, seeking surgery, camouflaging (trying to hide their perceived flaw with clothes, makeup, etc.), and comparing body parts to other peoples appearances (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Regina first thought the small bump on her nose was a monumental flaw that had to be corrected. Without that fix, she became socially isolated and wore clothes (giant sweatshirts and hoodies) that would cover up this perceived imperfection. Furthermore, Regina couldn’t face â€Å"normal†looking people. She compared herself to others and deemed herself a â€Å"hag.†Everyone else was so much better looking and she was too ugly to be seen in public. After her surgery she began to act normal again, but only for a short while. Soon after she thought her forehead was rife with â€Å"worry lines.†She begged her parents to pay for more plastic surgery, which t hey declined. She even went to great lengths and opened a credit card account to pay for the surgery. Now Regina is in the unfortunate position of not being able to keep up with all her bills. Even after all that, she’s still obsessive and has started to skip college classes. All of this due to her â€Å"appalling†wrinkles on her forehead (which others do... ...things they found positive and attractive about her appearance. I would try to introduce her to positive things (such as small social outing with friends and family) to try and get her to change how she responds around others. Slowly, I would introduce Regina back to her college campus and try to show her that it’s only her way of thinking that is causing her disorder (since no one else can see her flaws). My main goal of treatment is to get Regina away from her harmful thoughts and see her in a positive light. Cognitive therapy is all about changing thoughts and emotional responses. Hopefully though repeated effort and altering her thoughts to positive ones, Regina could begin to recover. Works Cited American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Technology in the Classroom Essay example -- Education Teaching
Technology in the Classroom Almost every single occupation in today’s working world is impacted by technology in one form or another. As I have grown as a person and a student, I have noticed the obvious impacts and changes technology is taking on in education. These changes and impacts are both positive and negative to the children, young adults, and adults who are pursuing technological opportunities. In The Art of Fiction, John Gardner said, â€Å"The business of education is to give the student useful information and life-enhancing experience, one largely measurable, the other not†¦Ã¢â‚¬ One of the main reasons technologies are becoming so popular in today’s education is because it is introduced to children at any earlier age than every before. â€Å"Ninety-nine percent of all elementary and secondary schools in the United States have installed computers.†[1] Students are encouraged to research by using the internet for book reports, making banners or signs for science fairs, and typing their paper for an essay. I believe it is important for students to be introduced to this at an early age. I also believe that they get a well grounded understanding of the â€Å"important†reasons to use a computer. So many children get caught up in games, email, chat, and music because they may spend too much time on a computer. These things are okay to an extent, but they should really learn from an early age the true importance of technology in education. Technology is a major focus when discussing the ways to improve schools in the future. Because students are now becoming extremely educated when it comes to technology, school districts are now making it mandatory for teachers to be knowledgeable when it comes to technology, no mat... ...d not just be exposed to computers and the internet without some simple base knowledge. They need to understand the dangers that chat rooms, email, and â€Å"free†sites can have. Along with students, teachers and professors should be aware of what their students are accomplishing while using these various forms of technology. Not only will technology in the classrooms benefit their users in the present, but it will aide them when finding a job in the future. Technology is such and important part in education and it is only getting stronger. [1] Computer Confluence George Beekman Pg.419 [2] A Vision for Technology in Education [3] Will Technology Really Change Education? Authors: Todd W. Kent and Robert F. McNergney 1998 [4] [5] Computer Confluence Author: George Beekman Page 426 Technology in the Classroom Essay example -- Education Teaching Technology in the Classroom Almost every single occupation in today’s working world is impacted by technology in one form or another. As I have grown as a person and a student, I have noticed the obvious impacts and changes technology is taking on in education. These changes and impacts are both positive and negative to the children, young adults, and adults who are pursuing technological opportunities. In The Art of Fiction, John Gardner said, â€Å"The business of education is to give the student useful information and life-enhancing experience, one largely measurable, the other not†¦Ã¢â‚¬ One of the main reasons technologies are becoming so popular in today’s education is because it is introduced to children at any earlier age than every before. â€Å"Ninety-nine percent of all elementary and secondary schools in the United States have installed computers.†[1] Students are encouraged to research by using the internet for book reports, making banners or signs for science fairs, and typing their paper for an essay. I believe it is important for students to be introduced to this at an early age. I also believe that they get a well grounded understanding of the â€Å"important†reasons to use a computer. So many children get caught up in games, email, chat, and music because they may spend too much time on a computer. These things are okay to an extent, but they should really learn from an early age the true importance of technology in education. Technology is a major focus when discussing the ways to improve schools in the future. Because students are now becoming extremely educated when it comes to technology, school districts are now making it mandatory for teachers to be knowledgeable when it comes to technology, no mat... ...d not just be exposed to computers and the internet without some simple base knowledge. They need to understand the dangers that chat rooms, email, and â€Å"free†sites can have. Along with students, teachers and professors should be aware of what their students are accomplishing while using these various forms of technology. Not only will technology in the classrooms benefit their users in the present, but it will aide them when finding a job in the future. Technology is such and important part in education and it is only getting stronger. [1] Computer Confluence George Beekman Pg.419 [2] A Vision for Technology in Education [3] Will Technology Really Change Education? Authors: Todd W. Kent and Robert F. McNergney 1998 [4] [5] Computer Confluence Author: George Beekman Page 426
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Health Care Financial Terms Worksheet Essay
Understanding health care financial terms is a prerequisite for both academic and professional success. This assignment is intended to ensure you understand some of the basic terms used in this course. Complete the worksheet below according to the following guidelines: In the space provided, write each term’s definition as used in health care management. You must define the term in your own words. In the space provided after each term’s definition, summarize a health care management scenario that illustrates the importance of the skill, concept, procedure, or tool to which the term refers. In the scenario, you may wish to consider the following: Why is the skill, concept, procedure, or tool necessary for accurate record keeping, operational efficiency, excellent patient services, employee management, regulatory compliance, reducing costs, forecasting, and so forth? What successes are enabled by an adequate understanding or appropriate application of the skill, concept, procedure, or tool? What risks or failures are associated with an inadequate understanding or inappropriate application of the skill, concept, procedure, or tool? Save the completed worksheet as a Microsoft Word document with your name in the file name. Submit the file to your instructor. Worksheet Submitted By: Term Definition Scenario Capital expenditure budget A budget that can cover one year or multiple years and has a more futuristic view. If the economy is expected to go into a recession that may last several years a company may need a capital expenditure budget. One that may show a plan for the financial survival over the next few years. Things like plans to spend less on expensive or unnecessary supplies or switch to more generic brands are good examples of what could be taken into consideration when making a capital expenditure budget. Direct cost Cost that is directly related to the production of goods or services. Costs related to Materials used for production or labor costs are examples of direct costs because they are directly related to producing goods or services. Flexible budget Budget that is made by using budgeted revenue and cost amounts and can be adjusted according to expected outputs. If a business has had busy Summers in the past and may have another busy Summer they may want to plan for a higher workload and more staff. This requires them to have a flexible budget so they can adjust the budget according to the rising activity level or volume of business. Operating budget Budget that deals with short term revenues and expenses that are needed to keep an organization operating. When a business needs supplies to be able to provide services and needs to pay staff to provide services as well the money that is being spent on the wages of the staff and the supplies is part of the operating budget because those things are needed to operate the business. Responsibility center Center that is responsible for managing costs or costs and revenues. Cost centers are responsibility centers that are responsible for costs and profit centers are responsibility centers that are responsible for managing revenues and costs. Being responsible makes them â€Å"Responsibility†centers.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Medical-Related Communication Technology Essays
Medical-Related Communication Technology Essays Medical-Related Communication Technology Paper Medical-Related Communication Technology Paper 2001; Stuart et al. , 2003). These systems have also been used in teaching students and checking for their mastery and understanding of the course topic (Fung Kee Fung et al. , 2003). Such technology is currently being evaluated for application to the pharmaceutical care laboratory setting, by providing an interactive teaching tool that may also assess the learning outcome in students (Hussein and Kawahara, 2006). VoiceTextTM is a powerful software created by Neospeech. com that provides a method in generating voice output from any inputted text. This software employs voices that have a natural sound, making communication in a much friendlier interaction with another individual. The software may be configured for application in different types of devices, including desktop and network settings, as well as in different languages such as English, Korean, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. VoiceTextTM is equipped with a number of features that facilitates communication of a speech-restricted patient or individual. It is supplied with features that employs natural sounds and clear pronunciation, so that the speech is very understandable. The software is also supplied with a comprehensive dictionary that provides thousands of words as well as pronunciations at its default setting. Interestingly, the software has controls features that allow the user to control the pitch and volume of the voice output, as well as regulate the speed and pauses of the speech. In addition, the user has the ability to customize the settings for dates, times and abbreviations associated with addresses and mixed languages. The software is very powerful because it provides access to its network from a distance through an internet connection, and also allows delivery of data to the user’s PDA and email. This high quality program is also equipped with the ability to use English as a second language, with a maximum of three languages that may be used at one time. The software also allows customized features such as news reading, driving directions and book or document reading. The renowned scientist/physicist, Dr. Stephen Hawking, is one of the latest users of the VoiceTextTM technology. Dr. Hawking suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which is a degenerative motor neuron illness that restricts his physical movements yet retains his intellectual capacity. The only parts of his body that are still capable of moving are his two fingers on his right hand, and he is unable to speak. The text-to-speech technology is a prime assistive technology that facilitates Dr. Hawking in communicating with the rest of the world. He is typically seen in public with a computer screen mounted on the arm of his wheel chair, of which runs his TTS software. The software enables him to press a switch in his hand to create words and sentences at his own command. Once he has built up a sentence, he sends it to the VoiceTextTM system, which converts his inputted text into speech. This technology has helped Dr. Hawking in continuing his life as a scientist/physicist, including writing scientific books and research papers, and giving lectures. The development of the IVR-TTS system has tremendously facilitated communication among speech-restricted individuals and patients. Seeing the interactive nature of the human being, this medical-related technological innovation may provides special kinds of individuals to continue on with their lives, regardless of speech and motor impairment. References Fung Kee Fung K, Fung Kee Fung M, Bordage G and Norman G (2003): Interactive voice response to assess residents’ laparoscopic skills: An instrument validation study. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 189:674-8. Hussein G and Kawahara N (2006): Innovations in teaching: Adaptive and longitudinal pharmaceutical care instruction using an interactive voice response/text-to-speech system. Am. J. Pharm. Educ. 70(2):1-8. Mundt JC, Ferber KL, Rizzo M and Greist JH (2001): Computer-automated dementia screening using a touch-tone telephone. Arch. Intern. Med. 61:2481-7. Stuart GW, Laraia MT, Ornstein SM and Nietert PJ (2003): An interactive voice response system to enhance antidepressant medication compliance. Top. Health. Info. Manage. 24:15-20.
