Monday, September 30, 2019
How health, safety and hygiene legislation has impacted Essay
Introduction In this assignment, I shall be explaining how health, safety and hygiene legislation has impacted on selected two food retailers. I have selected Jimmy’s and Tesco. Jimmy’s Jimmy’s World Grill & Bar is a chain of buffet restaurants in the United Kingdom. In 2012 it launched its flagship restaurant in The O2, London. The first Jimmy’s World Grill & Bar opened in 2003 and the chain now operates restaurants including Luton, Derby, Bath, Peterborough, Watford, and Wimbledon. Each restaurant offers cuisines from multiple international countries including Italy; China; India; Mexico; the US and the United Kingdom. The restaurants all offer â€Å"live cooking stations†where food is cooked to order in front of the customer. Tesco Tesco is the UK’s biggest food retailer offering a variety of services for food and non-food products to include insurance, entertainment, electrical goods and many more. It employs over 440,000 people around the world with over 280,000 in the UK. It has over 2,000 stores in the UK and a growing number of stores abroad in countries such as Thailand, China, Hungary and the United States. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is a regulation to make further provision for securing the health, safety and welfare of employees at work. This law applies to all workplace for controlling the keeping and use and preventing the unlawful achievement, possession and use of dangerous substances. Additionally, this act is for controlling certain emissions and also to help prevent employees from getting hurt. It has an impact on Tesco because they are responsible for creating a safe, healthy and productive workplace. Tesco provides training to their employees to assist staff in identifying, minimising and controlling hazards complying with all safety and health requirement applicable to their workplace. The employees of Tesco must wear protective cloth and safety equipment which are safe without risk to health. If anyone gets injured at Tesco, they can be eligible to be sued because it is Tesco responsibility to ensure that everyone is safe within the working environment. Jimmy’s provides a safe and healthy working environment and they meet their responsibilities. Jimmy’s manages risks to health and safety to prevent accidents. Jimmy’s identifies, assesses and reduces risks to health and safety as it’s reasonable and practicable. Jimmy’s aims to prevent any accidents by training their employees to work safely. For example injuries by knifes/fire. The European Union The European Union ensures that control standards are established and adhered to as regards food hygiene, animal health and welfare, plant health and preventing the risk of pollution from external substances. Food hygiene is a way of preserving and preparing food which ensures that the food will be safe for people to eat. This regulation covers all stages of the productions, processing, distribution and placing on the market of food intended for human consumption. It affects Tesco because they are responsible to provide safe foods, implement procedures in order to prevent unsafe foods and withdraw and recall unsafe foods. For example, use of separate areas and equipment for handling and preparing raw and cooked foods and also use of appropriate cleaning chemicals. If the food is not well prepared, cooked or not washed or out of date then Tesco will be entitled to cheating/fraud as customers don’t get what they pay for. So Tesco has to make sure they provide good quality foods that meet customer’s needs and expectation. Jimmy’s measure key product and its quality attributes by focusing on ingredients and materials, as well as samples collected from the trade. They also try to become the ideal restaurant to meet company requirements and consumer expectations in the marketplace and they also ensure that they do the correct use of appropriate cleaning chemicals. Jimmy’s provides proper training to their employees to ensure hygiene in cooked and raw foods. Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulation 1981 Health and safety is a regulation and procedure intended to prevent accident or injury in workplace or public environment. For example, fire exit alarms are installed inside the building. Fire aid is the initial care given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment can be accessed. It is mostly performed by a non-expert or sometime by an expert in case of an emergency. It has an impact on Tesco as they might need first aid anytime to their workers and every staff must report it to manager if any accident occurs and treatment is necessary. It is important for Tesco to record details of any accident or injury in the book kept in the workplace and they also should report from any witness. Jimmy’s trains their employees for first aid certificate so that they can be available in their shifts to aid anyone who gets injured. Jimmy’s kitchen staffs are more likely to be injured by knifes /fire etc., so they make sure they have first aids stored in a safe place as well as fire extinguisher. Jimmy’s makes sure that they trained their staff and also ensure the checklist of daily presence of first aider is always signed in the beginning of the shift. Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 is a law which puts duties on employers, the self-employed and people in control of work premises to report certain serious workplace accident, occupational diseases and specified dangerous occurrences. These reports enable the enforcing authorities to identify where and how risks arise and to investigate serious accidents. If someone has died or has been injured because of a work-related accident this may have to be reported. Not all accidents need to be reported, other than for certain gas incidents, a RIDDOR report is required only when: the accident is work-related and it results in an injury of a type which is reportable It has an impact on Tesco because they have a legal duty to report accidents or incidents occur in the workplace. This will help to find out where and how risks arise and also to investigate any serious accidents. Tesco staff helps and advices you to prevent actions in order to minimise injuries, accidents or incidents. Jimmy’s provides the information that enables the HSE to identify where and how risks happened in the workplace. Therefore, Jimmy’s makes sure that they maintain their information about accidents, injuries or incidents Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 is a regulation that provides a framework to help protect people in the workplace against health risks from hazardous substances. The substances may be used directly in the work or may arise from the work such as cleaning chemicals. This law requires employers to make an appropriate assessment of the health risks created within the working environment and also to define the measures necessary to protect people’s health. It has an impact on Tesco because they need to make sure prevent or minimise their workers’ exposure to hazardous substances. For example, Tesco must provide sufficient information in order to reduce harmful to health. Jimmy’s always provides suitable and sufficient information, instruction and training in order to follow the legislation. Jimmy’s makes sure that they prevent exposure to hazardous substances and sufficiently control the risks from such exposure. They also ensure to keep chemi cals stored in a different room to keep avoid in touch with food items. If cleaning chemicals are mixed in food, the customer who eats could cause a severe injury or even may be poisoned. Food Safety Regulations 2005 Food Safety Regulations 2005 is a law that applies to all types of food, drink and ingredients. This regulation requires businesses to make sure food is supplied or sold in a hygienic way, identify food safety hazards and know which steps in the business activities are critical for food safety. Also, ensure safety controls are maintained and reviewed in the workplace. Tesco maintains the highest standard of hygiene by preventing any infection on food with bacteria or chemical. Furthermore, Tesco also keeps their foods in a correct temperature. If any equipment affected by food safety, employees must need to inform their manager. Tesco follows the regulation by not allowing their employees to smoke or drink alcohol in the workplace. If they found their employees smoking or drinking alcohol in the workplace, it will lead to disciplinary action and may result in dismissal. It has an impact on Jimmy’s because it is their regular practice to ensure that all their employees are keeping their workplace clean and tidy. By taking these active steps, they can ensure that everyone works in the workplace are confident in the health and safety. They also have different tools for different food items. For example for cutting chicken they use different knives and different cutting objects and plates, for cutting vegetables they have use different knives. Also these tools are colour coded so they know which one is for meats and which one is for vegetables. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point is a procedure carried out for food safety and biological, chemical and physical hazards in production processes that can cause the finished product to be unsafe and designs measurements to reduce these risks to a safe level. In addition, they need to ensure that everything they use or touch needs to be cleaned properly. It affects Tesco because they need to make sure that the foods produced are safe to eat. The foods need to be kept in a correct temperature level. Tesco ensures that these are safe for consumers to eat when they have passed through the entire food supply chain. Temperature is an important aspect of HACCP and improper storage temperature can makes foods unsafe to eat. Jimmy’s following this legislation by making sure that their drinks are safe for human consumption. Jimmy’s focus on the standardisation of raw materials and all the materials must be offered by the Jimmy’s suppliers. Conclusion In this task, I have explained how health, safety and hygiene legislation has impacted on Tesco and Jimmy’s.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Implementing Change Paper Essay
In any organization, the manager wears many hats. Their responsibilities go beyond just managing a group of people. On top of managing, they have to be communicators, coaches, and advocates, just to name a few of the many hats. Part of being an effective communicator includes reporting and implanting changes that may come down from upper management. Change can bring out many emotions in people, like anxiety. How a manager handles the change and implements it within their department can either make their people feel good about it, or heighten their concerns (â€Å"Managers And Supervisors: Importance And Role†, 2014). What is the manager’s role and responsibility in implementing change in the department? When implementing change within a department, there are specific responsibilities that a manager must uphold. First and foremost, it is important for the manager to inform the employees of what is going on and most importantly as soon as possible. When employees sense th at there may be a change, it often causes panic. When the employees aren’t sure of what exactly is going on, it allows their minds to run wild with all the possibilities and often times they are negative. Therefore, it is important they are given all the necessary information up front before they have time to assume what is going to happen (Scott, 2014). Once all the relevant information has been relayed and the employees understand all the changes that are going to take place, the manager then needs to switch into support mode. They need to be able to support their entire team through the process that is about to unfold. For example, this is important if the change will bring a heavier workload. The manager will need to provide support to the team so that they will adjust to the change as seamlessly as possible. Lastly, overall good management techniques are important when a change is being implemented. Managers should be aware of over and under managing the situation. Also, implementing a rewards program can also help ease the stress of the change (Scott, 