Saturday, December 28, 2019
Theme Of Racism In Heart Of Darkness - 782 Words
Depicting actual events and scenarios in a fictional setting can shed a new light on certain topics, but when the real and fictional meet problems can sometimes arise. In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, the theme of race and white or national superiority is prevalent in the text, but it leaves the reader wondering if the text is truly racist or not. There are two sides to this argument, but for the most part the story is not racist. On the side on racism, the signs can be seen relatively early on in the work as show when Marlow is retelling about the death of Fresleven at the hands of the village chief’s son. Before Fresleven’s ruthless attack was described, the reader is given a description of him that is supposed to draw in sympathy†¦show more content†¦The reader also gets views and reactions of Marlow that shows that he’s has a better moral compass than the rest, as he is uneased by his aunt’s words, offers a dying native laborer a b iscuit, and being able to work with the so called â€Å"cannibals†to make it further along the river. Marlow is the saving grace in this story and helps it from being deemed entirely spiteful or even racist. When comparing other characters for example Kurtz to Marlow, he appears to be the most sensible or morally sound character. Both of these characters can be seen as two sides of the white Europeans. Kurtz demonstrates the superiority and more aggressive side as he initiates the conflict between the natives, uses the natives to his own advantage and for his own purposes, for example cheating on his fiancà © with a native, and having his last words or final request being â€Å"exterminate all the brutes!†(1990). Whereas Marlow demonstrates the more rational side who is fine with working with the Africans and using heir help to reach their goal, feels general unease on how people comment on the extermination of the â€Å"ignorant†, and he even laments the Afr ican helmsman’s death. That is one thing that Heart of Darkness was able to accomplish and that was showing both sides of the conflict and inflect upon them in a critical manner. Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness was considered by Chinua Achebe as being racist but that really is not the case. If anything, Heart of Darkness isShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Racism In Joseph Conrads Heart Of Darkness1008 Words  | 5 Pages6.13.17 Racism is misleading: Theme of TFA Racism is still a problem today, even though it has changed over time. In the past, it was more open and something that was normal. Now, there are less people who are racist, or, those who are racist have just gotten better at hiding their thoughts and changing their words so that they seem like normal comments. In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, the main character, Marlow, journeys the Congo and describes what he sees. In a response to Heart of DarknessRead MoreComparing Shakespeares Othello with Conrads Heart of Darkness738 Words  | 3 PagesOthello with Conrad’s Heart of Darkness It is often that when we read great works of literature we come across similar themes. Authors use powerful ideas that they believe will move their readers and relate to them so they become engaged in the words written. 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While Heart of Darkness is actually set on the Thames River, the events Marlow describes are set on the Congo River. The Congo is the river that brought about the partition of Africa that occurred from 1880 to 1890 (McLynn 13). This event marked the beginning of the colonization of Africa. In 1884, European nations held a conference andRead MoreAnalysis Of Conrad s The Heart Of Darkness 1612 Words  | 7 PagesThe 9th plague was Darkness. A darkness so thick, people could not see for three days. Darkness restricts vision and thus the way man understands the world. Conrad explores a similar darkness throughout The Heart of Darkness. He writes about how this darkness, a blindness towards others, can lead to the moral degradation of mankind in his novel. Throughout the novel, the reader is able to see Conrad’s perspective of humanity by discussing two integral issues of the time, Racism and Colonialism. More
Friday, December 20, 2019
Reaction to the Character of Mrs. Mallard in The Story of...
Reaction to the Character of Mrs. Mallard in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin In â€Å"The Story of an Hour,†Kate Chopin describes to her readers a young woman’s response to her husband’s death, or at least his presumed death. The opinions readers will draw from this story will vary from person to person due to personal experiences. The experience and wisdom that I have gained through the trails and tribulations of my life help me to understand, relate, and even despise Mrs. Mallard’s character. On one hand, I feel pity for Mrs. Mallard. I think she felt trapped in a situation that she found to be inescapable. She felt lonely, restless, and did not know how to help herself. Yet, on the other hand, I do not feel sorry for†¦show more content†¦In addition, I believe this fact disappoints her to the point where she seems to feel that life is not worth living without freedom. I think Mrs. Mallard felt trapped in her marriage, a marriage where communication no longer existed. I believe this caused her to feel very alone and restless in her marriage. In the late nineteenth century, women basically had little or no rights. It was thought that women’s sole purpose in society was to marry, have children, and to care for their family and household. Women of this era were not allowed to satisfy their own wants and desires. Therefore, we can assume that Mrs. Mallard got married at a young age. This fact, along with the crumbling of her marriage caused her to feel lost in a world where she knew not even herself. The fact that she was unable to experience life for herself resulted in her yearning desire for independence. These explanations contributed to Mrs. Mallard’s overwhelming enjoyment of her newfound freedom. I know how it is to feel trapped in a relationship that is going bad. One feels there is no reasonable way out; this can cause a person to become lonely and impatient for independence. The fact that I have experienced a similar situation enables me to relate to the character of Mrs. Mallard and can justify the feelings of sympathy and compassion I have towards her. In addition, I know how exciting it is to be able to experience life, adventures, and independence. In this way, I understand Mrs.Show MoreRelated Irony in Kate Chopins Story of an Hour Essay796 Words  | 4 Pagesin Chopins Story of an Hour  Irony is a useful device for giving stories many unexpected twists and turns. In Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour, irony is used as an effective literary device. Situational irony is used to show the reader that what is expected to happen sometimes doesnt. Dramatic irony is used to clue the reader in on something that is happening that the characters in the story do not know about. Irony is