Monday, October 21, 2019
World War 2, atomic bomb essays
World War 2, atomic bomb essays On 6 August 1945 the United States exploded an atomic bomb over Hiroshima and revealed to the world in one blinding flash the start of the atomic age. As the meaning of this explosion and the nature of the force unleashed became apparent, a chorus of voices rose in protest against the decision that opened the Pandora's box of atomic warfare. The decision to use the atomic bomb was made by President Truman. There was never any doubt of that and despite the rising tide of criticism Mr. Truman took full responsibility for his action. Only recently succeeded to the Presidency after the death of Roosevelt and beset by a multitude of problems of enormous significance for the postwar world, Mr. Truman leaned heavily on the advice of his senior and most trusted advisers on the question of the bomb. But the final decision was his and his alone. [1] The justification for using the atomic bomb was that it ended the war, or at least ended it sooner and thereby saved countless American-and Japanese-lives. But had it? Had not Japan been defeated and was she not already on the verge of surrender? What circumstances, it was asked, justified the fateful decision that "blasted the web of history and, like the discovery of fire, severed past from present"? [2] The first authoritative explanation of how and why it was decided to use the bomb came in February 1947 from Henry L. Stimson, wartime Secretary of War and the man who more than any other was responsible for advising the President in this matter. [3] This explana- On August 6, 1945, at precisely 8:16 a.m., the first atomic bomb exploded in Hiroshima, Japan, just seconds after leaving the Enola Gay. It carried with it the equivalent of 20,000 tons of TNT. Everything within four square miles was desolated. On August 9, 1945, the second atomic bomb exploded at approximately 11:01 a.m. in Nagasaki, Japan, after being dropped from the B-29 Bockscar. This bomb contained the equivalent...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Hexapods Are a Diverse Group of Six-Legged Arthropods
Hexapods Are a Diverse Group of Six-Legged Arthropods Hexapods are a group of arthropods that include more than one million described, species, most of which are insects, but a handful of which belong to the lesser-known group Entognatha. In terms of the sheer number of species, no other family of animals comes close to the hexapods; these six-legged arthropods are, in fact, over twice as diverse as all other vertebrate and invertebrate animals combined. Most hexapods are terrestrial animals, but there are some exceptions to this rule. Some species live in aquatic freshwater habitats such as lakes, wetlands, and rivers, while others inhabit coastal marine waters. Hexapods Avoid Sub-Tidal Marine Areas The only habitats that hexapods avoid are sub-tidal marine areas, such as oceans and shallow seas. The success of hexapods in colonizing land can be attributed to their body plan (especially the strong cuticles covering their bodies that provide protection from predators, infection and water loss), as well as their flying skills. Another successful attribute of hexapods is their holometabolous development, a mouthful of a term which means that juvenile and adult hexapods of the same species are very different in their ecological requirements, immature hexapods using different resources (including food sources and habitat features) than the adults of the same species. Hexapods Are Vital But Also Pose Many Threats Hexapods are vital to the communities in which they live; for example, early two-thirds of all flowering plant species rely on hexapods for pollination. Yet hexapods also pose many threats. These small arthropods can inflict vast crop damage and are known to spread numerous debilitating and fatal diseases in humans and other animals. The body of a hexapod is made up of three sections, a head, a thorax, and an abdomen. The head has a pair of compound eyes, a pair of antennae, and numerous mouthparts (such as mandibles, labrum, maxilla, and labium). The Three Segments of Thorax The thorax consists of three segments, the prothorax, the mesothorax, and the metathorax. Each segment of the thorax has a pair of legs, making for six legs in all (the forelegs, the middle legs, and the hind legs). Most adult insects also possess two pairs of wings; the forewings are located on the mesothorax and the hind-wings are attached to the metathorax. Wingless Hexapods Although most adult hexapods have wings, some species are wingless throughout their life cycles or lose their wings after a certain period before adulthood. For example, parasitic insect orders such as lice and fleas no longer have wings (although their ancestors of millions of years ago did have wings). Other groups, such as the Entognatha and Zygentoma, are more primitive than classic insects; not even the ancestors of these animals had wings. Many hexapods have evolved alongside plants in a process known as coevolution. Pollination is one example of a coevolutionary adaptation between plants and pollinators in which both parties benefit. Classification Hexapods are classified within the following taxonomic hierarchy: Animals Invertebrates Arthropods Hexapods Hexapods are divided into the following basic groups: Insects (Insecta) - There are more than one million species of insects that have been identified, and scientists estimate that there may be many millions more species yet to be named. Insects have three pairs of legs, two pairs of wings and compound eyes.Springtails and their relatives (Entognatha) - The mouthparts of springtails, such as the two-pronged bristletails and the proturans (or coneheads), can be retracted within their heads. All entognaths lack wings. Edited on February 10, 2017, by Bob Strauss
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Assignment 3-2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Assignment 3-2 - Essay Example This pattern emerges when we study the dominant traits of all the individuals in the group. Just as the personality profiles of individuals can be used to understand their interactions; the personality profiles of individuals and groups can also be studied to understand the extent of fit that the individual has with the group. Such analysis can often help us identify helpful and unhelpful patterns between levels in the hierarchy; co-workers, and thus help us repair the same to ensure efficient functioning of the group. In the present study, the group supervisor has a personality profile that can be coded as ESFP, and the group he supervises is coded has a dominant profile ESTJ. We find it important to study the interaction between these two profiles in order to try and understand the areas of strength and those of concern in the interactions of the supervisor and the group. The supervisor (personality profile ESFP) is a spontaneous, outgoing individual who loves attention and being a mongst people; interacting with them and helping them feel good about themselves. He makes a great team worker because of this. This person is also liable to be emotional in some situations, and moody in his interactions with others. He prefers using pre-existing structures to new ones; and is less likely to be analytical about the situation at hand. On the other hand, the group profile suggests that the group is organised and focused in its functioning and prefers to abide by rules and structures. It respects authority and is meticulous in its functioning. The discipline that the group seems to love keeps in on target in its goals, which also fuels its sense of purpose and confidence. The group does not take lightly to erratic and strange or out-of context behaviour. Its strong centrifugal style keeps the group connected and united in most cases. The relationship between these two groups is seen as one of Benefit; with the supervisor (personality profile ESFP) being the Benefactor of the group (personality profile ESTJ). A relationship of this kind gives the benefactor a more favourable place in the relationship; and thus, a higher place in the hierarchy. The relationship is mutually beneficial to the extent that the benefactor – here the supervisor – provides the presence and authority that the beneficiary needs and craves. This makes for a smooth work relationship in most cases, since the supervisor provides the authority and direction the team happily follows in the completion of the set goals. The supervisor in return gains respect from the team that provides a sense of authority and control the ESFP love. The team or group tend to identify with the supervisor and treats itself as an extension of this supervisor, such that the flow of command and direction is seamless and rarely challenged. There are potential areas of conflict also; since the supervisor does have some weak spots that the group tries to fill out. But being lower in the hiera rchy of power; they can only make suggestions that may or may not be conceded. This can lead to strife and angry interactions that taint the mood of the group; and could even affect it’s functioning. The supervisor’s personality does lead him to undervalue to inputs of the group; and may ignore suggestions from the team members. While they are focussed on maintaining the wellbeing and functionality of each team member; they do not feel the need to take all
Friday, October 18, 2019
None just a wroksheet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