2014). How should a manager successfully handle staff resistance to change? A resistance to the change is bound to happen and should be expected from at least a few employees. A manager’s skills are put to the test when this happens and it is vital that they handle this situation appropriately. Resistance can come in many different forms. For example, there may be an increased number of people quitting, hostility, and in extreme cases, strikes. Any type of resistance can be troublesome for the management teams, which is why it is imperative that it is handled quickly and appropriately. For starters, the management team needs to understand that some resistance is desirable because it will help the change to be more effective. Employees who question the change in a non-malicious manner could ultimately help to refine the plans of change. Secondly, a good manager will realize that not all of their employees will respond the same to the changes and should be treated accordingly. Sometimes the resistance may come because the employees may not understand the purpose of the changes. The fix for this could be as simple as sitting down with those employees that are having trouble adjusting and thoroughly going over everything. This would include explaining why, how, and when the changes will be taking place. Define each step of the change process: assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation The change process includes four steps, assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation. These steps can help make the change process an easier transition. According to Sull ivan and Decker (2009), â€Å"Emphasis is placed on the assessment phase of change for two reasons. Without data collection and analysis, planned change will not proceed past the â€Å"wouldn’t it be a good idea if†stage†(Sullivan & Decker, 2009, â€Å"Chapter 5, Initiating and Implementing Change, The Change Process†). Change does not have to come from only a problem, it can also come from an opportunity. Once the problem or opportunity has been properly identified, internal and external data can be collected. Many factors will have to be examined, like who would benefit from the changes and the costs associated with the changes. Once all the data has been collected, it is imperative that it gets analyzed. A statistical analysis could prove even more beneficial especially if it is presented visually, with either graphs or charts. Once a direction has been established, the next part in the process can begin. In the planning stage, the who, when, and how of the change are determined and the target area is decided. Those in the target are should be act ively involved with the planning stage. Doing so will hopefully lessen the chances of resistance later on. In the next stage, which is implementation, the plan is put into motion. There are two different methods for change; changing an individual and changing a group. Information giving is the most common method used in changing an individuals’ attitudes and values. According to Sullivan and Decker (2009), â€Å"providing information is prerequisite to change implementation, but it is inadequate unless lack of information is the only obstacle effecting change†(Sullivan & Decker, 2009, â€Å"Chapter 5, Initiating and Implementing Change, The Change Process†). Just giving information does not give the reason for the change. Another method that can be considered to change individuals is training. This method combines information giving and actual skill practice. As for methods to change groups, â€Å"The greatest influence is achieved when group members discuss issues that are perceived as important and make relevant, binding decisions based on those discussions†(Sullivan & Decker, 2009, â€Å"Chapter 5, Initiating and Implementing Change, The Change Process†). Individual and group methods can be combined. Whichever methods are used, everyone involved should feel as though their input is important and be rewarded accordingly. The final step in the process is the evaluation. It is important to monitor the change to ensure that it the presumed benefits are being achieved financially and qualitatively. Although some outcomes may be undesirable, those too must be examined. If there are problems, they can be reevaluated and corrected. Change is never an easy process to go through. Everyone handles it differently and it often comes with feelings of fear and anxiety. This is especially true for organizations as managers play a large role when it comes to implementing the changes. There are many skills that one must possess in order to do this properly and without much backlash. It is always to be expected that retaliation will come from some in the organization, but the managers have the ability to control the extent of it. By going through the ch ange process and spending quality time on each step, retaliation can be kept to a minimum. Managers and supervisors: importance and role. (2014). Retrieved from, V. (n.d.). How you should handle resistance to change. Retrieved from, G. (2014). What Is the Manager Role and Responsibility in Implementing Change Within the Department?. Retrieved from, E.J., & Decker, P.J. (2009). Effective leadership management nursing (7th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Early Years Foundation Stage for Childminding Essay
The EYFS is set to ensure all children in early year’s settings including children with disabilities and special needs have the best possible start in life which they deserve. A child needs to not only have a safe, secure and happy childhood but also one which is rich in positive parenting and high quality learning. These will provide the foundations and tools a child needs to reach their full potential. The EYFS must be followed by all early years’ providers to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. The EYFS is set to help prepare children for school, physically and emotionally and set a foundation for a positive progress through school and life. Children develop at a raid rate between birth-5 years and experiences between this time have a dramatic impact on their future. Key Points of the Early Years Foundation stage †¢ Good quality and consistent care within all early years’ settings to ensure every single child makes good progress. †¢ A secure foundation through learning and development opportunities which are planned around the needs and interests of each individual child and are assessed and reviewed regularly †¢ Partnership working between practitioners and with parents and/or carers †¢ Equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice, ensuring that every child is included and supported. EYFS requirements for learning and development †¢ All Early year providers must help children work towards the early learning goals, the knowledge, skills and understanding a child should have by the end of the academic year in which they turn five. †¢ Shape activities and experiences within the setting to enable every child to have the best chance of reaching these learning goals. †¢ Set in place assessment arrangements and requirements for measuring progress and for reporting to parents and/or carers. EYFS requirements for safeguarding and welfare Early years providers must set in place requirements to ensure a child’s safety and promote their welfare taking into account the following points. †¢ Every child is different and unique and children who are constantly learning will become more confident, independent, and grow in self-esteem. †¢ Positive relationships enable children to be strong and independent †¢ A nourishing environment which responds to a child’s individual needs will enable them to learn and develop well. This will also be the case through a good strong partnership between parent/care and care giver. †¢ Children learn and develop in different ways and at different speeds.
Friday, September 27, 2019
British Monetary Policy vis--vis Euro-Zone Essay
British Monetary Policy vis--vis Euro-Zone - Essay Example In the 19th century peak British currency was actually defined in terms of gold. Giving up the precious metal link after 1945 relaxed the constraint on monetary policy and the floating sterling exchange rate that followed provided even less discipline. With the discarding of any precious metal support, dependence in sterling and monetary policy after the Second World War was reflected in the foreign exchange value, which fell from $4.03 to $1.70 by 1976, while inflation climaxed at an annual rate of 26.9%. Different tactics to create monetary stability have been tried since 1945, including shadow the Deutschmark and monetary targeting. Paradoxically one of the greater political dishonours for sterling, being forced out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism in 1992, marked the beginning of the present union of the British economy to a stable non-inflationary growth path. The turn around in post war British economic policy began with Margaret Thatcher's government, elected in 1979. In addition to a series of monetary policy experiments, a variety of structural reforms in the economy were begun, including privatisation and steps to increase labour market flexibility. Inflation receded along with unemployment and economic development resumed. Election of the 'New Labour' government of 1997 saw no break in the principles of national economic management. It created an independent Monetary Policy Committee instructed to follow a uniform inflation rule and to report their deliberations. These arrangements eventually are usually judged to provide best practice monetary policy. For example synchronization between independent monetary and fiscal policies is far easier for Britain under the present arrangements than for Euro-zone with its many national taxing and spending policies. Not only is the monetary policy strategy and inflation target of the European Central Bank (ECB) censured for being poor and possibly damaging to the ECB's credibility. For the better management of the nation's finances the Chancellor of the Exchequer introduced the long belated distinction between capital and current account spending. Borrowing to improve the nation's useful capital was acceptable, as was temporary borrowing to stabilise the economy in the face of shocks. To ensure government debt increases were restricted to these two purposes, he accepted two obligations on government policy; that existing account spending should balance tax receipts over the cycle and that the government debt to national income ratio should not exceed 40 %. These improvements in the British macroeconomic management structure are important and definitely superior to the present equivalent institutions of the euro-zone, the European Central Bank and the Growth and Stability Pact. The government now needs to make comparable progress in the fields of the health service, education and transport, about which there is general displeasure among the electorate. In these services there is much to be learned from other European countries nevertheless joining the euro and possible resulting closer political integration with Europe do not guarantee to deal with British concerns. European Integration What Britain has in fact wanted from the rest of Europe is simply free trade, not imported institutions intended to manage continental problems.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Creativity in a Business Context Report '' set up a new uk events Essay