used throughout Chopins The Story of an Hour through theRead More The Differences in Josephine and Mrs. Mallard of Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour760 Words  | 4 PagesThe Differences in Josephine and Mrs. Mallard of Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour Free! Body and soul free!, Mrs. Mallard kept whispering. One persons ultimate freedom may be seen as a tragedy to another. Kate Chopin illustrates this idea in The Story of an Hour. The story is set in the nineteenth century. Chopin uses the death of Mr. Mallard to show the reader Mrs. Mallards deep feelings. In the story, Josephine and Mrs. Mallard are sisters. Although the women come from the sameRead More Irony in Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour Essays1295 Words  | 6 PagesIrony in Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour A very dull and boring story can be made into a great story simply by adding in something that is unexpected to happen. When the unexpected is used in literature it is known as irony. An author uses irony to shock the reader by adding a twist to the story. The author of â€Å"The Story of an Hour†is Kate Chopin. Her use of irony in the story is incredibly done more than once. Irony is thinking or believing some event will happen but in return the unexpectedRead MoreThe Story of an Hour†by Kate Chopin Essay1528 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"The Story of an Hour†by Kate Chopin â€Å"The Story of an Hour†by Kate Chopin is very intriguing, not only because of the emotional change Louise Mallard goes through the hour after her husband’s tragic death but also the way Chopin uses irony in the story. During this analysis of â€Å"The Story of an Hour†we will discuss the summary, plot, setting, tone, theme, point of view, emotions of Louise Mallard and other characters involved in the story. Chopin’s story uses the feelings of a married womanRead MoreThe Death From The Emotions1200 Words  | 5 Pagesthe Emotions In the short story The Story of an Hour written by Kate Chopin, Louise Mallard, the main character, is told that her husband, Mr. Brently Mallard, is dead in a railroad disaster. This short story is interesting mentioning the inner happenings of Louise character within an hour when she hears the news from her husband’s death until seeing her husband, peaceful and healthy, appearing at the downstairs. Although the story is told quite simple within only one hour of time, readers can realizeRead MoreThe Story of a Widow in Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour Essay840 Words  | 4 Pagespersistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature.†Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†is the story of a woman’s reaction to the news of her husband’s passing. Mrs. Louise Mallard is a young woman most would conclude to be saddened by the passing of her husband. Yet it is in that very moment we f ind her true feelings. Kate Chopin was born Katherine O’Flaherty on February 8, 1850 in St. Louis Missouri. She was the only child born to her parentsRead MoreHow Did Kate Chopin Influence Literature949 Words  | 4 PagesKate Chopin’s distinct influence in literature Kate Chopin was an innovative influence for literature in the late 1800’s. Her stories and characters conflicted with the societal norms of inequality towards women. Women in the 1800’s were oppressed, and treated more like property than individuals. Living in the 1800’s as a woman meant they had no rights, or power to create a life of their own. The men, in that period of history, held all prestige positions; therefore, formed all of the laws, and socialRead MoreA Womans Brief Freedom in The Story of an Hour Essay845 Words  | 4 Pages The Story of an Hour, was written and narrated by Kate Chopin. Chopin utilized an omniscient point of view, while exhibiting various types of irony throughout the story. The story takes place in the 19th century, an era when it was acceptable for men to regulate their wives. The setting is in a house where a discontented housewife is restricted. Women were obligated to take care of their domicile and care for the childr en--this was their primary purpose as a wife. The story focuses on theRead MoreStory Of An Hour Critical Analysis770 Words  | 4 PagesKate Chopin’s short story, â€Å"The Story of an Hour (1894),†portrays that the confinements placed on women due to gender roles was unjust. Chopin illustrates this through the progression of Mrs. Mallards emotions and thoughts after learning of her husbands supposed death, as well as alluding to their form of marriage. Chopins purpose is to point out how unjust woman were treated in society in order to bring about change on such treatment. Given the time period, Chopin dedicated her short story toRead MoreStylistic Features in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin Essay1174 Words  | 5 PagesThe Story of an Hour Authors of literary work have always employed stylistic devices to pass their message, Kate Chopin was no exception. She employs a number of styles in her book, the story of an Hour. Just like any author she achieves storytelling in a simple and straight forward manner. Some of the stylistic devices she uses are: description, internal monologue, authorial intrusion contrast, figurative expressions, symbolism among others. This paper discusses the use of stylistic features
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Business Law Legal Environment Australia â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Business Law Legal Environment Australia? Answer: Introducation The law of tort requires people to be responsible while dealing with others. Also, the law expects occupiers to make sure that their promises are safe from endangering the lives or the properties of those who come to their premises. Similarly, businesses should ensure that their products or services are safe and reliable to the customers who purchase them. In a deeper discussion, this paper will be illustrating different applications of the law of tort. Tort of Negligence and Misrepresentation As the common torts, negligence, and misrepresentations are some of the torts that people face on a regular basis. Starting with the tort of negligence, these are circumstances where one persons misconduct causes injuries to the other person (Kubasek, Browne, Dhooge, Herron Barkacs, 2016). On the part of misrepresentation, this one happens when a partys conduct or utterances present conditions that are untrue and convinces the other party to rely on those conditions (Beatty, Samuelson Bredeson, 2013). While misrepresentation can happen in both the law of contract and the law of tort, this paper will focus on the law of tort where the law punishes it by awarding compensation and even punitive damages (Kubasek, Browne, Dhooge, Herron Barkacs, 2016). Tort of Negligence and Its element There are essentially three elements of negligence, but the same elements can be broken down to sub-elements. The first element is the duty of care (Miller Cross, 2010). When a case of negligence comes to the court, courts start by determining whether there was a duty to