None just a wroksheet - Assignment Example On many occasions, people may find it very confusing to use common words and may subsequently make such errors like writing ‘insure’ for ‘ensure’. Such mistakes are subject in plagiarism reports as they will increase the percentage of the matches making the work to seem unoriginal. Plagiarism generally presents an act of fraudulently putting other author’s ideas but as if it were one’s own ideas and failing to appreciate the work done by original owner of the idea. Many people would go as far as changing sentence structure of a copied idea thinking that they have prevented plagiarism detection but this still qualifies to be plagiarized work if proper citation and necessary quotation are not made. Conventionality, there is no percentages considered plagiarism but percentage of below 15 percent are considered okay but this is also subject to what kind of work as experimental analysis will have a lot of similarities and the number of sources required. Ideas are regarded as intellectual properties and subsequently United States have legislated laws guarding the copyrights hence appreciate and give credit to ideas originating from others if you are to apply them in your writings. This makes it possible to escape plagiarism in your writings. Instructor’s reports are subject to elimination of some of the revealed matches that shoot the percentage higher. Students reports will always include even the sources that could have not been used based on the match-search done by the detector. The use of common phrases or wording is also a subject to the raised student report percentage and this is ultimately eliminated in tutor’s reports. The raised number of identified sources will portray higher percentages and hence makes it easy for the variations. Normally tutors conduct analysis of the revealed match’s percentages during the decision making to finally judge originality of the work and to grade
BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Initiative Proposal Research Paper
BJB Manufacturing Company Quality Management Initiative Proposal - Research Paper Example ..3 The Total Quality Management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 Process Management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...4 Managing the quality of the products†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4 Employees†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦4 Shareholders†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.5 The Executive Management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 Consumers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 Partners†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 Advantages of the Total Quality Management to BJB†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6 The role of leadership†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..6 Leadership and control†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6 Approving budgets†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..7 Introduction BJB is a manufacturing firm that produces car radios to be used in many types of cars. The firm needs to monitor and improve its quality management by putting in place a total quality management process. Current situation The following are some of the areas that are of concern to the BJB’s TQM. BJB does not involve employees in its total quality management. BJB does not have a way to involve consumers to improve its product quality. There are no repetitive processes to make sure that the production system is continually improved to increase quality and reduce costs For the BJB to be able to access the new market and increase its market segment, it needs to be able to produce high quality produc ts across its product range. The products are a range of car radios for different kinds of cars. Accessing the new market will need a solid Total Quality Management System that will improve the production and increase quality of the products produced by the firm. Proposed total quality management The proposed TQM for BJB will consider the following factors: New Market BJB is trying to access new markets, and to do this it has to have products that are competitive in terms of their quality. The fact that BJB is trying to access new markets also means that the firm has to know not only how to increase the quality but also how to minimize costs so as to use cost advantage to sell at lower prices. The products produced by BJB are not used directly by the consumers, but have to be used along with other products (i.e. vehicles), and BJB needs to consider this in planning its TQM. In this regard, BJB’s Total Quality Management has to ensure that it is will be synchronized with the m anufacturers of motor vehicles. This will be useful in making sure that the products of BJB are compatible with the products of all the car manufacturers, and this will be important because without this compatibility, there can be no market for the BJB’s products. The TQM Process management The process will be monitored to make sure that there are no bottlenecks that may make the system less efficient. BJB should be professionally responsible in making sure that the manufacturing process is incrementally improved every month, to make sure that all inefficiencies are
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Jazz Concert Report CA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Jazz Concert Report CA - Assignment Example The audience consisted of people from all walks of life and cut across all age-groups. Nevertheless, the appeal of jazz on young people like was intriguing. Many students and youth who were already out of college were in attendance. From the yells and screams they were producing, it was clear they were enjoying every second of the show. The concert featured one of the most popular jazz musicians in New York, Ari Hoenig. Ari Hoenig has a small super jazz band. It did not take long for the small band to work the audience into frenzy. The group’s performing forces are both instruments and voices. Drums, violins, guitars among other instruments combined with the band’s voices to produce compelling music. The first song of the night was Lines of Oppression. Hoenig brought it out powerfully by amazingly working on his drums in a manner that took drumming to the next level. He almost made the drums sound like horns before settling down into a loose swing groove (Kelman n.p.). The song started off in a pianissimo but somewhere in the middle rose to a crescendo before leveling out. The reason for this arrangement was to bring out the intended mood of restlessness which often results from oppression. The texture of the song is basically polyphonic with the effect of heightening the musicality of the performance. The voices of the singers blend beautifully with the various instruments used. The tempo, however, keeps changing throughout the rendition. This is in keeping with the song’s expressionistic sonority because Lines of Oppression is largely emotional. Consequently, the artiste was able to grip the audience throughout the performance. Generally, Ari Hoenig was able to reach out to the hearts of his audience throughout the performance. The second performance of the night was Wedding song. The song dispels the impression that Hoenig is
Fundamental of International Buisness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Fundamental of International Buisness - Essay Example As the discussion declares the company decided to expand globally It also wanted to get ahead of other retailers who were also heading in the same direction. In addition to greater growth, by gaining international reach, Wal-Mart has been able to demand deeper discounts from the local operations of its global suppliers thus increasing its potential to lower customer prices , gaining market share and ultimately earning greater profits. This paper stresses that Walmart is arguably as american a company as it can get.So when the decision was made to expand globally,there was plenty of skepticism to go around.Some of the major management decisions involved questions concerning where to begin , how to go about it and how to customize their products to a foreign clientele. While its retailing practices thrived in America ,there were a multitude of challenges it would have to face in other countries where infrastructure is different, government policies vary, and customer tastes and preferences are â€Å"foreign†. Not to mention the competition in the form of established retailers already having the leading edge .After its successful venture into the foreign market in the border and neighboring countries of the United States notably Canada and Mexico(where it’s the biggest private employer),it looked towards Europe for its next move. UK and Germany, countries with the biggest family incomes, became its next targets.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Jazz Concert Report CA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Jazz Concert Report CA - Assignment Example The audience consisted of people from all walks of life and cut across all age-groups. Nevertheless, the appeal of jazz on young people like was intriguing. Many students and youth who were already out of college were in attendance. From the yells and screams they were producing, it was clear they were enjoying every second of the show. The concert featured one of the most popular jazz musicians in New York, Ari Hoenig. Ari Hoenig has a small super jazz band. It did not take long for the small band to work the audience into frenzy. The group’s performing forces are both instruments and voices. Drums, violins, guitars among other instruments combined with the band’s voices to produce compelling music. The first song of the night was Lines of Oppression. Hoenig brought it out powerfully by amazingly working on his drums in a manner that took drumming to the next level. He almost made the drums sound like horns before settling down into a loose swing groove (Kelman n.p.). The song started off in a pianissimo but somewhere in the middle rose to a crescendo before leveling out. The reason for this arrangement was to bring out the intended mood of restlessness which often results from oppression. The texture of the song is basically polyphonic with the effect of heightening the musicality of the performance. The voices of the singers blend beautifully with the various instruments used. The tempo, however, keeps changing throughout the rendition. This is in keeping with the song’s expressionistic sonority because Lines of Oppression is largely emotional. Consequently, the artiste was able to grip the audience throughout the performance. Generally, Ari Hoenig was able to reach out to the hearts of his audience throughout the performance. The second performance of the night was Wedding song. The song dispels the impression that Hoenig is
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Efficts of Conflict and Conflict Resolution on Women and Children Essay