Creativity in a Business Context Report '' set up a new uk events managament company'' (motivation, ledrship and pay) - Essay Example It is true that skilled and experienced employees can be considered as important assets of an organization. Employee motivation can be considered as an important aspect that needs to be considered by an organization. Effective employee motivation can enhance the entire workplace performance as well as business performance of an organization. An organization can ensure effective employee motivation through significant leadership style of the organizational leader. In addition to this, the Royal Planner is also suffering from the workplace conflicts that have been developed due to the inadequate compensation distribution process. Several employees within the organization are trying to leave the organization due to lack of motivation and unequal compensation distribution issue. This essay will try to investigate the problem. Moreover, the essay will discuss about the problems that are facing by the organization. It is highly important for the organization to adopt and implement an effec tive creative problem solving model in the business operation process to overcome the process. Lastly, the organization will evaluate the usefulness of the theories of creativity in supporting the programme of recommended work. It is highly important for Royal Planner to identify the issues and problems that are affecting the business performance of the organization. The organization is facing several workplace related issues. Lack of employee motivation, inadequate payment distribution and poor leadership quality affected the business performance of Royal Planner. Parnes-Osborn’s CPS model and technique can be implemented in order to investigate the problems and issues. First of all it is highly important to identify the real issues (Abott, 1988, pp.65). It will help the researcher to adopt and implement effective and appropriate CPS Model that can help the organization to overcome the recent issues. It is clear from the above discussion
MRI (Classical theory Magnetic resonance) Essay
MRI (Classical theory Magnetic resonance) - Essay Example n electromagnetic laws a nucleus spining around its own axis with an electric charge will cause a small magnetic moment (composed of spin and charge) (Donald W et al. 2010). The rotation (spin) of the nucleus is perpendicular to the axis of the nucleus magnetic field. In short, vector (Figure 1) is used to describe the magnitude (amplitude) and the direction of the magnetic moment (Westbrook, Roth & Talbot 2005). When the atomic mass number is odd an example is Na 23. Another example is 7Li. It has seven atomic mass number 3 protons and 4 neutrons and thus will give rise to an MR signal. The spin (I) for 23Na and 7Li will be 23â „2 and 3/2, respectively. For example, 14N has seven protons and seven neutrons (Z=7 and A=14). The spin (I) for 14N will be However, if the atomic number and atomic mass number are even, then there is no magnetic moment and thus no MR signal (for instance, 114Cd is composed of 48 protons plus 66 neutrons, Z=48 and A=114) (BROWN & SEMELKA 1999; Donald W et al. 2010). It is important to know that the vectors of the MR active nuclei in the absence of the main magnetic field will spin randomly; thus, the random directions of the nuclei will affect the magnitude of the net magnetic moment. The probability of the net magnetic moment approaching zero is when there are many nuclei aligned in different directions If RF pulse is applied at the resonance, then the protons can absorb that energy at the quantum level, a single proton jumps to higher energy state. At the macro or classical level, to an observer in the external laboratory frame of reference, the magnetization vector spiral down towards the xy plane. Now to see the behavior of the rotating frame when a RF pulse is applied from external source ,we keep this thing in minds that pulses are often labeled by their tip angle which can be any value of angle but most of the times the 90o and 180o. The tip angle is dependent on both the magnitude of the externally applied magnetic field and
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Peer-reviewed journal article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Peer-reviewed journal article - Essay Example In this study, the authors predict that exercise-induced arterial hypertension might portend negative influences on the athlete’s cardiac function, while it might also play a significant role in the exercise induced cardiac fatigue. There is a significant association between endurance sport and cardiac injury, where long-term training could result in myocardial fibrosis, arterial fibrillation, arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac arrest (Leischik et al., 2014). The authors selected a sample of (n=51) male triathletes who had either completed the long distance Ironman triathlon (n=34) or the middle distance Ironman triathlon (n=17). The participants were also selected on the basis of having completed two years of training. The study used spiroergometry and echocardiography in determining the steady state blood pressure, anaerobic/aerobic thresholds, and the left ventricular mass of the selected participants (Leischik et al., 2014). The probability of hypertrophy and elevated blood pressure among the participants were calculated using odds ration analysis. Each triathlete was assessed in 2011 and 2012 using echocardiography and spiroergometry in succession. The spiroergometry involved a phased stress test after successful volume and gas calibration between the phases. The echocardiographic analysis was conducted using the American Society of Echocardiography recommendations for muscle mass and the modified Simpson method for ESV and EDV (Lei schik et al., 2014). The authors actually found that myocardial hypertrophy is dependent on exercise-induced arterial hypertension, confirming that there was a hypertensive response in athletes as a result of exercise. The athletes with exercise-induced arterial hypertension also showed increased left ventricular mass at 205g/m2, especially in comparison to athletes without exaggerated response in BP to exercise who had a left ventricular mass of 143g/m2 (Leischik et al, 2014). In addition, the findings also show that systolic
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Accounting Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Accounting Theory - Essay Example There were implications of the non working of the capital market to reflect the different factors that could have brought the prices of Enron’s stock price. This could be dramatized in the loss to trust of the investors in the reliability of the financial statement of all other companies which are listed in the stock exchanges. This fact was confirmed by surveys. It was found also that there are kinds of asymmetry of information which may prevent the efficient operation of capital markets. It could be the "moral hazard" type and the adverse selection type, which were both analyzed to have caused the demise of Enron. It was also further found that there could be perspectives in the choice of accounting policy that could affect the very life or the probability of success of a corporation. One is under the efficient perspective of positive accounting theory; where management would be encouraged to works first for the firm and the stockholders before their own. Such perspective has also its grounding in cost effective accounting system that would promote accountability with the company’s assets. On the other hand there is the other perspective, which is called opportunistic perspective positive accounting theory. It was found theoretically that the efficiency perspective was the very opposite of the opportunistic perspective and therefore its adoption could actually prevent the operation of the latter. What happened then in the Enron was that there was the adoption of the opportunistic perspective. Such adoption was evidenced in the design of the compensation system of the company executives as well as in the retirement system of the employees. Enron was virtually under a situation where the executives will have to choose committing fraud or taking risk because of their (executives) tendency to rather make themselves rich before the company under the opportunistic perspective of accounting theory. At the last part of the paper, Enron
Monday, September 23, 2019
Compare between two institutions policies Essay
Compare between two institutions policies - Essay Example The recruitment procedure provides an open door opportunity for a large pool of candidates to apply for the diversified posts. Furthermore, recruitment procedure assists the organisation in attracting qualified candidates. Recruitment facilitates to devise a strategic mode of selection procedure which is aligned with the organisational goals and objectives along with the specific human resources requirements (Robert 3-26). Thesis Statement. With these considerations, the report intends to discuss the recruitment processes being followed by Qatar Petroleum and Google Inc. The report primarily desires to compare and contrast the recruitment process of the two institutions. LITERATURE REVIEW OF RECRUITMENT AS AN IMPORTANT FUNCTION OF HRM According to the view of Schuler and Jackson, recruitment is a process in which an organisation can rely upon the internal or the external labour market for absorption of the resourceful candidates. It has been further noted that although at the entranc e level the recruitment process is not that important but it frames a vital part for other jobs of higher level. It is always considered as a vital process as it enables to draw in an extensive amount of resources. In keeping with the importance of recruitment, it can be well articulated that internal recruiting process mainly relates with the promotion criteria (211-219). According to French and Rumbles, †If the HRM function is to remain effective, there must be consistently good levels of teamwork, plus on-going co-operation and consultation between line managers and the HR manager†(170). In the recent scenario, there have been a number of organisations that are facing problems regarding the accumulation of a pool of quality candidates. The jobs and the vacancies that pertain the requirement of specialised skills and knowledge absorb a longer phase of time (Brown 50-108). COMPARISON AND CONTRAST OF DECISION MAKING PROCESS WITH RESPECT TO RECRUITMENT OF QATAR PETROLEUM AND GOOGLE INCORPORATION Recruitment Process of Qatar Petroleum. In keeping with the recruitment procedure being followed in Qatar Petroleum, it entails basically four steps. The HR recruitment section of the company effectively manages the entire process that starts with the need identification to the job specification. This entire process is executed by the selection and the interview procedures of the resources. On part of the recruitment process of the company, it has been further ascertained that the department managers gain the full support of the HR personnel. Each of the candidates being selected is based upon merit. Furthermore, the selection of the candidates greatly depends upon their basic skills and competencies (Qatar Petroleum, â€Å"
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Importance of Sport Essay Example for Free
The Importance of Sport Essay On many levels is sport very important to each and every one of us for a various number of reasons. First of all sport and fitness is what helps us keep in shape and stay healthy which is key to living a long and happy life. There are many benefits to being fit; first of all you will have much better health, and a better body image which in turn may help your self-esteem. Another major importance to sport is that there are so many career opportunities in the athletic field such as: gym teacher, pro athlete, sports analysts, physiotherapist, personal trainer, and many more. Also sports can be used as a stress relief to just get away from it all and shoot some hoops or play pond hockey. From a personal level I have made many friends from playing rep hockey 4 times a week to pick up football on the weekends and many if not all of my friends I’ve met playing sports both Rep and High school. On that note there are both positive and negative attributes of playing for your school or rep team. For school you get to play with you group of friends and represent your school, although it may not be the highest level of competition it’s great fun and a lot better than doing nothing. With playing rep you get to diversify your friend group, hopefully play at a high level but it does consume your life with your sport not leaving much room for a job or school work. Whichever one you choose it doesn’t matter you’re getting out there and doing something your love to do. To finish up I hope to be involved in sports as long as I possibly can even though I am not competing at a high level right now I hope still be playing hockey with my friends in college and after that still playing with them in a beer league somewhere, and after that possibly coach my kids sports teams as much as I can and showing them the â€Å"tricks of the trade†and isn’t that what it’s all about?