care that the defendant owed to the claimant(Mann, Roberts Smith, 2012). The case of (Donoghue v Stevenson, 1932) was the first instance to determine a duty to care when it established the concept of the 'neighbor principle.' The case involved a claimant who found a decomposed snail in a bottle of beer when she poured the remaining content into her glass. The judgment in this case established that the defendant who was the manufacturer had breached his duty of care. With that, he was liable for the claimants damages of 500 as claimed by the claimant. For fear of the misuse of this case, the decision of (Lords in Caparo v Dickman, 1990) set out a three-stage test for the determination of the duty to care. After establishing a duty of care in the defendant, the court moves forward to find the second element of negligence. This element seeks to find whether the defendant breached that duty (Varuhas, 2014). Since the law requires each person who owes a duty of care to act reasonably in executing that duty, the law seeks to find whether the actions of the defendant were unreasonable. By reasonable, the law expects that a person should act in the same way a reasonable person would have acted in such circumstances. Take for example the case of (Nettleship v Weston, 1971). The driver was a third lesson student who caused an accident injuring the claimant who was his instructor. When the court examined this case, they found that the defendant had acted unreasonably hence liable for the damages. The courts third step or third element is to connect the claimants damages with the defendants reckless actions. The working mechanism for this step is the but for test which tests for the direct relationship between the breached duty and the loss (Steele, 2017). The but for test goes hand in hand with establishing whether the claimed damages are reasonably foreseeable (Twomey, Jennings, Fox Anderson, 2011). That is to say; the damages should not be too remote. Take for instance the case of (Barnett v Chelsea Kensington Hospital Management Committee, 1969) Though the law found the lack failure to examine a patient as a neglect of duty, it court did not find a connection between the death of the Barnett husband and the breach of duty by the hospital. No one could survive the arsenic poison meaning that in either way, the husband would have died. In brief, the widow claimed that the death of the husband was caused by the failure of the doctors to examine him. Despite that, the husban d conditions resulted from the deadly arsenic poison. Misrepresentation and Its elements The law of tort defines misrepresentation as an untrue statement or conducts that lures another party into the contract or agreement (Clarkson, Miller, Cross Clarkson, 2015). Gergen (2013) states that when a case of misrepresentation comes to court, the court starts examining whether there was an oral, written or conduct statement. After finding this first element, the court then considers the falsity of the statement. A change of facts does not count what matters is whether the person who had given a statement updates the other party on the changes. Take for instance the case of (With v O'Flanagan, 1936). The doctor had true figures in January while making the statement, but by May, the facts had changed. The statement turned to be false, and the defendant sued for damages. The second element is finding whether the statement was a fact as opposed to opinions. In the tort of misrepresentation, what counts is the untrue facts but not untrue opinions. In (Bissett v Wilkinson, 1927), Mr. Wilkinson told the Mr. Bisset that he thought the land would accommodate 2,000 sheep. Mr.Wikinson knew for sure that the land had not been used for rearing sheep. When the statement turned to be untrue, the judge said that the sellers statement was just an opinion but not a fact. In reality, the statement became untrue and the Mr.Wikinson claim for damages. However, the claimed failed because the court did not find the statement from Mr. Bisset as a fact but rather an opinion. The third element deals with induction. The question is whether the statement intended to induce one party to accept the agreement and whether the statement indeed induced the party (Mann, Roberts Smith, 2012). The fourth element links the damages to the misrepresentation. If there is a direct connection, the claim succeeds. If the damages are too remote, the court may neglect to award the compensation. Approach on Negligence and Misrepresentation within Business Context. Both torts happen regularly in business. More often, they may happen in situations of product liabilities and premises liabilities. Product and service liabilities Businesses are liable for dangers caused by their defective products or services. (Mann, Roberts Smith, 2012). When a defective product causes some damages, customers may elect a cause of action through customers protection act. A good example is the illustrated case above (Donoghue v Stevenson, 1932). Similarly, misrepresentation in products can happen through a deceptive product where the business claims that a product would offer benefits which in reality the traders knows that it is untrue. However, the law allows sales puff. Defective services may also result in an action in court. In (Andrews v Hopkinson, 1957) The claimant received a car with defective steering from the defendant. As a result, the claimant got involved in an accident and sued the defendant for his negligent service. The court did find the defendant liable and awarded the claimant a compensation for his loss. Premise Liability Premise liability deals with issues where a person would get injured in another persons premise. If the court finds that the defendant errored in providing reasonable care, the court is likely to award compensation to the injured party (Mann, Roberts Smith, 2012). People injured could be occupiers visitors or just trespassers, but the court takes each case differently. An example of this situation is the case of (B v JJB Sports,2006). The injured party was a boy of 10-years old. The defendant had cleaned the floor leaving the floor wet under which posed a risk to children let alone unlike adults who would have read the signs. The court awarded compensation to the boy as it found the defendant liable for his negligent conducts of leaving the floor wet. Issues of Advice Advisors also owe a duty of care to those people relying on their advice (Clarkson, Miller, Cross Clarkson, 2015). The court did find the defendant liable for a wrong information in (Chaudhry v Prabhakar, 1988). The claimant had asked the defendant who was a skilled trader in cars to find her a solid secondhand car. However, the defendant brought a car that had been involved in accident which was against the instructions given by the claimant. Defense to Claims of Negligence A claim brought could suffer frustrations if the defendant raises a defense. Even though the defense would not succeed in wavering the entire claim, it can help in reducing the burden of damages that the defendant would have paid (Clarkson, Miller, Cross Clarkson, 2015). Some of the special defenses