Efficts of Conflict and Conflict Resolution on Women and Children - Essay Example War has been known to cause massive losses in terms of both lives and property. Traditionally, it was the role of the men to venture into war since they were meant to be protectors of the social units in which they were found. The contemporary armed conflicts have incorporated the contribution of women and children as part of the war forces used against an enemy. But it should be noted that the contribution of women and children is significantly low as compared to the high numbers of men found in war. Both women and women are in most cases left home as the men venture out into war. At the same time the nature of war has changed its course with time from the fight targeting the military functions to that which has increasingly been targeting the civilians- a high percentage of which is made up of the women and the children. The warring factions have also intensified attacks directed against their enemies through physically and sexually abusing women and children as a way of punishing their enemies. In this sense then, the women and children have been the victims of various war consequences that they find themselves torn in between. The overall and most obvious war consequences are the destruction of both lives and property since apparently death toll resulting from war related killings increase. Another common war characteristic is the burning up of property as a way of economically destroying the enemy. There are other war consequences that affect the women and children as well. They include; rapes, psychological disturbances, recruit of the children into the military, maiming and disabling, displacement of masses from their homes, transmission of diseases like the sexually transmitted illnesses, and economic severance among other consequences. Men make the largest number of combatants. It is quite interesting that in times when peace is sought after following a period of war, most of the efforts made by governments and other bodies in the decision making level often address the effects the combatants; attempting to ward them off and trying to disarm them in an attempt to restore peace within the war torn are as. The women and children who in turn make the largest number of the victims are often ignored in peace initiatives. The vulnerability associated with these two groups of people often causes their victimization as the following section indicates. Vulnerability of women The international committee of the Red Cross identifies vulnerability in women as stemming from various phenomena. As a result of their biological characteristics and attention for special needs, some categories of women may be considered as vulnerable. These categories include expectant mothers, nursing mothers or women with maternity cases. All the above categories of vulnerable women have their needs stemming from their specific health, biological or hygiene needs. This can be considered as a form of vulnerability associated with the women folk specifically because only women have the potential of delving into these situations that make them vulnerable. This is facilitated by their reproductive roles of conceiving and giving birth to children. Otherwise the law doesn't recognize grown up women as a group of vulnerable people unless they are in any of the above mentioned categories. The social-cultural beliefs found in a given community often mark the kind of relationships found among the people found within such cultural settings. Most of the
Arthur Conan Doyle Essay Example for Free
Arthur Conan Doyle Essay Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes Stories are antiquated with nothing to offer a modern day reader. Arthur Conan Doyles distinctive and unique writing style lead to great success beginning in the nineteenth century when he created the original characters Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. His ingenious stories have had such a major impact on society that they are still significant today. Sherlock Holmes is a difficult character to avoid as he is talked about constantly in the media. Sherlock Holmes stories have been translated into over fifty different worldwide languages and have become very popular nationally and internationally. These stories are all set in the late nineteenth century in Victorian London where reality consisted of Crime, filth and vast amounts of poverty. The population, overcrowded with prostitutes, beggars and rogues causing problems. Rubbish painted the streets and soot covered each surface. Victorian London was a dreary place and Doyles stories were based on reality. This is why everyone found they could relate to them. Arthur Conan Doyles stories are written in nineteenth century prose. This can be classed as long-winded, arcaic and antiquated by modern day readers. For example The Boscombe Valley uses outdated phrases such as Masters the particulars which may not be understood today. The sentences can be long winded, become boring and complex. Paragraphs are also stilted. Todays Reader may encounter a number of problems when reading Sherlock Holmes stories. As well as language being complex and dated there are no pictures to encourage the imagination or help the reader to understand what is going on. Doyle has been such a successful author that he has influenced subsequent detective fiction writers such as Nevada Barr and Agatha Christie. Even today programmes such as A Touch of Frost are influenced by detective stories like Doyles. Sherlock Holmes is such a popular character he still influences much today. As I typed in his name my search engine came up with over 21,000 websites! Sherlock Holmes is still extremely popular. A detective story is full of anticipation and suspense. They cause the reader keep questioning their own mind. Who did it? How did they do it? This makes them carry on reading and make the book interesting and enjoyable. As well as this Doyle uses many features to keep the reader interested. Atmosphere plays a huge part in each story. The Speckled Band creates atmosphere well by using speech and adjectives. Adjectives are used such as terror ferocious disgraceful brawls to create a possibly stereotypical horror type atmosphere. Ive got nobody to turn to This gives the story a mysterious atmosphere where odd things are happening. Dense darkness is also used which creates a scary impression of the atmosphere. Cat like whine is also very atmospheric. The man with the twisted lip also uses fantastic adjectives to help create atmosphere such as Bile shot eyes which creates a horror movie like atmosphere. Suspense also plays a major part in the success of Doyles stories. I think that Doyle builds up suspense by using clues to solve the mystery but not letting the reader know until the end. The speckled Band builds up suspense slowly. Near the beginning the sister died two weeks after she got engaged this gives an idea for a motive has been established. We can then deduce the reason on page 177. On page 177 the motive is identified about the annual allowance. Then again on page 186 the motive is reinforced because Holmes goes to get a copy of the will. When the ladys sister died she mentioned the line it was the speckled band This makes us wonder throughout the story, what is the speckled band? The video of The speckled Band also showed a scene where the clock moved hour-by-hour implying the time was going extremely slowly building up suspense. In the Red Headed League clues are planted. The use of Red herrings Descriptions of London life included mentions of Crime, middle class people, drugs and Dens. At that time Dens were not illegal and were on the fringe of society. The Red Headed League mentions the roadway blocked with the immense stream of commerce Footpaths were black with the hurrying swarm of pedestrians. It even mentions specific names such as Saxe Coburg Square The way Holmes deduces the answer to each crime is very logical and quite outstanding. In The Boscombe Valley Holmes starts by using the newspaper to find out facts about the crime. The newspaper is a highly detailed account, which is very unusual nowadays. We use different sources of the media to work out for ourselves what is going on; but rarely from just a newspaper. Holmes is a very observational character. He does only observe but today people generally take photographic evidence. Holmes gathers evidence by acute observation as he has no cameras and collects no forensic evidence. On page 93 when Holmes goes to observe clues at the crime scene it has just finished raining. So moist was the ground that I could plainly see the traces which had been left by the fall of the stricken man. Usually in present time people would have taped off the crime scene and studied it before it rained or any evidence became contaminated by other people. However here it seems like other people have already been onto the crime scene which could lead to contaminated evidence oh, how simple it would have been had I been here before they came like a herd of buffalo but Holmes still manages to solve the crime just by logical observation and no scientific reasoning. Twice he was walking, and once he ran swiftly so that the soles are deeply marked, and the heels hardly visible. That bears out his story. He ran when he saw his father on the ground. Just by commonsensical observation he managed to deduce this. On page 94 he knows what he is looking for when he specifies the exact description of the murderer. Is a tall man, left handed, limps with the right leg. This makes the reader wonder all along, how does Holmes know this? The case is slowly unravelled and the clues all return and fit into the sequence. On the other hand Holmes methods of observation are still relevant today however more scientific evidence and backups are needed. But Holmes uses logic as we do today and he can be quite scientific. This keeps the reader interested. The use of language creates atmosphere and contributes to the popularity of these books. Weather in each of these stories is rather stereotypical but effective as it helps create atmosphere.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Children Within the Juvenile Criminal Justice System