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Transmission control protocol
Transmission control protocol Comparisons and Evaluation of TCP versions Tahoe, Reno and NewReno Abstract There is been several numbers of transmission control protocols proposed for the past several decades. These proposed TCP versions have been widely acceptable and used in packets switched network. In this paper we will present an overview of Transmission control protocol, discus different versions of transmission control protocols which are current used, explore the challenge faced when deploy these TCP versions and finally compare and evaluate these TCP versions. Index Terms Transmission control protocol (TCP), TCP Tahoe, TCP Reno, TCP Vegas, TCP NewReno, slow start, fast retransmit, fast recovery and congestion avoidance. I. Introduction Transmission control protocol (TCP) is a connection oriented protocol which was designed to facilitate reliable and secure end-to-end communication between to device in a packet switched network [1]. The reliable communication between devices is achieved by TCP through process of assigning sequence number to every packet that is transmitted and record the time used to transmit packets between source and destination, further to that, TCP protocol require Acknowledgment of receiving packets from destination host to complete communication. By using this mechanism transmission control protocol is able to detect the packet lose, damage, duplication or received out of order and be able to correct them or retransmit. Transmission control protocol also use sliding window control mechanism to control the number of packets sender device can send at one time and keep regulating this number for any further changes in a network. This is achieved by requiring the destination device to acknowledge the receiving of all packets sent by sender. This number is usually telling sender device the number of approved packets can be transmitted before get permission to increase or decrease. There are different types of transmission control protocols which were proposed in order to try to improve the transportation of packets in a packets switched network. Some of these TCP versions which were proposed are including TCP Tahoe, TCP Reno, TCP NewReno, TCP Sack and TCP Vegas. II. TCP Tahoe This is a type of TCP version which was proposed to improve the original TCP protocol which was mainly based on assumption that packets lose is only caused by congestion in the system [2][3]. The original TCP protocol used to follow go-back-n automatic repeat request model which was able to detect loss of packets from timeout, retransmit only if there is packet loss and receiver host govern the window control packet flow in order to prevent packet overflow at receiver buffer. This protocol did a little to reduce the congestion if the two end-to-end devices were in different networks or data packet are required to go through a router to get to other end or go through a slow link. In the process of trying to improve the original TCP three traffic management mechanisms slow start, congestion avoidance and fast retransmit were introduced to the original TCP and the new TCP version was named as TCP Tahoe. Slow start Most of the original transmission control protocols were used to start connection followed by sender start injecting several packets to the network until sender reaches the window size allowed by receiver [4]. This approach can work fine if end-to-end devices are within a single Local Area network but in a fast and slow link network with multiple local area networks this approach can encounter problems which may resulted into rapidly reduction of TCP connection network throughput. In order to avoid these problems of throughput reduction slow start mechanism is used in a TCP Tahoe. Slow start operating mode always starting injecting packets into a network with window size of initial value of one then waits for its acknowledgement before increases its window size value. When sender receive the acknowledgement that the packets was received by destination then it increase its congestion window to two and send two packets, if acknowledgement received for these two packets, sender increase its congestion window size to four. Slow start mechanism keep increases its window size every time it receive its acknowledgement of previous sent packets exponentially until it reaches its maximum threshold value and enter congestion avoidance mechanism. By using slow start mechanism TCP Tahoe reduce the rate of congestion in a network. Congestion Avoidance Congestion Avoidance (CA) is another control mechanism used by TCP Tahoe to gently inspect the network for spare capacity [5]. TCP Tahoe enters into congestion avoidance mode when the value of congestion window size is greater than the value of slow start threshold otherwise TCP Tahoe continues working in a slow start mode. If packets loss is detected in the network then TCP Tahoe algorithm will automatic assume there is congestion somewhere in the network, using this assumption TCP Tahoe change its slow start threshold value to half of its current value and set the congestion window size to its initial value and start slow start again. Slow start and congestion avoidance are two independent algorithms with each have their own objectives; but when congestion occurs in the network TCP Tahoe is required to slow down its rate of sending packets into the network by call upon the slow start mode of operation to get thinks going again. Fast retransmit One of the problems with TCP timeout-triggering retransmission mechanism is that the timeout period can be relative long. Subsequently if there is any packet loss in the network, it will take long period of time before sender retransmit the loss packets hence increases end-to-end delay [6]. In order to solve this long timeout period retransmission problem TCP Tahoe uses fast retransmit mechanism to resend any loss packets. It doing so by allowing sender to use so called duplicate Acknowledgements to detect packet loss well before the timeout event occurs. Fast retransmit operating mode in a TCP Tahoe can be triggered when three or more duplicate Acknowledgments are received by sender in a row. If this occurs then TCP Tahoe will perform retransmission of what is assumed to be missing packets without the need to wait for packets retransmission time to expire. During this period of fast retransmit TCP Tahoe adjust its slow start threshold to half of current value and enters the slow sta rt mode of operation and set the congestion window back to its initial value of one. TCP Tahoe problems Due to automatic set back to slow start mode of operation with initial congestion window of one every time packet loss is detected we see TCP Tahoe does not prevent the communication link from going empty. Hence this may have high cost in high bandwidth product links. III. TCP Reno TCP Reno has all three mode of operation integrated into TCP Tahoe like slow start, congestion avoidance and fast retransmit, but in addition to that TCP Reno modify the fast retransmit mode of operation to form fast recovery mode of operation[7]. TCP Reno enters into fast recovery mode of operation when sender receiving three duplicate acknowledgments. Fast recovery operates by assuming congestion is serious in a network if the packets loss is detected due to timeout. If this is true then fast recovery mode set TCP Reno congestion window size to its initial value and enters into slow start mode of operation. But if the congestion is detected due to duplicate acknowledgements then TCP Reno assume the network congestion is not serious. If this is true fast recovery mode set TCP Reno congestion window size to half of its current value and enters congestion avoidance operating mode instead of slow start mode. By entering congestion avoidance mode of operation TCP Reno prevent the commun ication link from going empty after packet loss by avoiding slow start. TCP Reno problems TCP Reno only performs better when there is single packet drop from window of data, because it cannot detect multiple packets drops from single window of data. Due to this if there is multiple packet loss from single window of data then TCP Reno is required to wait for timeout to retransmit the second packet which has been lost, subsequently TCP Reno over high packet loss network does not perform well, it almost works just like TCP Tahoe. IV. TCP NewReno TCP Reno has all the key algorithms found in TCP Reno but in addition to these algorithm TCP NewReno modify the fast recovery algorithm in order to solve the problems of TCP Reno of not be able to detect multiple drop of packets in a single data window [8]. TCP NewReno enters fast recovery mode of operation just like TCP Reno when it receive 3 duplicate acknowledgement, but unlike TCP Reno, TCP NewReno does not exit from fast recovery mode of operation until all the packets which are not acknowledge by the time fast recovery was entered are acknowledged. After receiving acknowledgments of all outstanding packets TCP exit fast recovery mode of operation and set congestion window size to its initial value and finally enters the congestion avoidance mode of operation to get thinks going again. TCP NewReno problems TCP NewReno suffers from the fact that it is taking one round trip time (RTT) to detect each packet loss. Therefore TCP NewReno can only work out which other packet have been lost when sender receive the acknowledgement of first retransmitted packet. V. TCP SACK TCP Reno only work better when there is single loss of packets in a single data window and does not work better when multiple packets get dropped in a single data window without going into timeout retransmission. TCP Sack was implemented in order to solve this problem by improve retransmission efficient when multiple packets losses occurs [9] [10]. It is doing this by introducing Sack option field in a TCP Sack which is used to report out of order block of data which have been received correctly by destination device. Therefore instead of retransmit all non acknowledgment packets TCP Sack retransmit only packets which are missing. Similar to TCP Reno, TCP Sack enters fast retransmit mode of operation when sender receive three duplicate acknowledgements. The sender in TCP Sack retransmits packet losses then reduces its congestion window to half before exit fast recovery only when it receive acknowledge that all outstanding data packet have been acknowledged. VI. TCP VeGAS TCP Vegas is one of the most sophisticated transmission control protocol which uses packets delay to determine the rate at which sender send packet rather than using packet loss as discussed in TCP Tahoe, Reno, and NewReno [11]. It uses the initial increase packets Round Trip Time value to detect the congestion in the system instead of using packets loss. TCP Vegas achieve this by using the following techniques. * More Accurate Round Trip Time (RTT) Calculation * New mechanism for deciding when to retransmit * Modified congestion window sizing mechanism * Modified congestion detection and avoidance mechanism VII. SIMULATIONS In this section we are going to simulate small network using different TCP versions in order to evaluate their performance and see their actual difference between them. The simulation will be carried out between two fast network nodes connected via a slow link. The diagram below shows all the link bandwidth capacity and delays. Source Destination (0)- (1) - (2) - (3) 10Mbps 6ms 1Mbps 10ms 10Mbps 6ms From the diagram above packets was sent from network node 0 to network node 3 via node 1 then node 3 and finally arriving at destination node 3. Tiny acknowledgement packets then were sent back to receiver via the reverse route. Expected bottleneck was form between node 1 and node 2 due to different link speed between node 0 and node 3. The queue discipline used in our simulation was DropTail with the maximum queue size of 8 packets. The simulation also was set to support one way traffic from node 0 to node 3 therefore tiny acknowledgments packets were expected not to be discarded on their way back to sender from receiver. This simulation is intended to support evaluation of TCP traffic control mechanisms such as slow start, congestion avoidance fast retransmit and fast recovery. The simulation was run for 10.5 seconds and the following value was recorded every 1 second and observed throughput in (Mbps) and window size as a function of time. After finish running this