are an act of God and trespasser. An act of God means dangers caused by natural forces. Trespassers defense argues that the defendant cannot protect someone who he does not have knowledge as to whether the person is on the premises. Apart from these two there are other defenses such as contributory negligence. Contributory negligence This defense requires the defendant to prove that the claimant proceeded deliberately to the risk despite being warned by the defendant. For example, in (Froom v Butcher, 1976). The claimant sued the defendant after sustaining injuries in an accident. The claimant alleged that the negligent conduct of the defendant caused the accident though the court found that he was not wearing his seatbelt. The court only allowed him to recover 80% of the claimed damages. Volenti non fit injuria(Consent) Where the claimant consents to get into the risk, cannot turn back to claim for the damages. An example is a case of (Morris v Murray, 1990) In this case, the claimant knew his friend was drunk, but he proceeded to take a ride with him in the aircraft. The claim failed as the court found enough evidence that the claimant consented to the ride. Illegality The court does not award damages where the claim involves injuries where both parties were executing an illegal action. Take for example the case of (Ashton v Turner, 1980). Since the claimant was injured in a getaway accident after committing a crime with the defendant, the court refused to award him damages suffered in the accident. Other Torts in a business Breach of statutory duties. This is a tort that happens when where the defendant breaches the set standard for a workplace resulting in work injuries. Another tort in business is a conspiracy. This tort occurs when two or more parties collude to deprive a third party. Another tort in business is conversion (Clarkson, Miller, Cross Clarkson, 2015). This one is a trespass to goods where the court finds that a defendant takes possession of another persons goods without authority. Deceit is another tort in business. It may happen when one party provides untrue information with an intention to defraud the other party (Mann, Roberts Smith, 2012). Role for statutory or public authorities There are various roles in statutory authorities in protecting the interests of the parties. An example is how aking tort law statutes help in shaping the law of tort. Some of the common ways in which statutes affect the interest of the parties is in limiting liabilities, expanding them or restating some areas of private law. For instance, consumer protection statute aims to regulate cases of misrepresentation, negligence, and fraud among others. A claim brought under consumer protection statutes helps the claimant where the statute punishes the defendant under strict liability for defective products. Even though, the statute does not act to replace common law. Other acts are like the occupies liability act which seeks to award damages when someone sustains injuries in a defective premise. Conclusion The Law of Torts encompasses various civil wrongs such as trespass, negligence, defamation and nuisance, among others. The law deals with each tort differently depending with its rules that guides on thee liabilities. However, almost all torts would require certain elements meaning that the court can only impose liabilities on circumstances where one party either negligently fails or does something that harms the other party. References Beatty, J., Samuelson, S., Bredeson, D. (2013). Business law and the legal environment. Australia: South-Western Cengage Learning. Clarkson, K., Miller, R., Cross, F., Clarkson, K. (2015). Business law. Text and Cases (13th ed.). Cengage Learning. Gergen, M. (2013). Negligent Misrepresentation as Contract. Califonia Law Review, 101(4). Retrieved from Kubasek, N., Browne, M., Dhooge, L., Herron, D., Barkacs, L. (2016). Dynamic business law (3rd ed.). New York. NY: McGraw-Hill Education. Mann, R., Roberts, B., Smith, L. (2012). Smith Roberson's business law (15th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Miller, R., Cross, F. (2010). The legal environment today. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Steele, J. (2017). Tort law. OUP Oxford. Twomey, D., Jennings, M., Fox, I., Anderson, R. (2011). Anderson's business law and the legal environment. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning. Varuhas, J. (2014). The Concept of 'Vindication' in the Law of Torts: Rights, Interests and Damages. Oxford Journal Of Legal Studies, 34(2), 253-293.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Negative Body Images Essay Example For Students
Negative Body Images Essay Understanding the Causes of Negative Body ImageI chose to read the book titled Understanding the Causes of Negative Body Image by Barbara Moe because I plan on focusing my research paper on how the media has strong control over womens development of self-esteem and body image. The message that the media is sending creates the context within which people learn to value size and shape of their body. Moes book focuses on how our culture is preoccupied with weight and appearance. She begins her book with the history of body image and how at different periods over centuries, fat and thin body types have both been considered fashionable. From the late Middle Ages until the 1800s, the rounded figure of a womens body remained the prevailing image. The rounded figure was a sign of wealth, fertility, and prosperity. The thin waif look didnt enter our society until 1967 when Leslie Hornby, known as Twiggy, began showing up in the media. Moe also discussed the emergence of the mass media which confronted people with many ideal bodies to look at and quickly, body image became a widespread obsession. The book did a great job of going into depth on how television and movies and magazines and newspapers are powerful promoters of the be thin message. Moe concluded her book with ways people can re-create body images and learn to love their own bodies. The environment in which people live influe nces body image concerns. Today, we live in an environment that is surrounded by the media. Advertisements, celebrities, magazines, television, etc. all have immense influences on women, defining a perfect body. Seeing overly skinny models in the media does not enhance womens self-esteem, self-worth, or self-image. The degree of thinness exhibited by models is both unachievable and biologically inappropriate and provides unhelpful role model for women. I liked the chapter of Moes book where she discussed the history of womens body image. She included a section on the Miss America Contests. I thought it was very interesting to read that the average bust-weight-hip measurements for women were (in inches) 32-25-35 when the contests began in 1921. Flat chests were in and some women even bound their breasts to flatten them. It is amazing how over time womens body image has changed. Miss Americas weight has significantly decreased over the years and the average bust-weight-hip measurements have decreased about 2 inches. Today, bigger breasts and skinnier bodies seem to be fashionable. In conclusion, there is a great need for more diverse and realistic body shapes to be shown throughout the media, especially on television and in magazines. The pressures many people feel to make their bodies conform to one ideal would be reduced, lessening the feelings of body dissatisfaction. Because the media and public idolize and emulate ultra-thin act resses and models, as a result, are many women in America led to self-destruction and suffer from psychological illnesses such as anorexia? Has the rate of anorexia increased during the years when the thin look has been in and how many women are dieting on any given day?Words/ Pages : 534 / 24