Children Within the Juvenile Criminal Justice System The conceptualisation of children within the juvenile criminal justice system. Introduction In 2006 to 2007, statistics have shown that there were approximately 3,500 crimes per 100,000 individual’s conducted by juveniles in Australia, almost double the number carried out by adults (Australian Institute of Criminology, 2009). Before the 19th century, there was no category that separated juvenile offenders from adult offenders in Australia’s legal systems and children as young as six were sent to prison (Cunneen White 2007; Carrington Pereira 2009). In modern Australia however, it is widely accepted and acknowledged that juveniles should be treated differently within the criminal legal system so that their inexperience and immaturity can be considered (Richards, 2011). Consequently, juveniles are not dealt with as adults within the judicial system as they are treated more leniently than their adult counterparts. In Australia, the use of detention as a criminal punishment for youths is used as a last resort, after methods such as police cautioning and restorative youth programmes (Richards, 2011). Richards (2011a) suggests that youths are uniquely different to adults and as such this makes them incredibly receptive to rehabilitation in preventing them from further criminal acts. Richards (2011a, np.) argues that a‘range of factors, including juveniles’ lack of maturity, propensity to take risks and susceptibility to peer influence, as well as intellectual disability, mental illness and victimisation, increase juveniles’ risks of contact with the criminal justice system’. This essay will attempt to examine how children are positioned and conceptualised within Australia’s criminal justice system in contrast to the UK criminal system, examining in particular the concept of ‘childhood’ and ‘child’ discourses as well as considering the potential abuse of the juvenile criminal justice system. Discourses of childhood Historically, three key dominant discourses have been conceptualised around childhood and the child, which influences the ways in which children’s behaviour, capabilities and inherent characteristics can be understood (Kehily, 2009). The romantic discourse of childhood described by Jean Jacques Rousseau, views children as being innocent, pure and exuding inherent goodness, of which is harmed or corrupted through contact with the social world (Kehily, 2009). Romantic discursive representations perpetuates the understanding that children need to be protected from potential risk factors in the environment that could be dangerous to their inherent innocence. The acts of criminality from such a discourse are seen as being caused through the influence of the world around them (Kehily, 2009). As Richards (2011a) suggested, juveniles can be influenced by their peers into committing crimes, therefore the child’s inherent goodness has been tainted and corrupted. Also, in the digital age of modern childhood, a child’s early exposure to various forms of media such as the useful, but dangerous Internet, as well as games and movies with violence and crime increase the risk of corruption to their inherent goodness. In contrast, puritan discourse portrays children as possessing an innate capacity for evil or wicked behaviours that is in need of constant checking, observation, reprimand and guidance (Kehily, 2009). This viewpoint regards children as in need of saving from themselves and that childhood is a time in which children must be given moral education to deter their natural potential for wickedness (Kehily, 2009). Richards (2011a) described children’s natural propensity to take risks as a possible factor in criminal behaviour and as such this can be viewed in relation to the puritan discourse. The tabula rasa discourse postulated by John Locke however, portrays children as coming into the world as a blank slate that with effective education and support, can develop successfully into full adulthood (Kehily, 2009). From this viewpoint, factors such as poor education, family support and as Richards (2011a) describes ‘intellectual disability’ can be seen as leading children to crime. Each of these discourses have emerged in different periods of history as more dominant according to social and cultural factors; all three discourses however can be seen to different extents meshed within health care, education policy and practice and within the criminal justice system in addressing and preventing crime amongst young offenders. Australia’s juvenile criminal justice system The United Nations’ Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (1985) places importance on all nations developing laws, rules and provisions that are specifically catered to the needs of juvenile offenders, whilst simultaneously upholding their rights. All Australian jurisdictions (except Queensland) define a juvenile as being aged between 10 and 17; in Queensland it is between 10 and 16 (Richards, 2011). All children under the age of ten are viewed as being unable to be held legally responsible for their actions. This suggests that if a child under ten commits a crime then it is no fault of their own, but that something must have happened to them, such as Richards (2011a) highlighted, peer influence or lack of correct education, support and guidance. This concept of childhood utilises the discourses of romantic and tabula rasa, as children are being identified as inherently good, and only bad behaviour such as crime being committed through the influence of environmental factors (Kehily, 2009). The tabula rasa discourse is evident, in that it is the lack of appropriate guidance, education and support from others around the child, which has led to the child’s criminal behaviour (Kehily, 2009). Whilst Australia adopts such representations and discourses of children into its legal policies that determine how children are dealt with in the legal system, not all countries adopt the same viewpoint. In the United Kingdom, children can be seen to be viewed much differently, due to shifts of discursive representation following high profile criminal behaviours of children. UK juvenile crime policy Faulkner (2010) critiqued the UK Criminal Justice Act (1991), identifying that the UK criminal justice system had become ineffective, due to inconsistencies in how juveniles were dealt with judicially, stating there was a need to address increasing punishment. Faulkner (2010) stated that in response to rising juvenile crime, children should be dealt with as adults are treated, requiring increased punishment. In the UK, the murder of a two year old child, Jamie Bulger, in 1990, by a pair of ten years old boys led to the public outcry for a need for more severe punishments (Sereny, 1994). UK society was shocked by the criminal actions of the two young children and the media supported the public’s disbelief through representing the boys as child killers (Sereny, 1994). The puritan discourse could be seen in action, as the children were describes as being inherently evil, viewing the murder as premeditated and cold (Sereny, 1994; Kehily, 2009). Public pressure and media coverage c ried out for the two ten year old boys to be treated as adults and jailed for life (Sereny, 1994; Franklyn Petley, 1996). However, being juveniles, the boys were not subjected to life sentences in the UK criminal justice system, due to being viewed as being not fully responsible for their actions, they were however institutionalised with the aim of rehabilitation. The case of Jamie Bulger’s murder provides good evidence of how different discourses can be used within society and social and political systems, such as the criminal justice system. These discourses conceptualise how children and their behaviour come to be understood and, in law, how such behaviour is dealt with (Kehily, 2009). In society and the media, the boys were viewed as cold blooded killers, innately possessing some flawed, evil mind that led to their murderous behaviour (Seveny, 1994). However, the UK judicial system used a contrasting romantic discourse in viewing that ‘something’ had caused the children to behave as they did and that in applying a tabula rasa discourse, the children could be educated through rehabilitation into returning to the ‘natural’ goodness associated with a romantic discourse of childhood (Kehily, 2009). If this crime had occurred however in Australia, being 10 years old, the children would have been unable to have b een criminally charged or trialled for the murder of the two year old, as the law does not apply to ten year olds (Richards, 2011a). Australian law utilising a romantic discourse, viewing the children as wholly innocent and therefore the behaviour must be a result of external causes and influence (Kehily, 2009; Richards, 2011) Interestingly in the UK, there has been an introduction of ‘parenting orders’ given to the parents of children who offend (Home Office, 2003). Demonstrating the romantic discourse similar to Australia, it locates the behaviour of the child as a result of inadequate and poor parenting. Parenting orders are designed to change the behaviours of the parents through re-education so that they can then influence and support their children more effectively (Crime and Disorder Act, 1991). This also demonstrates a shift to a tabula rasa discourse in which children are at risk of poor parenting and in need of moral guidance and education (Kehily, 2009). This use of romantic and tabula rasa discourses in the UK juvenile criminal justice system concurs with Australia’s approach to addressing juvenile crime also. Richards (2011a) identifies that juveniles due to their age are very responsive to rehabilitation to promote non-criminal behaviour. This portrays childhood as a parti cular time that requires education and guidance, a view upheld within tabula rasa discourse. Studies have even been used to offer evidence that childhood is a qualitatively different state of being to that of adulthood, in which children have not cognitively acquired the skills needed to make appropriate decisions, determine risk and regulate emotions (Steinberg, 2005). This reflects a romantic discourse, which conceptualises children as essentially innocent, because they have not acquired the necessary cognitive functions to correctly know right from wrong. Murray (2009) states that Australian policy must reflect the need for interventions that can help juveniles grow out of crime, so linking the need for youths to be educated, supported and rehabilitated so that they develop into lawful abiding citizens. Richards (2011) suggests that juveniles have greater complex needs than adults, due to their psycho-social immaturity, being