simulation gnu-p lot tool was used to display the following results. TCP Tahoe Results From the two diagrams above we see from 0 seconds to 2 seconds TCP Tahoe was in slow start mode of operation, when it got to about 0.4 seconds we see the first packet loss occurs and immediately TCP Tahoe reset its congestion window size to half of its current size (see 3). We also observe the throughput reduced to almost zero when packet loss occurs this is because when packet loss happens TCP Tahoe is required to stop sending packets and go back to slow start phase before start sending packets again hence no transmission. We also see from 2 second onwards TCP Tahoe enters congestion avoidance mode of operation, whereby TCP Tahoe allow the congestion window size to increase exponentially until packet loss occur then go back to slow start mode to start transmission again. TCP Reno Results In 4 and 5 we see TCP Reno enters congestion avoidance mode of operation with fast retransmission from 2 to 10 seconds but at 0.4 second we TCP Reno enters fast retransmission then at 0.6 second come out of fast retransmission and go back to slow start mode of operation which is the same as TCP Tahoe this is because TCP Reno cannot detects more than two one packet loss in a single data window. We also see every time packets loss happens throughput is reduced to almost zero, this is because of the same reason explained above. TCP NewReno Results 6 and 7 show that TCP NewReno enters fast retransmission/ fast recovery mode due to packets loss which occurs around 0.4 seconds and never come out of this mode of operation because it was able to detect multiple packets loss in single data window unlike TCP Reno. But from 2 seconds onwards TCP NewReno behaves the same as in TCP Reno. TCP Sack Results 8 and 9 also show TCP Sack is preventing the communication path from not going empty after packets loss happens at 0.4 seconds by entering fast retransmission mode of operation and not come out until all packets sent in a single data window acknowledge. TCP Sack works the same as TCP NewReno but use selective acknowledgment to retransmit the loss packets. TCP Vegas Results In 10 and 11 we see TCP Vegas manage to achieve the network high bandwidth this is because TCP Vegas uses sophisticated traffic control algorithms to anticipate the congestion of the link rather than reacting to congestion. We also see at 0.1 second TCP Vegas enters slow start mode of operation and packet loss start occurring around 0.6 immediately after packet loss detected TCP Vegas set its window size to 8 packets and at the same time reduce its throughput to 0.5Mbps. From 1 to 10 seconds we see TCP Vegas maintain steady congestion window size of 8 packets and the throughput was increased to 1Mbps which was the maximum throughput set for our simulation. VIII. CONCLUSION In this paper we present an overview of different TCP versions, discuss different traffic control algorithms used by different TCP versions and discuss in general what TCP is. We see these TCP versions perform different depending to network environments. We see TCP Tahoe and TCP Reno perform better when network environments are not of high loss packets while TCP Sack was slight perform better than TCP Tahoe and TCP Reno. We also see TCP Vegas was one of the best TCP Version compare to all versions discussed in this paper. In our simulation we see TCP Vegas was able to reach the maximum throughput and maintain this state for more than 8 seconds of our simulation, this is because TCP Vegas is much more robust over loss packets network and it can detect and retransmit loss packets much earlier than others. The work presented in this paper provides a means of compare and evaluate different transmission control protocol versions. References [1] DARPA, RFC793-Transmission Control Protocol, 1981, cited 6 November 2008, available from [2] B.Sikdar, S. Kalyanaraman, K.S.Vastola, Analytic Models for Latency and steady-state throughput of TCP Tahoe, Reno, and Sack, 2003 pp 959-971, cited 4 November 2008, available from [3] DARPA, RFC793-Transmission Control Protocol, September 1981, cited 6 November 2008, available from [4] W.Stevens, RFC-TCP Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit. Network Working Group, January 1997, cited 6 November 2008, available from [5] W.Stevens, RFC-TCP Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit. Network Working Group, January 1997, cited 6 November 2008, available from [6] James F.Kurose, Keith W.Ross, Computer Networking: A Top down Approach, 3rd ed. Boston, Pearson, 2004. [7] M. Allman, V.Paxson, W.Stevens, RFC2581-TCP Congestion Control. Network Working Group, April 1999, cited 3 November 2008, available from [8] S.Floyd, T.Henderson, RFC2582 -The NewReno Modification to TCPs Fast Recovery Algorithm, Network Working Group, April 1999, cited 1 November 2008, available from [9] M.Mathis, J.Mahdavi, S.Floyd, A.Romanow, RFC2018 -TCP Selective Acknowledgements Options, Network Working Group, October 1996, cited 1 November 2008, available from [10]Kelin Fall, Sally Floyd, Simulation-based Comparisons of Tahoe, Reno and SACK TCP, Vol.26 No.3,July 1996, cited 31 October 2008, page 5-21; available form [11] S.Brakmo, L.L. Peterson, TCPVegas: End to End Congestion Avoidance on a Global Internet, vol. 13, 1995 page pp 1465-1490, available from
Friday, September 20, 2019
A Report On Pride And Prejudice English Language Essay
A Report On Pride And Prejudice English Language Essay By comparing and contrasting the marriage proposals of Mr Collins and Mr. Darcy, examine the attitudes to marriage explored by Jane Austen in Pride and Prejudice. You should: Consider Jane Austens use of language; Consider social and historical contexts; Comment on any moral dimensions explored in the text; Discuss key characters; Comment on central themes and ideas During the eighteenth and nineteenth century marriage is a state to which every lady was expected to aspire: it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. The first sentence of the novel introduces two of the most important aspects of life at the time; marriage and wealth. During the time of Jane Austen, marriage was about money, power and appearance. These components were essential for what would be deemed, a good marriage. Marriage was for reasons of increasing the couples, and their families social and financial ranking. The opening sentence does not provoke any images of love but only to have security of marriage which aids both families both socially and for wealth purposes. Mr. Collins proposal to Elizabeth is strange to say the least. Not only is it clear that he has his proposal speech ready made, he refuses to take no for an answer. He has even prepared a rejection speech to try and win her back. We can relate to Elizabeth from the beginning of the book, her rational thinking it what she may consider her greatest trait. She is described as having something of quickness than her sisters which is completely true. This quickness is shown when she argues back to Mr Collins, and later in the novel,someone of far higher ranking which was socially unheard of. Mr. Collins proposal is humorous in the sense that he clearly does not know Elizabeth and her personality. Jane Austen use of irony appears often in Chapter 19 as she mocks him in a kind nature without insulting him too greatly. Mr. Collins is formal in his proposal and having no feeling of diffidence he is sure that he will not be refused. His proposal is structured like a speech or a sermon in his case, and amuses us as the reader and Elizabeth herself as she finds it difficult not to laugh. The use of rhetorical devices such as numbering his points and punctuating his proposal with terms like thus adds to the hilarity of it. Mr. Collins tries to flatter her by talking of her perfections, a use of hyperbole. He also describes her as a natural delicacy. Mr. Collins tells Elizabeth that he has been told Mr Collins, you must marry by his patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Lady Catherine believes he owes it to himself and to all his family to marry Elizabeth. Mr Collins talks of the death of Elizabeths father, Mr. Bennet. An odd topic to bring up when proposing to a lady. Elizabeth rejects his efforts but he rapidly continues as if he will not leave until hear gets the yes that he wants to hear. Elizabeth argues back because he is not accepting the fact that he has been refused. Again he has a counter argument for her rejection: it does not appear to me that my hand is unworthy your acceptance. Elizabeth starts to be rude to him to see if that will work. He insults her and her family by reminding her that she is not wealthy: your portion is unhappily so small that it will in all likelihood undo the effects of your lovingness, he also says that it is by no means certain that another offer of marriage may ever be made you. Mr. Collins is intelligent enough to realise that the Bennet sisters have little chance in the unforgiving marriage market of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Mr. Collins makes it clear that as far as he is concerned, respectability is the most important attribute in a wife; he values this more highly than wealth or beauty. This is a sensible decision due to his profession; a clergyman must be respected so he requires a respectable wife. Despite his proposal seeming definitely passionless and quite cold hearted it develops to become rude when he is refused but at the same time , amusing because of Mr. Collins being such a foolish man. Like Mrs. Bennet, Mr Collins is in the novel for comical value. Mr. Collins gives a series of practical and completely unromantic reasons to marry Elizabeth. During the time that Jane Austen wrote this novel, marriage was often arranged for practical reasons and Jane Austen includes in her novels situations that may occur in everyday life, she did not write about fantasy worlds. Jane Austen was a realist author. Jane Austen is extremely effective in conveying how Elizabeth deals with this proposal as Jane Austen was said to have based her novel on close observances of real people and situations similar to the ones described in the book. She was familiar with these situations. Mr. Collins feels he should marry one of his cousins, because if he doesnt they will be left homeless and penniless on the death of their father. He feels it is morally important to marry one of them. When Elizabeth hears of Charlottes engagement to Mr. Collins she is rather disparaging of their engagement. This shows that despite Elizabeths quickness of mind and intelligence, she may be being too idealistic. We sympathise with Charlottes position because she has taken an informed pragmatic decision and has accepted Mr. Collins offer of marriage. She has agreed to marry him for the pure and disinterested desire of an establishment. This is a typical marriage because it is based on the grounds of practicality. This marriage is not romantic or fuelled by love, most marriages of the upper class were just like this during the eighteenth century and may be the reason many gentlemen of the time had mistresses. Due to the fact that they were highly ranking members of society, their reputati on remained intact despite having two women in the house. Mr. Darcys first proposal to Elizabeth is a huge contrast to Mr. Collins. Darcy speaks with emotive language telling Elizabeth how his feeling cannot be repressed and that he ardently admires and loves her, despite her background. The adverb ardently suggests he passionately loves her. Elizabeths astonishment was beyond expression; this is a perfect example of Jane Austens economy of expression showing Elizabeths surprise. Despite telling her that he loves her, it is almost ruined by his first comment which tells us that in vain have I struggled. meaning that he has struggled not to love her but he cant help it. Elizabeth blushes as she could not be insensible to the compliment of such a mans affection. Her feelings towards Darcy are conflicted, which shows an early sign of possible love, she may be attracted to him without knowing it but she quickly looses all compassion in anger. She was not angry with Mr. Collins proposal, she just found it amusing but Darcys proposal is different. Mr. Darcy is over confident that she Elizabeth will love and accept him immediately. Elements of pride are found in this section of the novel. Mr. Darcy is one of the proudest characters in the novel. He is extremely wealthy and his manners are exemplary