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Race, Ethnicity and Crime
Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference List Introduction Racism and ethnicity are one of the social evils that pose a big danger to the society. These are the main factors that have been contributing to crime in the contemporary world. Racial discrimination in America has a significant implication on crime in the region. Most of the racism in America has been between the whites against the blacks and vice versa. There are a number of incidences that has resulted into crime in the United States.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Race, Ethnicity and Crime specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Discussion In many cases, most criminal activities in the United States are characterized by racism. Racism has resulted in a number of crimes, which has threatened security and peaceful co-existence among the people. There are a number of opposing issues concerning racism and disparity that has l ed to complication in the discussion of the issue of racism in the Criminal Justice System. For instance, there are economic differences among the people that have led to crime in the United States. It is possible to have people from different race on low income group and also on the high income groups. The larger the differences between the poor and the rich, the high are the chances of crime. We also have differences in terms of biological heredity, psychological and other factors that may influence ones tendency to engage in crimes. Racial differences have also led to crime in the United States. This can be explained through the discrimination that the vice has cultivated among the people. For instance, the idea that members of a certain group like the African Americans are more likely to commit a certain crime can lead to difficulties in fighting the vice. Similarly, the fact that the reason for doing so is psychological can also lead to serious difficulties. This is because the y tend to propose the inability of the public policy to solve these problems. This is unlike the social explanations where an individual can change through the public policy. From previous statistics, the results showed that the rate of arrests for the African Americans were higher than those in the other Americans (Anonymous, 2011). There are several historical incidences that can clearly illustrate the issue of racism in America. One of this was the racism against African Americans through the institution of slavery. During this period, African Americans were enslaved and treated like property (Randall, 1998). This incident led to undermining and persistent racism against Africans. Another incident in the history that can be used to demonstrate racism in America took place after the Mexican- American War in 1948 (Greenhaus and Parasuraman, 1990). During the period, Zoot Suit Riots clearly demonstrated the racism against Latinos. The Latin Americans were usually composed of people from different ethnic and racial backgrounds. This made them more prone to racism.Advertising Looking for research paper on ethnicity studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Recently, the issue of racism has raised major concerns in the study of the criminal justice. In America, there are a significant difference between the number of the black Americans and the white Americans arrested and prosecuted for various crimes. This has raised concerns on the criminal justice practices. There are a number of areas that differ in terms of races, a thing that may lead to differences in the criminal justice. One of these differences is the level of unemployment. Through racial discrimination, there is a significant difference in the level of unemployment in different racial groups. When the level of unemployment is high, the level of poverty is also high and therefore there are high chances of committing crimes. For instance, unemploye d person may engage in stealing due to lack of livelihood. Race may also lead to differences in political orientation. This leads to differences in the views among the people from different races. In some cases, some members from a certain group may feel that they are not properly represented. In such a situation, differing views may lead people to engage in criminal activities. The issue of the race and crime can easily be understood through the analysis of the criminal etiology or the breaking of law. Breaking of the law can either be explained from individual or social perspectives. From the individual perspective, the crime is caused by the characteristics that an individual possess. These include heredity defects, intelligence, and body type among others (Heaven and Hudson, 2011). On the other hand, crime is seen to be caused by social or psychological reasons. In my opinion, I believe that racism is of great importance in the criminal justice. This is because it has helped in explaining the patterns of crime in the society. Most of the criminal activities in the United States are rooted in the issues related to race. As already noted, previous statistics have revealed that certain groups of people in America are more likely to commit crime than others. It is therefore necessary to study in terms of race differences. People from a certain race may have varying social psychological differences. This can significantly influence the conduct of individuals. For instance, there are some tendencies that are common in a particular racial group but not prevalent in others. The concept of race has a significant implication on my future career as a police officer. To begin with, this may affect me through prejudice. As already seen, the past record has clearly revealed that there is more proportionate cases of criminals arrested and prosecuted from one racial group than the other (Lafree and Russell, 1993).Advertising We will write a custom research paper samp le on Race, Ethnicity and Crime specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More For instance, the past data has revealed that there are more cases of the African Americans engaged in crime. This may lead to a temptation of prejudice or bias in the process of executing duties. Due to intensification of the issue of racism in the society, I may also face the problem of undermining others. The citizens from other racial groups may be tempted to think that I am biased towards my race. Another way through which race can affect my