more under the influence of peer group pressure, drugs and alcohol. Childhood is conceptualised within Australian policy as a time in which children need to be protected from external environmental factors that can harm their inherent goodness and innocence (Kehily, 2009). Criminal behaviour is therefore being understood as a result of society’s failure to save these children from the negative influences of the outside world (Murray, 2009). Particular understandings have been identified through the examining of conceptualisation and discursive representation of childhood within the juvenile criminal systems of Australia and the United Kingdom. It is evident that children within the juvenile criminal system are not seen through puritan discourse. However, public anger to severe criminal offences such as murders undertaken by children can reflect this view of children as inherently evil. Through identifying how romantic, puritan and tabula rasa discourses are used within societies as a whole and perpetuated within media, policy and legislation, it has demonstrated how these can influence how children are treated with within the juvenile criminal systems. The dominant discourses found within Australia and the UK policies are that of a romantic and tabula rasa discourse, in which children are viewed as inherently innocent and good, criminal behaviour being seen as resulting from the influence of eternal environmental factor s. In managing and preventing juvenile crime, children are seen to require guidance, support and rehabilitation, viewing children through the tabula rasa discourse. From the understandings identified above, wide acceptance and acknowledgement that juveniles are to be treated more leniently due to considerations of their immaturity and inexperience may lead to potential abuse of the system by various parties. Potential abuse of the Juvenile Criminal Justice System As modern day children are getting smarter and exposed to technology at a younger age, from the puritan discourse, exposure to knowledge of how courts make rulings regarding juvenile crime, either through the internet or peer influence, may lead to a child’s potential exploitation of the system knowing that they can get away with petty crimes easily. In some cases, a child may play into their immaturity and risk-taking propensity, to commit crime such as theft to satisfy material needs. Similarly from the tabula rasa and romanticised viewpoint, ‘intellectual disability’ as described by Richards (2011a) can be transformed into a view of ‘intellectually shrewd’ children abusing the system due to corruption through contact with the social world, ineffective moral education and support. In extreme cases, there is also a possibility of adults or delinquent parents with knowledge of the system taking advantage of the innocence and immaturity of a child, either by threatening or inducing a child to commit crime on their behalf through means of rewards. This is perhaps a cause for concern due to the potential exploitation of such a loophole in the juvenile justice system. While Richards (2011a) suggests that children are more receptive to rehabilitation in preventing them from further criminal acts, prevention is better than cure. So why allow it to happen in the first place and follow up with corrective measures even though children are more receptive to rehabilitation? Support and guidance from family and school is ideal to keep a child in check. In scenarios where a child is from a broken family, where certain studies have shown a link between child delinquency and broken homes, schools should step in to provide more guidance and support for the child. Perhaps more can be done to educate children against such behaviour and raise awareness on this issue. Also, a helpline to combat scenarios where children are pressured into committing crime can potentially help. References Australian Institute of Criminology (2009) Juvenile crime. Retrieved from: (Accessed 16th May, 2014) Carrington, K. Pereira, M. (2009)Offending youth: Sex, crime and justice. Leichhard, Federation Press Cunneen C White R (2007)Juvenile justice: Youth and crime in Australia, 3rd ed. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press Faulkner, D. (2010) Criminal law and justice at a time of austerity. London: Criminal Justice Alliance. Franklin, B. Petley, J. (1996) Killing the age of innocence: newspaper reporting of the death ofJames Bulger in J. Pilcher and S. Wagg (eds) Thatchers Children: Politics, Childhood and Society in the 1980s and 1990s, London: Falmer. Home Office (1998) Crime and Disorder Act, London: HMSO Home Office (2003) Respect and Responsibility: Taking a stand against Anti-Social Behaviour, London: HMSO Kehily, M, J. (2009) An Introduction to childhood studies, Berkshire: McGraw-Hill. Murray, C. (2009) Typologies of young resisters and desisters.Youth Justice9, (2), 115–129. Richards, K. (2011) Trends in juvenile detention in Australia. Retrieved from: (Accessed 16th May, 2014) Richards, K. (2011a) What makes juvenile offenders different to adult offenders. Australian Institute of Criminology. Retrieved from: (Accessed 15th May, 2014) Sereny, G. (1994) The Independent, Retrieved from: (Accessed 3rd May, 2014). Steinberg, L. (2005). Cognitive and affective development in adolescence.Trends in Cognitive Sciences9, (2), 69–74 United Nations (1985)United Nations standard minimum rules for the administration of juvenile justice (the Beijing rules). Adopted by General Assembly resolution 40/33 of 29 November 1985. Retrieved from: (Accessed 12th May, 2014) 1
Saturday, October 12, 2019
How Dead Mens Path and Snapshots of a Wedding Portray Different Cultur
How Dead Men's Path and Snapshots of a Wedding Portray Different Cultures For this essay I am going to discuss Dead Men’s Path, by Chinua Achebe, and Snapshots Of A Wedding, by Bessie Head. These are both short stories from the Opening Worlds book by Heinemann. Written by the Nigerian son of devout Protestants, Dead Men’s Path is a profound short story, which explores the modernisation of Africa through beliefs and also the effects of Western customs and ideas on traditional African society. It tells the story of one man trying to modernise Ndume Central School in Africa where he has recently been made Headmaster. Although only 26, Michael Obi has a very high opinion of himself, and a somewhat over-inflated ego. He sees himself to be above others and superior to them because he is educated: ‘He was outspoken in his condemnation of the narrow views of these older and often less-educated ones.’ With his young wife Nancy supporting his radical ideas and views of a modern school, not just in teaching method but also in appearance, Obi tries to bring the ‘backwards... How Dead Men's Path and Snapshots of a Wedding Portray Different Cultur How Dead Men's Path and Snapshots of a Wedding Portray Different Cultures For this essay I am going to discuss Dead Men’s Path, by Chinua Achebe, and Snapshots Of A Wedding, by Bessie Head. These are both short stories from the Opening Worlds book by Heinemann. Written by the Nigerian son of devout Protestants, Dead Men’s Path is a profound short story, which explores the modernisation of Africa through beliefs and also the effects of Western customs and ideas on traditional African society. It tells the story of one man trying to modernise Ndume Central School in Africa where he has recently been made Headmaster. Although only 26, Michael Obi has a very high opinion of himself, and a somewhat over-inflated ego. He sees himself to be above others and superior to them because he is educated: ‘He was outspoken in his condemnation of the narrow views of these older and often less-educated ones.’ With his young wife Nancy supporting his radical ideas and views of a modern school, not just in teaching method but also in appearance, Obi tries to bring the ‘backwards...
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Life of Ansel Adams :: Photography Photographers Essays
The Life of Ansel Adams President Jimmy Carter, in presenting Ansel Adams with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, best describes the life and work of Ansel Adams. "At one with the power of the American landscape, and renowned for the patient skill and timeless beauty of his work, photographer Ansel Adams has been visionary in his efforts to preserve this country's wild and scenic areas, both on film and on earth. Drawn to the beauty of nature's monuments, he is regarded by environmentalists as a monument himself, and by photographers as a national institution. It is through his foresight and fortitude that so much of America has been saved for future Americans." Ansel Adams has long been hailed as a master of photography. Environmentalist and photographer, he was born February 20th, 1902 in San Francisco California to Charles Hitchcock Adams. He was the grandson of a wealthy timer baron and he grew up in the sand dunes of the Golden Gate Bridge. His family's fortune diminished during the financial panic of 1907 and his father Charles spent the rest of his life trying to rebuild it. In 1906 at the age of 4, Ansel was thrown to the ground during an aftershock of the great San Francisco earthquake and broke his nose, scarring him for life in the process. This physical characteristic along with a natural shyness also led to the young Ansel having problems in fitting in at school. After trying several schools with little success, his parents took him out of main stream schooling in 1915 and Ansel received home tutoring from an aunt and his father. As a result of not attending school, the young Adams had a lot more time to himself and he used much of this time on long walks around the Golden Gate area. It was here that his life-long love of nature grew and it was perhaps this that put him on his path to becoming a landscape photographer. In 1916 there was another event that was to be pivotal in shaping Adams future. On a family vacation to Yosemite National Park, California his parents gave him a Kodak Box Brownie camera. He was to return to Yosemite again every ye ar for the rest of his life. This summer I had the opportunity to live where many of these Yosemite and other pictures were taken. One of his most famous photographs was of the many curves of the Snake River, with the picturesque Grand Teton Mountains in the background.