but there is a certain air about him that makes him seem snobby and this makes him slightly unl ikeable. He creates a reputation for himself, when at the ball, he considers himself far too good to dance with any of the local girls. He knows his social position and superiority. By doing this he has insulted the entire neighbourhood and Elizabeth takes the insult very personally because she overhears him saying that she is not beautiful enough for him. Though she is not as pretty as her sister Jane, she is still pretty by the neighbourhoods standards. So in showing his self-pride he has damaged Elizabeths and she tries hard not to show it. Mr. Darcys proposal is similar to Mr. Collins due to the fact that he suggests to Elizabeth that she is less in rank than himself and that marrying her is a degradation. It was socially daring at the time for someone of such a high social rank to marry below themselves despite Elizabeth being a gentlemens daughter. Elizabeth eloquently expressing her feelings towards the unexpected proposal and refuses his best efforts of securing an engagement. Darcy is a man who is not used to denial of something so he is shocked at her refusal. There is narrative tension as we wait for a reply from Darcy. They have an argument and Darcy storms out after hearing enough of Elizabeths clever and well thought through replies. Elizabeth cries for half an hour as she goes over what had happened in her head. Jane Austen use of exclamation marks epitomises the agitated state of mind of Elizabeth. Jane Austens use of free indirect speech is effective in conveying characters thoughts to us as the reader and is necessary in Chapter 11 (Volume 2). it is neccesary to us during this chapter because it tells us what thoughts are conflicting Elizabeth. It is the most effective way to convey he thought processes. Lydia Bennets elopement was seen by society very badly. She was not yet a lady and after she eloped with Wickham she had very little chance as being viewed as a lady in the future. Lydia running off and living with Wickham without the benefit of marriage had ruined her reputation and damaged the reputation of her entire family. She would be considered a loose woman, and no man of a good family would ever consider marrying her. Wickham certainly had no intentions of marrying her. This is what provoked the letter from Mr. Collins telling Mr. Bennet of his opinion on Lydias elopement, societies view and Lady Catherines view. Wickham took Lydia away with him to Scotland because he could and Lydia had fallen desperately in love with him. He was self-indulgent and would never deny himself any pleasure in his power. He knew that Lydia would be good company because he could easily persuade her to sleep with him. Lydia was very attracted to Wickham, he should have known better and had the sel f control and decency not to allow her to have sex with him. Mr. Collins tone in his letter is a very serious one telling Mr. Bennet that it is his last chance to preserve his families reputation. He is warning that Lydia is compromising the other Bennet girls chances, and that he should throw off his affection for her and leave her to reap the fruits of her own heinous offence. This is a very severe action to take. Mr. Collins is telling Mr. Bennet that if he wants to keep his reputation intact, he must stop loving his daughter. This view that Mr Collins has, reflects the views that eighteenth century society would have had. The Bennets do not have a ready supply of money, they are relatively rich in land and assets but not in money so Wickham has no intentions of marrying Lydia. Therefore, Darcy paid Wickham to marry Lydia. Mr. Darcy arranging for Wickham to marry Lydia preserved not only her reputation but also her sisters reputations. He removed the disgrace from the Bennet name. In Volume 3 Chapter 14, Elizabeth realises she was wrong in her judgement of Mr. Darcy. She travelles to Pemberley to rescue her sisters reputation and speak with Mr Darcy. She is confronted by Lady Catherine who tells of Mr Darcys supposed engagement to her daughter. Lady Catherine de Bourgh makes clear her opinion on Elizabeth marrying Darcy and warns her off. She sees the marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy as socially unusual as it is the joining of two people from different social classes and financial background. Lady Catherine is displeased to say the least that her nephew Mr. Darcy is not intending on marrying Lady Catherines daughter. If Darcy and Lady Catherines daughter did marry, then two very large fortunes would be joined, increasing the financial status of both families. But there is one person getting in the way of Lady Catherines ideal marriage, and that is Elizabeth. Lady Catherine makes very clear she wants Darcy to marry her daughter. I believe Mr. Darcy is unwil ling to marry Miss de Bourgh as he is in love with Elizabeth. Elizabeth dares to stand her ground in her argument with Lady Catherine. Once again Lady Catherine gives a threat: I am not to be trifled with. Elizabeth stands up to the snobbery of Lady Catherine. As Elizabeth is a match for her, she resorts to insults by saying Elizabeth is a women of inferior birth, of no importance in the world. Lady Catherine is part of a slowly diminishing generation in which old opinions were dying with the generation. Lady Catherines views on marriage were traditional and society was changing. Despite the attempts, warnings and insults of Lady Catherine, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy get engaged in Volume 3 Chapter 16. Their engagement has been long anticipated by the reader and it finally comes at the end to finish with a happy ending just like Jane Austens other novels. Darcy refers to Elizabeth as dearest, loveliest Elizabeth. Jane Austen makes clear that Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy are the perfect love match. This is affectionate language used by Mr. Darcy. There are many different attitudes towards marriage expressed in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice. Mr. Collins and Charlotte could be seen as a good couple, despite the lack of love, as they both have the belief that marriage is for practical reasons. Lady Catherine believes marriage is for wealth and power; and Elizabeth got her wish of marrying someone who is deeply in love with her. Elizabeths marriage to Darcy was to set a trend over the next centuries, more people married for love and now in the 21st century nothings changed. Jane Austens clever novel still has readers gripped two centuries since it was written. The marriage we hear about which isnt entirely based on this principle is the joining of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy. Elizabeth goes through most of the novel disliking Mr. Darcy but this is mainly as she has not seen his full character and this is odd for Elizabeth as she is usually good with judging character. She likes to watch people and how they behave. Elizabeth learns that she has been mislead by Darcys character and had she known the truth, she would love him just as he loves her. Darcy leaves the countryside only to return to a different Elizabeth. They work out their misunderstandings and agree to marry. Notes: All this is after Mr. Collins prepared proposal to Elizabeth in chapter 19 where she declines his proposal. Charlotte Lucas who is Elizabeths best friend agrees to marry him as she fears she may not get another offer. Elizabeth remains close friends with her, despite the fact that she is married to the awful Mr. Collins. Charlotte is relatively happy as she has security financially and socially as Mr. Collins is a pastor. He is high in social rank but not as high as Mr. Bennet or Lady Catherine De Bourgh who is his patroness.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Athens and Sparta :: essays research papers fc
During the period of Greek history from the last years of the Persian Wars till the beginning of the First Peloponnesian War, the primacy of Sparta declined whileAthens was gaining increased influence in Greece. The Athenian, Thucydides (460-400 BC), one among few contemporary historians, left behind the most creditable records about this period. Although he did not give enough documentation for many events he described, his Histories remained the main resource of the facts from that time. In consideration of the fact that he was an Athenian and a participant of the Athenian army, future historians could not entirely count upon his writing. In the 480-479 BC there was great anxiety about the strength and magnitude of the Persian threat. Although the Greeks had managed to force Persians retreat from the Greek mainland, the danger of reconquest by the Persians was still present. In the battle of Plataea (479 BC), the Greeks, under the Spartan regent and general Pausanians, obliterated the Persian army. The Greeks also won a naval victory at Mycale. Although the war drugged on for many years, these two victories marked the end of the Persian threat to Europe and the beginning of the period of Greek greatness. The idea of panhellenism - the awareness of Greek unity- appeared as a reaction to the fear of the Persian invasion. This is how Persia helped the Greece to recognise their identity, which gave significance to the year 479 BC to be marked as the beginning of the Classical Greek period. At the other side, the year 479 BC does not represent a vital turning-point in politics. Sparta’s control over her allies was still unbroken. After the Greeks’ triumph on Plataea, when the fear of the Persian invasion decreased, the idea of the united Greeks started diminishing. Phthonos (envy) was what characterised the relationship between Sparta and Athens, and between many other city-states after the Persian Wars. Their rivalry was constant. The most important direct result of the wars was the establishment of Athens as dominant Greek naval power. This gave Athens the opportunity to create, in the years to come, an extensive empire over the newly won territories which had no parallel in earlier Greek history. A new political order emerged among the Greek states centred on the two great powers of Athens and Sparta that was to have a profound effect on later Greek history.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The relationship between multiplication and addition Essay -- Educatio
Teachers should know and understand the relationship between addition and multiplication because this understanding will translate well into teaching students to understand the concept of multiplication. The relationship of these two operations is very close so it is especially important to ensure each student fully comprehends the rules of addition before proceeding to multiplication. Addition is the process of combining a number of individual items together to form a new total. Multiplication, however, is the process of using repeated addition and combining the total number of items that make up equal-sized groups. This means that in multiplication, groups are created to represent the numbers being multiplied, and then the groups are added together to produce a total. Relating addition to multiplication is relatively simple. In fact, instruction on multiplication often begins in kindergarten as children develop ideas about numbers, addition, and groups. These experiences provide the basis of understanding for multiplication. Because addition is a precursor for multiplication, a student must be able to count items in groups and count the number of groups, which will then help them to be able to multiply them. Through the addition principles of skip counting, repeated addition, grouping, and number lines students can attain a deeper, broader understanding of multiplication. When students finally understand that multiplication and addition function under many of the same rules or properties, they will understand that addition and multiplication work under the same conditions. The strategy called skip counting will benefit students who know how to count by two's, five's or ten's. Drill exercises using skip counting... ... are computing using the distributive property will get them using the language of math, help them to see where they are making errors, and help them by having a peer agree or disagree with their answer. If the pair has different answers, they can re-work the problem using the distributive property to see who is correct. Sharing answers with the rest of the class will reinforce the correct procedure, thus reinforcing the property. Teaching multiplication can be made less confusing for the students when the relationship between addition and multiplication is communicated and explained. Building upon prior knowledge of the use of addition strategies and incorporating the properties of multiplication, the students can reach a depth of knowledge about multiplication that will make it possible for them to discover the correct product and reinforce both concepts.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Stakeholders in Tesco and College