future profession is through career advancement. In most cases, racism has been integrated in the work place. For instance, the senior managers are tempted to promote only those employees from their racial group. Racism may therefore affect me in my career as a police officer. Conclusion In summary, race and ethnicity has a significant implication on America’s criminal justice system. Racial differences have significantly affected the crime patterns among the people. For instance, there are more reported cases of criminals from a certain group arrested and prosecuted in court. This can be explained from both the personal and the social perspective. Individual’s personal differences can increase the possibility of engaging in a certain form of crime. Social and psychological factors can also increase the chances of engaging in crime. Reference List Anonymous. (2011). Race and Ethnicity – Race in U.S. Legal History, Native Americans, Black Americans and Crime, Policing and Minorities. Greenhaus, J. and Parasuraman, S. (1990). Effects of race on organizational experiences, job performance evaluations, and career outcomes. Azca\demy of Management Journal. 1990, Vol. 1, pp. 64-86. Heaven, O. and Hudson, B. (2011). ‘Race’, Ethnicity and Crime. Web. Lafree, G. and Russell, K.K. (1993). The Argument for Studying Race and Crime. Journal of Criminal Justice Education. 4, 273-289.Adv ertising Looking for research paper on ethnicity studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Randall, K. (1998). Race, Crime, and the Law. New York: Vintage Books. This research paper on Race, Ethnicity and Crime was written and submitted by user Jerome Herman to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Translation - Definition and Examples
Translation s The word translation can be defined as: The process of turning an original or source text into a text in another language.A translated version of a text. An individual or a computer program that renders a text into another language is called a translator. The discipline concerned with issues related to the production of translations is called translation studies. Etymology:From the Latin, translat- carried across Examples and Observations: intralingual translation - translation within the same language, which can involve rewording or paraphrase;interlingual translation - translation from one language to another, andintersemiotic translation - translation of the verbal sign by a non-verbal sign, for example music or image.Three Types of TranslationIn his seminal paper, On Linguistic Aspects of Translation (Jacobson 1959/2000. see Section B, Text B1.1), the Russo-American linguist Roman Jakobson makes a very important distinction between three types of written translation: Only the second category, interlingual translation, is deemed translation proper by Jakobson.(Basil Hatim and Jeremy Munday, Translation: An Advanced Resource Book. Routledge, 2005)Translation is like a woman. If it is beautiful, it is not faithful. If it is faithful, it is most certainly not beautiful. (attributed to Yevgeny Yevtushenko, among others).(Literal or word-for-word attempts can result in some amusing translation fails). Translation and Style ï » ¿To translate, one must have a style of his own, for otherwise, the translation will have no rhythm or nuance, which come from the process of artistically thinking through and molding the sentences; they cannot be reconstituted by piecemeal imitation. The problem of translation is to retreat to a simpler tenor of ones own style and creatively adjust this to ones author. (Paul Goodman, Five Years: Thoughts During a Useless Time, 1969) The Illusion of Transparency A translated text, whether prose or poetry, fiction or nonfiction, is judged acceptable by most publishers, reviewers, and readers when it reads fluently, when the absence of any linguistic or stylistic peculiarities makes it seem transparent, giving the appearance that it reflects the foreign writers personality or intention or the essential meaning of the foreign textthe appearance, in other words, that the translation is not, in fact, a translation, but the original. The illusion of transparency is an effect of fluent discourse, of the translators effort to ensure easy readability by adhering to current usage, maintaining continuous syntax, fixing a precise meaning. What is so remarkable here is that this illusory effect conceals the numerous conditions under which the translation is made . . .. (Lawrence Venuti, The Translators Invisibility: A History of Translation. Routledge, 1995) The Process of Translation Here, then, is the full process of translation. At one point we have a writer in a room, struggling to approximate the impossible vision that hovers over his head. He finishes it, with misgivings. Some time later we have a translator struggling to approximate the vision, not to mention the particulars of language and voice, of the text that lies before him. He does the best he can but is never satisfied. And then, finally, we have the reader. The reader is the least tortured of this trio, but the reader too may very well feel that he is missing something in the book, that through sheer ineptitude he is failing to be a proper vessel for the book’s overarching vision. (Michael Cunningham, Found in Translation. The New York Times, Oct. 2, 2010) The Untranslatable Just as there are no exact synonyms within a language (big does not mean precisely the same as large), there are no exact matches for words or expressions across languages. I can express the notion four year old male uncastrated domesticated reindeer in English. But our tongue lacks the economy of information packaging found in Tofa, a nearly extinct tongue I studied in Siberia. Tofa equips reindeer herders with words like chary with the above meaning. Furthermore, that word exists within a multidimensional matrix that defines the four salient (for the Tofa people) parameters of reindeer: age, sex, fertility, and rideability. Words are untranslateable because [they] do not exist in a flat, alphabetised dictionary style list, but rather in a richly structured taxonomy of meaning. They are defined by their oppositions to and similarities to multiple other wordsin other words, the cultural backdrop. (K. David Harrison, linguist at Swarthmore College, in Seven Questions for K. David Harr ison. The Economist, Nov. 23, 2010) Pronunciation: trans-LAY-shen