Amen. Actions and Consequences
Costa-Gavra’s â€Å"Amen. †is a thought-provoking film that combines political thriller, suspense and expose. â€Å"Amen†, translated in Hebrew as â€Å"So be it†, deals with three significant characters, both real and fictional, who act out different moral or ethical principles. These characters, Father Riccardo Fontana, Kurt Gerstein and Pope Pius XII, provide the audience with different perspectives on the dilemma about the genocide of millions of Jews during World War II, commonly known as â€Å"the Holocaust†.By reflecting on the lives, actions or personalities of these three characters, we would understand the ethical challenges, ethical principles and actions they have faced, considered and performed. Body Father Riccardo Fontana, played by Mathleu Kassovitz, is a junior diplomat and an idealistic Jesuit priest. Father Riccardo Fontana learned the life and sufferings of the Jews in the Nazi concentration camps (through the help of Kurt Gerst ein). He also learned that the American government inquired about the genocide of Jews through a letter addressed at the Vatican.He endeavoured or tried his best to alert the Vatican about the genocide of Jews in the Nazi concentration camps. He thought that his familial connections with the local priests and at the Vatican would bring in results or considerations from the Pope. He also thought that by directly stating the problems at the Nazi concentration camps to the Pope, he would be able to bring light to the problem and have the Pope do his part by making a public statement condemning the actions of the Nazis.However, in the end, he was not able to have the support of the Vatican. He lost his life; Father Riccardo Fontana died a martyr. Father Riccardo Fontana is a fictional character in the movie; however, I believe that he symbolizes the early life of Pope Pius XII. As a morally righteous priest, I believe that he wanted to ease the pain or sufferings of the Jews. As a diplo mat, I believe that he wanted to do things in a peaceful and legal manner. I also think Father Riccardo Fontana believes on deontological ethics.Deontological ethics or deontology refers to the method of applying ethics by focusing on what actions are right or wrong, regardless whether the consequences would right or not. This ethical principle is sometimes referred to as â€Å"obligation†or â€Å"duty†ethics. These are the reasons why I believe, Father Riccardo Fontana tried his best to alert the Pope, make a difference or bring the Jews help from the Vatican even if it means to sacrificing his own life for the sake of duty. If I were Father Riccardo Fontana, I would also inform or alert the Vatican, particularly the Pope.I would seek his assistance regarding the genocide of Jews and strongly emphasize my point that it is wrong and immoral. I would let them see that as priests, we should do our best to preserve life and peace all throughout the world, despite the di fferences in race or ethnicity. I would stand for the right of my fellow Jews, especially for their right to live. However, unlike Father Riccardo Fontana, I would seek or provide other kinds of help if all of the previous acts fail. I help the Jews by hiding them from the Nazis and I will ease their pain with my prayers.Subsequently, I will continue my efforts to make the authorities do their part. I will not have myself killed, not for selfish reasons, but because I know that dying won’t solve anything. If I die, I would no longer be able to help the Jews or the needy. If I die, I won’t be able to strengthen their morale and keep their spirits and hopes high. On the other hand, Kurt Gerstein, played by Ulrich Tukur, is a real character or individual, greatly devoted to his duty as a soldier and religious beliefs as a Protestant. He is a German SS officer on board the Waffen-SS during the World War II.He is also an intelligent scientist and member of the Institute for Hygiene who developed the gas Zyklon B for treating or curing the waters drank and used by Nazi soldiers. As a scientist, hygienist and developer of the Zyklon B, he only wanted to prevent illnesses or the spread of diseases among the Nazi troops. Unfortunately, Zyklon B was used to exterminate the Jews. Raised in a family of patriotic officers and soldiers with strong sense of responsibility, his obedience or compliance to authority cannot be doubted. However, after learning this horrible truth, his values as a Protestant dominated his sense of patriotism.He alerted the Protestant leaders, then the authorities, Swedish diplomats and also the Roman Catholic Church about the immoral acts committed by his superiors. He took actions similar to what Father Riccardo Fontana did and just like the efforts of Father Riccardo Fontana, Gerstein’s efforts were in awe. Conversely, I am convinced that he believes the same ethical principles as Father Ricardo Fontana. If I were Kurt Gerst ein, I would first try to reach a higher position in the Nazi party. I will do my best to reach that position as soon as possible because time is of the essence.After having power or authority, I would instantly see to it that the officers under my authority would provide help to the Jews. I would do this secretly or behind the radar of my superiors so that I can still have my power and my life for the service of those who are suffering. With my power and my life, I will provide more help or make more things morally right. Pope Pius XII, the most controversial character in the movie, is subjected to allegations of preserving his selfish-needs, economic interests, ambition and power by doing nothing regardless of knowing the horrible truth at the Nazi concentration camps.In this sense, allegedly, the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church in extension, committed passive sin. Somehow, watching the movie had made me scrutinize or contemplate on the faith and hope that I had for the Vatican or to the Pope. Putting myself in the shoes of Kurt Gerstein and Father Riccardo Fontana made me doubt that the religious authorities are not morally upright. However, considering the position of the Pope, I reclaimed my belief that he did not do anything wrong and that he only wanted greater good for a greater number of individuals or Jews in particular.As a prominent and religious leader, every action should be seriously weighed and the interests of those who are in need or prosecuted should be considered in order to prevent further harm done to them. Alerting the international public would disrupt the allegiance of the Vatican and the Nazi party and spark more tension. If the allegiance is lost and the Nazis are angered by the public statement or expose of their immoral acts, will the Vatican be able to address the retaliation of the Nazis? How can the Vatican keep Jews, provide food and shelter in chapels if the angered Nazis destroyed the Catholic chapels?Will the public state ment improve the situation of the prosecuted Jews? Will it stop a possible war? I don’t think. This is due to the fact that the Nazi party has great military power at that time to retaliate to any threat or opposition. Public protests against this inhumane party would only increase prosecution, not only of Jews but also Roman Catholics; and that would be further agonizing. I think that as a religious leader, a morally upright Roman Catholic and diplomat, Pope Pius XII did actions behind the eye of the public to help the Jews.I believe that Pope Pius XII believes in utilitarianism and because of this. Consequently, he suffered the pain of doing nothing because he knew that the consequences would be right or provide greater good. Conclusion Father Riccardo Fontana, Kurt Gerstein and Pope Pius XII are three interesting characters with varied perspectives when it comes to what is right or wrong. Father Riccardo Fontana and Kurt Gerstein believed in fulfilling their moral obligati ons while Pope Pius XII believed that â€Å"the end justifies the means†.The first two characters believed in doing things now and in considering consequences later while the third character was thinking of the consequences first before making an action. Somehow, I believe that the Holocaust or the genocide of millions of Jews in Nazi concentration camps, considering these two opposite ethical principles, is a dilemma. It is a dilemma where I believe, Pope Pius XII did the best choice. Works Cited Costa-Gavras, dir. Amen. Perfs. Ulrich Tukur, Mathieu Kassovitz. Kino International, 2002.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Asperger Syndrome 3
Asperger syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder and is considered a high functioning form of Autism. Autism spectrum disorders are also known as pervasive developmental disorders and can affect social skills and communication. Asperger syndrome can also delay the development of motor skills and cause sensory problems. While there is no cure for Asperger syndrome, there are treatments to help teach the skills affected by Asperger to patients to help them cope with the disorder. Research is currently being conducted to find the causes of Asperger syndrome and other effective treatment methods. The symptoms of Asperger syndrome are caused by delays in several areas of development such as social skills, communication skills, motor skills, and language skills. Patients with Asperger syndrome can become over-focused on a single topic or object and will want to know everything about the topic and will talk very little about anything else. Their areas of interest may be extremely narrow and they will often rattle off facts about their topic of interest with no conclusion or connection to conversation (Asperger Syndrome-PubMed Health). Asperger patients also exhibit social awkwardness and have trouble forming relationships. Eye contact, use of facial expressions, and body language are impaired in patients and can inhibit regulation of social interaction. Patients may also lack emotional empathy and the ability to recognize social cues (OASIS @ MAAP – What Is Asperger Syndrome? . Speech may have a lack of rhythm, odd inflection, or a monotone pitch in patients with Asperger syndrome. They may also lack the control to match the volume of their voice to their surroundings (Asperger Syndrome Fact Sheet). Asperger syndrome patients may show delays in motor development and exhibit unusual physical behaviors such as repetitive arm flapping, twisting, or other whole body movements (Asperger Syndrome – PubMed Healt h). Asperger syndrome is very difficult to diagnose. People with Asperger syndrome often function very well in everyday life, so the signs and symptoms exhibited are often just recognized as â€Å"quirks†or a way of just being different. If a child exhibits any symptoms of Asperger syndrome, it is extremely important to seek the help of a doctor and they will refer you to a mental health professional or a specialist for further evaluation. A â€Å"psychological exam†will be performed to compile a history of when the symptoms first apeared, the development of motor skills and language patterns, and other aspects of behavior and ersonality. The earlier an evaluation is conducted, the sooner treatments can be started to improve a child’s development with Asperger syndrome (Asperger Syndrome). Asperger syndrome has no cure, but with treatments and medications, many children with Asperger syndrome grow into well-developed, productive adults. The majority of diagnosed children benefit from specialized treatments that f ocus on social skills training and behavior management. Some of these treatments include communication and social skills training and cognitive behavioral therapy. There are no medications that specifically treat Asperger syndrome, but there are some medications that can help improve symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and hyperactivity including Aripiprazole, Guanfacine, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, Risperidone, Olanzapine, and Naltrexone (Staff, Mayo Clinic). Parent training is also helpful in continuing treatment at home and teaches parents techniques to be used at home to better their child’s development (Asperger Syndrome – PubMed Health). Research is currently being conducted to understand the causes of Asperger syndrome and to find more effective treatments. A study is currently being conducted using functional magnetic resonance imaging to show how abnormalities in particular areas of the brain can cause the symptoms of Asperger syndrome and autism spectrum disorders. There is also a large-scale study comparing neuropsychological and psychiatric assessments of children with possible diagnoses of Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism to those of their parents and sibling to try to identify any patterns of symptoms that link Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism to any specific neuropsychological profiles. A long-rang international study conducted by a collection of scientists from universities, academic centers, and institutions from around the world to collect and analyze DNA sample from children with Asperger syndrome and high-function autism, along with their families, to identify associated genes and how they interact. This study is better known as the Autism Genome Project and functions as a repository for genetic data so that researchers can try to find the genetic â€Å"building blocks†of Asperger syndrome an autism spectrum disorders (Asperger Syndrome Fact Sheet). Asperger syndrome is a high-functioning form of autism and is considered an autism spectrum disorder. It delays the development of many areas such as communication and social skills. Even though there is no cure for Asperger syndrome, with the right treatments and medications, most children with a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome and their families learn to cope with the symptoms of this disorder. Many adults with Asperger syndrome can develop to be happy, well-functioning, and productive adults with successful mainstream jobs and lead fulfilling independent lives with the right kind of treatment plans and support available to them. Works Cited â€Å"Asperger Syndrome – PubMed Health. †Web. 16 Oct. 2011. . â€Å"Asperger Syndrome Fact Sheet. †National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Web. 16 Oct. 2011. . â€Å"Asperger Syndrome. †KidsHealth – the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Web. 16 Oct. 2011. . â€Å"OASIS @ MAAP – What Is Asperger Syndrome? †OASIS @ MAAP – The Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support Center. Web. 16 Oct. 2011. . Staff, Mayo Clinic. â€Å"Asperger's Syndrome – MayoClinic. com. †Mayo Clinic. Web. 16 Oct. 2011. .