a) For each of your chosen organizations describe 5 different stakeholders they have.List StakeholderTesco DescribeList StakeholderGrwp Llandrillo Menai StakeholderCustomersTheir main interests in the business are reliable quality, value for money, product availability, and customer service. They want to experience the best possible service and products which are good value for money.GovernmentTheir main interests in the business are that it operates legally, tax receipts and jobs. They want to make sure the business is offering jobs.SuppliersTheir main interests in the business long term contracts and prompt payments. They want prompt payments from the business.CommunityTheir main interests in the business are the environment, local jobs and local impact. They want to make sure that the business does not impact the environment negatively and that they are producing local jobs.EmployeesTheir main interests in the business are their salary and wages, job security, job satisfaction and motivation from the business. They want to make sure they are secure within their job, enjoying it and also getting paid the right amount.SuppliersTheir main interests in the business long term contracts and prompt payments. They want prompt payments from the business.ManagersTheir main interest in the business is their salary, share options, personal job satisfaction and their status. They want to work their way up in the business.EmployeesTheir main interests in the business are their salary and wages, job security, job satisfaction and motivation from the business. They want to make sure they are secure within their job, enjoying it and also getting paid the right amount.ShareholdersTheir main interests in the business are profit growth, share price growth and dividends. They want a good return on their investments from the business.ManagersTheir main interest in the business is their salary, share options, personal job satisfaction and their status. They want to work their way up in the business.b) You need to explain the points of view of different stakeholders seeking to influence the aims and objectives of two contrasting organisations.Tesco StakeholderThe company’s aim and or objective this stakeholder has influence on or may attempt to influence What is the point of view of the stakeholder, what would they want and why would they want it? How can they influence the company?CustomersThe customer’s aims are to get the best quality products for minimum prices. The customers want a good quality service and products that are good for money. They want this because they want a satisfying shopping experience and not feel that they have to complain. The customers can influence the company Revenue / repeat business Word of mouth recommendationSuppliersThe suppliers aim is to sell their produce to a large organisation and a long term contract. The suppliers want a long term contract with Tesco and prompt payments. They want this so Tesco cannot sw itch suppliers in short notice. The suppliers can influence the businesses pricing, product quality and the availability of the product.EmployeesAn employee’s aim to provide good customer service.The employees want to make sure they are secure within their job, enjoying it and also getting paid the right amount. They want this so they have job satisfaction. The employees can influences the businesses staff turnover and the quality of the service.ManagersThe manager’s aim within the business is to ensure all the customers are fully satisfied and that the employees are working efficiently and providing good customer service. The managers want a good salary, personal job satisfaction and to work their way up in the business. They want this so they have personal job satisfaction. The managers can influence the business by making important decisions and by having detailed information about the business.ShareholdersThe shareholders aim within a business to own as many shares and have good returns. The shareholders want a good return on their investments from the business. They want this so they aren’t left short of money. The shareholders can influence the company as they can elect directors.Grwp Llandrillo Menai StakeholderThe company’s aim and or objective this stakeholder has influence on or may attempt to influence What is the point of view of the stakeholder, what would they want and why would they want it? How can they influence the company?CommunityThe communities aim is to ensure the company is successful and this could also bring jobs to the local community. The community’s influence within the business.could be that they could make some suggestions to change the structure of the business. The community want to make sure that the business does not impact the environment negatively and that they are producing local jobs. They want this so that the business does not impact the community negatively. The community can influenc e the business indirectly by local planning and opinion leaders.GovernmentThe government’s aim is to improve the welfare of the country's population. The government wants the business to be offering jobs to the local community and to be operating legally. They want this so that the college is boosting the economy now and in the future. The government can influence the company by introducing rules and regulations, subsidies, taxation and planning permission.SuppliersThe suppliers aim is to sell their produce to a large organisation and a long term contract. The suppliers want a long term contract and prompt payments. They want this because they don’t want the business to switch suppliers with no notice. The suppliers can influence the businesses pricing, product quality and the availability of the product.EmployeesAn employee’s aim to provide good customer service.The employees want to make sure they are secure within their job, enjoying it and also getting paid the right amount. They want this so they have job satisfaction and are happy at work. The employees can influences the businesses staff turnover and the quality of the service.ManagersThe manager’s aim within the business is to ensure all the customers are fully satisfied and that the employees are working efficiently and providing good customer service. The managers want a good salary, personal job satisfaction and to work their way up in the business. They want this so they have personal job satisfaction. The managers can influence the business by making important decisions and by having detailed information about the business.
Monday, September 16, 2019
College: The Greatest Decision You Can Make Essay
â€Å"In the United States today, there is no more certain investment than a college education†(Carnevale and Melton). Education has always been a major component of American society. One can only go so far without an education, and the more education and knowledge someone has, the better their chances of being successful. Some people believe a high school education is enough, and it is, enough to land a job at a fast food restaurant. I speculate they feel this way because they feel school is not for them, or maybe they just do not want to go far in life. To get far in life people must go above and beyond, and learn things that others do not know to make them stand out in job interviews. College helps develop skills that are necessary for life, and gives them an education that will enhance their future; and despite its few drawbacks, college is worth it. Americans today tend to believe that college is four years of partying and fun while earning a degree, and there is validity in that belief, but one must also include the four years of learning and hard work. One benefit of college is all of the fun activities that there are to take part in. These activities that college students take part in give the students two important things in life: stress management abilities and connections. Students work hard all week and then finally get the chance to relax and do something they enjoy on the weekends. That â€Å"down time†is spent relaxing, and trying to figure out a non-stressful way to complete all homework and projects and still go out for fun. The stress management relates to time management, as students want to do work in a logical time frame that keeps life easy. These two skills relate to life after college because once someone has a job they have to manage the stress of the job and complete tasks in a timely manner. On May 16, 2011, Paul Taylor and his research team from Pew Social & Demographic Trends in Washington DC conducted surveys and asked people if college was worth â€Å"it†. In reference to jobs â€Å"55% [said] it was very useful in helping them prepare for a job or career†. The data from the study supports my assertions of what college provides students with, which is a strong foundation for joining the work force. College also gives students connections. While taking part in activities students make friends and meet people with all kinds of goals for the future. These connections make life easier after college. Students meet friends that have connections to internships, jobs, summer programs and with the help of their friends, students can find themselves in one of these if not more resume building opportunities. Meeting new people and participating in activities make students appear very diverse in turn, more appealing to employers. Another benefit of college is the education that one receives. Not only does one learn about a specific field that other people only have general to no knowledge about, but they essentially become a specialist in a few areas. College forces people to pick their main interests and focus on them. The further they take their education, the more knowledgeable they become in particular fields. Picking a major and minor (sometimes double major and double minor) narrows choices when employers are seeking workers because they want people with a specific skill set, and specific knowledge. Most degrees can give students the opportunity to obtain high paying jobs. Now, while it is true that right out of college students obtain low paying jobs, it also has to be taken into consideration what field the former student is seeking a job in, and the level of their education. For example, if a student obtains a B.A. in management he/she will likely make less money because management is a large field with many people in it. The more people a certain field or job has, the less they will get paid because in the employer’s eyes they are not special, and more people with the exact same degree and qualifications can be found. Now, rewind, and say that same student has a B.A. in biology with a concentration in microbiology. With microbiology being a smaller and more competitive field, a student has the chance to make more money. The amount of jobs available for people with that special knowledge is limited. Employers would pay more because they do not want to lose someone with those rare skills and knowledge to another company. In addition, low paying jobs are not guaranteed to new college graduates, but are still a possibility. However, Anthony Carnevale and Michelle Melton claim that â€Å"rising demand, coupled with the persistent undersupply of college-educated workers over the last 30 years, has driven up relative wages for these workers†. Carnevale and Melton assert that there is a high demand of college-educated workers and that due to the lack of workers, wages are actually increasing. Though I concede that low wages are a possibility for college graduates, I still insist that the wages are higher than what they used to be, and the students could most likely earn more money by continuing there education on through graduate school. In addition, it is believed by the NPR staff writers that most of the low wages and the lack of jobs is due to the current recession. When the benefits and costs and drawbacks of college are compared, it is obvious that the benefits outweigh the problems. According to NPR, â€Å"..every college won’t always be worth it but, he says â€Å"the long-term trends about the average value of a college degree are very strong.