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Management of Human and Organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Management of Human and Organisation - Essay Example It is further stated to be a key success factor for corporate in the modern day scenario. As stated by the experts, organisational culture of a specific company differs from one market area to another, influencing the structure of the organisation to a large extent. Thus, it tends to consider almost every factor embraced within the organisational structure which defines the concept to be complex and theoretical at times (Black, 2003).Considering the various aspects of organisational culture, the main objective of the paper will be to comprehend an appropriate definition of the concept with references to the studies conducted by various experts. Due to the fact that organisational culture influences every facet of the entire organisational structure, it is quite certain that differing cultures will also have diverse impacts on the performances of the employees (Black, 2003). This will require different motivating schemes for every particular business unit which will be analysed in the further discussion of the paper. The facts obtained from the research will be related to a global business organisation, i.e. Nokia Corporation so as to provide a pragmatic portrayal of the research findings. To be mentioned, the research will be conducted through a qualitative approach based on the secondary data and descriptive analysis intending to answer the identified research problem.2.0 Literature Review 2.1 Definition of Organisational Culture The introduction of the concept, ‘Organisational Culture’ can be identified in the late 1980s. Thus, it has been in frequent use in managerial theories for decades. However, the concept evidently lacks in a synchronised definition. Studies reveal that the sole meaning of the concept differs for particular individual and organisation. Where few experts state the meaning of organisational culture to be the operating psychology of an organisation, few others depict it as the determined values of an organisation (Reiman & Oed ewald, 2002). Since the introduction of the concept, authors have deliberately intended to define it. But there were few major flaws witnessed in the definitions provided by authors in 1990s. For instance, most of the definitions lacked providing an unambiguous description regarding the components of organisational culture, aim of the concept, and the probable strategies to achieve the aims. It is in this context that the modern day studies have revealed various aspects which provide an in-depth description about the motive and the major attributes of the concept considering economic along with social perspectives of culture (Willcoxson & Millett, 2003). In the modern day phenomenon, with the growing importance of the concept various authors have intended to provide a well-defined meaning of ‘Organisational Culture’. According to Serrat (2009), culture in an organisation signifies the mode of interaction exercised within the organisation among the employees and also wit h the external parties. As defined by the author, â€Å"Organizational culture comprises the attitudes, experiences, beliefs, and values of the organization, acquired through social
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
BLOGS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
BLOGS - Essay Example Raci is faced by the challenge of having to take hormone shorts off the street, and at times this seem to affect her class attendances which seems to be worrying her professors. Another transgendered student is a Master candidate in Student administration at Michigan university who is faced by a challenge of having to one day make his family who considers her a female understand that she is a male. In episode five, he is faced by the challenge of getting romantically involved with another student (Simmons, 2005). Gabbie, a student pursuing Computer Science at the University of Colorado has to cope with the challenge of being the youngest candidate to undergo a gender reassignment surgery. Will he later be accepted by her family as being female and not male? It is evident in Episode five of the documentary, which not all of this transgendered and transsexual student have been accepted and loved in the single sex colleges that they opted to join. Just as in the YouTube video clip on lo ve and acceptance, single-sex colleges should handle such students with love and acceptance because they were created so by God. Therefore, to help them in their transition to being a male or a female, love and acceptance would suffice (TBCvideoATL, 2010). Lack of acceptance and love has made Lucas a Neurology Senior at the Smith College feels so alienated. The society, her family, and some of her college mates consider and see Lucas as a female, but she wants to liver her life as a male. Lucas is faced with a challenge of defending his thesis in Episode five of the Transgeneration documentary (Simmons, 2005). A transgendered or transsexual student would want to attend a single-sex college just as gay partners, or lesbians would want to attend the Tabernacle Baptist church – they want a place where they would feel loved and accepted. It is natural that attending a
Monday, November 18, 2019
Components of a Healing Hospital and Relationship to Spirituality Essay
Components of a Healing Hospital and Relationship to Spirituality - Essay Example This notion of healing in hospitals was started by Florence Nightingale, whereby she focused on health of her patients both physically and spirituality. In addition, healing hospitals are designed to focus mainly on recovery and return to health well being; physically, emotionally and spiritually and not just curing an ailment for a patient (Young & Koopsen, 2006). Healing hospitals revolution and work are based on three main components as asserted by Eberst (2006). First is the focus on culture and radical care given to patients which is to aid in the recovery process. Moreover, healing hospitals are built and based on a compassion culture from health care providers. The treatment process in these hospitals involves doctors, relatives and well-wishers who are involved in making patients feel better and relax, hence accelerate the healing process. The notion here is that if the patient feels comfortable with his/her care giver, then they shall heal faster (McCormick, 2010). The secon d component is that of a relaxed and patient friendly physical environment, which will aid in making patients relax and heal faster (Eberst, 2006). In addition, the physical environment of the healing hospitals must be cool, quiet and relaxed with cool coloring and fresh air circulating. This is meant to aid patients to relax and sleep comfortably which, in return, accelerates the healing process.... These hospitals also use technology in the treatment procedures to provide effective care and best possible treatment to patients under their care (Eberst, 2006). The concept of spirituality, which is a belief system focuses on intangible elements that impart meaning to life of people, has continued to arise in healing hospitals. Generally, healing hospitals are involved in providing a healing environment to their patients. Spirituality also varies among different patients as it cuts across different cultures and ages. Therefore, patients in hospitals are normally disturbed spiritually with pertaining issues in their health such as infirmity, suffering, loneliness and boredom, despair on not healing and the possibility of facing death (Young & Koopsen, 2006). Healing hospitals components are used to aid in raising spirits of patients and hasten healing. The culture and physical environment of these hospitals provide patients with spiritual healing environments in which patients feel calm and relaxed promoting their health and well-being. Caregivers counsel patients and give them hope and a reason to live and have a purpose in life (McCormick, 2010). Challenges of Creating a Healing Environment in Light of the Barriers and Complexities of the Hospital Environment As Chapman (2003) states in chapter 3 of the book â€Å"Radical Loving Care: Building a Healing Hospital in America†, healing hospitals are faced with some of these challenges. The first challenge is technology application and use of drugs, as he states technology advances dehumanize healing aspects of the healing profession. In addition, he claims that dependence on drugs in healing has reduced the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Causes of the Financial Crisis in the US