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Statement of objectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Statement of objectives - Essay Example of the Department of Public Administration and Urban Studies to improve the capacity of public service in a dynamic urban society through furthering education and community engagement. With my master degree, I was credited with 3 Advanced Certificates in Management from the same university, to wit: Advanced Certificate in Information Management, Advanced Certificate in Telecommunication Management, and Advanced Certificate in Human Resource. Equipped with these academic achievements, I am prepared to undertake greater challenges in higher education. My ultimate goal is to be an instrument of change to my country once I completed the PhD in Urban Studies and Public Affairs in conjunction with Cleveland State University’s College of Public Affairs. The University of Akron is one of the most prestigious institutions which can accord a multi disciplinary approach to the program. I am optimistic in learning various public service and urban studies issues affecting not only the local and national level, but more so, their impact and influence on international levels. I would like to be given the opportunity to share the theoretical and practical applications of public affairs and urban studies in Saudi Arabia, which unselfishly provided me with 100% scholarship through the King Abdullah Graduate Studies Scholarship Program. If accepted, I plan to spend part of my time developing greater insight into one of my primary research interests – stewardship applications in electronic business. For individuals who exemplify characteristics and behavior that demonstrate the concept of stewardship and serving society, the most important consideration is to take accountability without instilling control or dominion over those persons or properties one is tasked to take care of. The benefits that the degree in sciences of management emphasize that public policies’ response to change is a necessary component to adapt and adjust to inefficiencies, conflicts and developments
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Evidence based paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Evidence based paper - Essay Example This is an even greater challenge for new nurses who are not yet familiar with the physicians’ handwritings, making them more prone to mistakes. Computers should replace handwritten prescriptions. Doctor’s orders and prescriptions should be given through a computer so that they will be more understandable. This can reduce confusion and mistakes, making the delivery of healthcare faster and more efficient. It can also serve as a better way of keeping track of doctor’s orders since computers make it easier to compile data and save them to a hard drive as opposed to keeping the orders in a clipboard or a folder. Computers can be more beneficial than just reducing mistakes. There are many advantages to using computers in giving orders and prescriptions. Computer-inputted orders and prescriptions are clear and easy to understand; the files can be saved more securely than a physical copy; the files can be shared easily between departments. For example, when a doctor orders a new drug to a patient, once it is noted on the computer, the nurse can forward the new drug orders to the pharmacy so that they can provide the new drug immediately. Documentation becomes easier due to computers, freeing up more time for the nurses to take care of patients. This new speed and efficiency from being able to understand and manage prescriptions better translates into better patient care that can make a difference for the patient’s health and can prevent many accidents involving medication errors from happening. The downside to computers would be cost and reliability. The cost to place a computer and to maintain it in every area of the hospital is significant, and it would also need a powerful backup power supply in case power runs out, which could cripple the whole care process since the computers, with all the patients’ data, cannot be accessed. The ultimate goal of digitizing prescriptions is the
Monday, October 7, 2019
Does the Way in which Accounting Represents the World Facilitate the Essay
Does the Way in which Accounting Represents the World Facilitate the Control of Organizations - Essay Example As the discussion declares an organisation, first aims to control its internal activities through different mechanisms. One of the mechanisms which is considered very important when it comes to discuss the control of organisations is the use of accounting methodologies and practices. Various accounting control systems are considered very important to ensure the internal control of organisation and also to enhance the capability of organisations to fulfil its accountability towards the environment. In addition to the accounting control systems, organisations have also developed various other tools such as good human resource management practices, policies and rules and other mechanisms to ensure the control of organisation, however, it is generally believed that accounting is central to all kinds of mechanisms of control of organisations and it is the most effective mechanism to ensure the control of organisations. This paper explores that accounting plays a very significant role because it portrays the image of the company through various accounting methodologies and practices. How different accounting practices facilitate the control of organisation is directly linked with the areas of accounting that enhance the accountability of various aspects of businesses. Financial Accounting is the area of accounting in which the financial events and transactions of the company are identified, measured, recorded, classified, summarised, analysed, interpreted and communicated. Through this branch of accounting, the organisation seeks to keep the systematic records and communicates the financial performance of the company to the interest parties. Cost Accounting is the area of accounting which deals with the control of the cost of the product, process or operation. In this branch of accounting the costs are measured the information is used for decision making. Management accounting is the area of account ing which uses the accounting methodologies to provide the information that is important
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Marriage in the 20th Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marriage in the 20th Century - Essay Example First, they perceived conscience as the possession of a general knowledge as regards moral principles. In addition, it was also seen as a process towards being deliberated morally. Finally, these theologians examined the term conscience in terms of its usage in specific cases. The perspective of the Catholic Church is also threefold, as regards the term conscience. First, conscience is seen as that which an individual is able to experience as a reality, from within themselves. The term conscience is perceived as an analytical, evaluative and reflective judgment regarding that which is right in respect of particular cases. In this case, a call towards openness is called upon; if at all individuals are to identify the truth (Firer, n. d.). Finally, conscience is seen as an event that facilitates the attainment of a moral decision. In other words, it is the gateway that enables individuals to differentiate between that which is right, or wrong. The exercise of conscience calls for its development and cultivation. To develop it, it is required of an individual to undergo through an experience that shall both deepen and sharpen their sensitivity in terms of the evils on the one hand, and the moral good on the other hand. This enables individual to 'see rightly' (Firer, n. d.). Secondly, the development and cultivation of conscience may occur as a result of a learning process that entails making of judgment during times of conversation with say, a community as well as those responsible for giving such a community moral wisdom (Firer, n. d.). This way, individuals are assisted in judging rightly. Finally, the definite occurrence of arriving at a decision, coupled with the ensuing action, accords to each one of us what may at best be referred to as a ' track record' that upon reflecting on it, turns out to be our individual fountain of guidance as well as moral wisdom. This often takes time, but eventually, it enables us to 'act rightly'. Moral discernment According to Wallace (2003), discernment may be seen as a conventional name that refers to the difficult process of arriving at decisions or choices, on the basis of the "moral imperative" of an individual's conscience, while taking part in a "reasonable dialogue" with experts in subject-matter and also spiritual guides. It is important to note that there is a variation between the process of making daily decisions on the one hand and discernment on the other hand. Wallace has also referred to discernment as a "thoroughgoing effort" (Wallace, 2003). Logic alone is not enough to warrant recognition of discernment; the rest of our mental facilities are also called upon. To begin with, discernment tends to be in tune with the "the moral good", as opposed to the profitable that which is solidly conventional, or expedient. In other words, discernment is about trying to identify the best source of action to undertake from a moral perspective, as opposed to doing what we might find easier to accomplish, and that which may not lead to others criticizing our actions. Discernment also differs from the everyday decision making process in another way that could be seen as even more subtle. In this case, individuals take an assumption that sheer logic is not enough to help them attain "the good" (Wallace, 2003), thus calling for discernment. Conscience, moral
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