†And he says a college degree is still in demand.†The biggest mistake someone can make is not going to college, and that is a decision that they will always regret. Works Cited Carnevale, Anthony P, and Michelle Melton. â€Å"Major Differences: Why Undergraduate Majors Matter.†Presidency Fall 2011: 30-33. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Jan. 2012. The authors, Director of Georgetown University Center, Education and the Workforce and a research assistant, use information from their own school and statistics of wages of college graduates. They are credible because they add depth to the argument of what major a person decides on and how that decision effects their salary in the future. They discuss how not all degrees hold the same economic value and encourage students to not only think if college is for them, but what major is best for their future. Cohn, D’Vera. â€Å"Is College Worth it?†Pew Research Center. N.p., 16 May 2011. Web. 23 Jan. 2012. . This source is from the Pew Research Center, in other words a place dedicated to finding facts. This source is credible because it is not opinionated and it is a broad survey of over 2000 people. This source also covers both sides of the argument. There are statistics that add to my argument and help to provide a counter argument for what is cited by Carnevale and Melton state in a separate source. The counter argument provided by this allows me to make my argument stronger and more concrete. Making Headlines Since The ‘70s: Is College Worth It?. National Public Radio. 18 June 2011.â€Å'2011/â€Å'06/â€Å'18/â€Å'137257390/â€Å'making-headlines-since-the-70s-is-college-worth-it. Web. Transcript. 23 Jan. 2012. This broadcast/â€Å'article is a credible source because it is an unbiased source. NPR (National Public Radio) broadcasts to all demographics and is unbiased in its broadcasts. The staff writers point out how most people take the worst cases of college graduates and use them to stereotype all of them, when th at is not the case. They take a logical viewpoint on the issue and show that when the recession ends things will go back to normal. This source is in agreement with the Pew source because both state that college is rather expensive and may not be for everyone.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Review V. F.’s corporate website Essay
1. Prepare a two-paragraph memo to the company’s CEO outlining whether V. F. should more broadly adopt Timberland’s CSR reporting, identifying which of its brands would most likely benefit the most from sustainability reporting. VF took a strategic step by buying Timberland with its CSR policies. They chose to be one of the sustainable companies whose products perfectly match their target audience. VF owns North Face, i.e. a premium outdoor brand that can perfectly complement Timberland. VF did not only buy a company but also their whole package of their sustainability, which proved to be working, as Timberland was a profit-earning company. VF knew that with the purchase of Timberland, they committed to keep the Timberland’s CSR and also to start to adopt the CSR policies to their own branches. On the VF’s website under Corporate Responsibility, they talk about their values: â€Å"To us, values such as honesty, integrity, consideration, and respect are more than words; they are embedded in everything we do and are the foundation of our social and environmental efforts.†With that said, it is quite obvious that they adopted Timberland’s CSR reporting. They also give back to the community as they have a VF 100 program for companies who have the highest number of community service hours. VF donates $1,000 for â€Å"$1,000 to each winner’s qualified charity of choice.†I believe that VF recognized the importance and future of sustainability when they purchased Timberland and adopted their CSR reporting. As they have 50% of the market share, we can state that it was worth it for them. 2.Upon reviewing former CEO Jeff Swartz’s final blog post, do you agree or disagree with his finding that the business world has shifted to sustainability? I agree that more and more companies realize how important morally and financially as well to adopt CSR reporting. When Mr. Swartz started to put his ideology into practice, he met lots of barriers and he was the one of the pioneers of establishing CSR. I am sure in the beginning he felt like that the new management didn’t understand how complex it was as they said it â€Å"the answer is simpleâ€â€we believe that sustainability is good for the business and good for the world environmentally†, but later on Mr. Swartz realized that his pioneer days were over, the world has moved on and started to understand what he was fighting for.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Officer Recruitment and Selection Process Essay
Firstly we need to introduce our self to the topic as the selection process of various levels of police such as local, state or federal officer and also included will be the various training programs through which the officers of each level goes before they are employed as officer is what will be getting discussed. So as most individuals are aware of the fact that police officers play most important role in maintaining disciplines and also they are the one who are most reliable for fighting with various types of crimes and criminals. It is very clear that the job of a police officer is a very hard one because they do face very tough problems while doing their job, so this is the reason why police officers do need to go through a very tough training and also various selection processes so that they do not face any difficulty while handling various criminals and therefore can perform their job very well. As there are certain levels of police officers like local, state and federal polic e officers and also of them go through various training programs before they are appointed as police officers. So let’s discuss the selection process of a local, state, federal police officer, there are some requirements which are checked in the selection process. These are: Health- It is very important to know the physical and mental condition of an officer before selecting because it is very important to make sure that police officer is of sound mind and is also physically very strong to handle any bad situations. Then we have Integrity / Conduct – It means that person who will be selected must have a very god record of his behavior and good conduct. Next is Residence – which is the next thing that is judged before selecting a police officer is to make sure that person is residence of the United States which can further help the selection officers to collect other relevant data regarding background of the person and also about the family of the person. 4) Driving License – The person who is applying for the job of a Police Officer must have some identity cards like Driving license other than being an Identity card it also serves the purpose if the officer is needed to drive a car during his duty, so to drive a car or any vehicle u need a driving license weather u are a police officer or not it does not matter. 4) Qualification – The fourth requirement is the possession of certain qualified degrees like a person needs to be high school degree holder which makes sure that person has a good knowledge and can handle various situations very well. 5) Certificates – The person also needs to have some certificates such as domicile certificate, character certificate etc. After the first stage of selection process is finished which is known as initial selection process and if a candidate passes above requirements then he is required to go through, in second stage of selection process the first test is psychometric test, in this test various qualities like trust-worthiness, self-esteem, sympathy, sensitivity, integrity, self – control, flexibility, objectivity etc. apart from that some other skills like writing skills, listening skills, reading skills are examined and after examining these pre decided qualities which they look in every police officer the person is required to go through physical and medical fitness test and if a candidate goes through this physical and medical process then he or she is needed to go through a panel interview . In a panel interview person is needed to appear in front of some officers with some documents and in the interview session officers try to examine various aspects of the person like skills, confidence, and apart from that the most important thing which is the will of the person to work as a police officer or not. After the completion of the interview the next step is to make a merit list and then finally the list of the short listed students till the interview round is given out. We can say at this point the selection process is nearly complete because after this process of training begins. The training period is the most crucial period for any police officer because it is the time when a police officer really develops all the skills which are required for any person to become a police officer and only when one completes training he can be called as a police officer and not before that. In the training period which can be of 1 – 2 years the person is required to live in the ac ademy where he goes through training and also various facilities are provided in the training center. In the training process person is trained to survive in toughest conditions which he can ever face during his duty, and to make him tough he is given training in various things such as swimming, horse riding, shooting and also various other things which he needs to have. So in the end we can say that these are the basic steps for selection process of a police officer whether he or she is a police officer at local level, state level or at federal level. Each officer at each level must go through this process and only after that he or she become a police officer, so after the completion of these steps a final merit list is made and is declared among the candidates and according to the merit list or we can say according to the numbers scored by all the candidates in the various stages of the selection process the officers are given their ranks, as the person who tops the list will get a very good rank as compared to other officers and the persons that follow him in the merit list will get posting at low positions, so we can finally say that selection process and also the training process for the recruitment of officers at the local level, state level, federal level is a very transparent process. References Retrieved on 16 January, 2015. Retrieved on 16 January, 2015.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Qualitative Research Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Qualitative Research Analysis - Assignment Example The assignment "Qualitative Research Analysis" talks about the effective analytic tools that can be used for the identification of features that are necessary for qualitative analysis. The interview conducted revealed that education standards are reliant on the ability of university administration to promote higher performance, in education, as well as students input in the process of education. Key issues, which featured here, were university administrators and students. As such, students have to ensure that they improve their individual performance levels to lead to the attainment of better standards in a university. This is necessary for the admission process of students in the university is diversified such that students are admitted from low-grade scores to higher grade scorers. However, both students and university administration have to collaborate in order to ensure that university standards are improved. One of the student’s responses in support of this was: Student: The performance of the university is determined by the individual performance of all students. However, I can argue that the standard of the university is a collaboration of both the administration and the students. The quality of education, which is attained in a university, is also reliant on students’ performance. However, it is complex for one to determine whether one contributes towards the attainment of quality standards in a university. This is because universities tend to associate quality with students performance.
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