Causes of the Financial Crisis in the US INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS During the later half of the 20th century U.S economy was the most powerful economy in the world, they set the rules for rest of the world. They established multinational corporations all over the world which was indeed the heart of world economy. (Davis, 2009). When the U.S economy was rising, all the other countries economy were also growing, at the same time when their economy went down it affected almost all the other importing and exporting countries in the world because of the recent crises which was named as â€Å"GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS†. This was meant to be the biggest crises after â€Å"THE GREAT DEPRESSION 1930†(Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2009). The crises have already recorded loss of over $150 billion and large number of banking institutions have declared bankruptcy or being sold.(Kregel, 2008) One among the banks filed for bankruptcy was Lehman Brothers, which was Fourth largest investment bank in U.S. (BBC, 2009). Therefore it is important to ident ify causes of current financial crises and resolution measures. Secondly, UK government should take effective steps in order to reduce danger of further crises (Turner, 2009) During later part of the 19th century that is 1973 Daniel bell published a book titled â€Å"THE COMING OF POST INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY†. The book was about forecasting to find the changes in economy and society in united state. One of the most visible changes according to him was the work force shifting from manufacturing and agriculture to service based industry which he named as â€Å"POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY†. The author was right in his prediction because today only 10% of the total labour force is employed in agriculture and manufacturing industry. Between the period December 2000 and May 2009 US lost more than 5.25 million employees in manufacturing sector. There were many problems in durable goods industry, particularly in auto manufacturing industry. Two or more companies in that sector declared bankruptcy which stated that there was lot more bad news to come. Comparatively, manufacturing jobs were long lasting on an average of 8 years compared to an average of 3 yea rs in service industry. The shift was driven by Wal-Mart. The firm employed about 1.4 million employees in 2009 which was more than that of 20 largest American manufacturing companies together. This caused changes to occur in pension financing and people started investing in mutual funds. This happened through change in pension financial that took over small amount to mutual fund from large amount of investment savings. This created pressure for high returns and also takes away the option of staying with a single firm. This enabled growth of institutional investors. Huge amount of portable pension funds were managed by banks, mutual funds and insurance firms. Nearly 1000 corporation shares were owned by institutional investors in 2005, with mutual fund taking maximum of 10% or more in hundreds of corporations. For manufacturers the main focus was on share value which spread OME model (Original equipment manufacturer) which means the production is out sourced to other external organizations. Other than manufacturers, functions such as HR and IT etc were also outsourced. This slowly made drastic changes in traditional corporation where it became empty. They were concerned mai nly about turning the out-sourced products into branded commodities. This shows that the stock market existed only for intangible assets. (Davis, 2009) Now we shall discuss about the causes of the Global financial crisis: One of the main reasons for the crises was the housing bubble. A housing bubble is an economies bubble that occurs in local or international market. The recent financial crises started eventually in 2001 with the busting of U.S housing bubble and reached its peak in 2005.Basically it is said when there is a rapid increase in real estate prises until it touches its peak and reaches unsustainable level. The bubble in the houses was identified in 2006 after the market correction. Former chairman of Federal Reserve Board, Alan Greenspan said in 2007 that they had bubble in housing but it was very late until they realized in 2005 and 2006 (Bianco, 2008) Many economists believe that the main reason behind housing bubble was caused by low interest rate set up by the Federal bank. The interest rates were reduced to 1% from 6.5%, this made people to mortgage their property against the loan. The banks in return encouraged everyone to obtain loan against their mortgages because real estate prices were at its peak. [] When inflation began in 2004, US federal withdrew monetary accommodation, they started increasing the interest rate and mortgages payment also started rising apparently. Tight money policy came into play and there was a great demand of money and therefore house prices fell. Banks and other financial institutions financed at very low rate, and when interest rates started raising there were heavy chance of default by the subprime borrowers thus default by such borrowers led to losses. Though the loans were secured and were sold to special institutional vehicles (SIVs) the losses were still bourn by banks and oth er institutions (Mohan, 2009) Deregulation of financial system gave rise to tradable instruments through securitization. Securitization means turning an asset or credit card debt into tradable instrument. This system made household to become both investors and issuers of securities. Thus trading in different form of capital emerged which was unstable and did not last for long which caused the financial crises (Davis, 2009). Apparently US government failed to manage their trade deficit. The housing bubble was mainly caused by cheap credit and low interest rate rates. The main reason for cheap credit was there was a lot Chinese capital in U.S. And that is because US imports most of the products from china and sells it at a cheap rate to its consumers (Weismann, 2008) Global Macro Economy Imbalance: According to Portes (2009) global macro economy was one of the major underlying reasons of the financial crises. This is because of saving investments and huge cross border capital flow made a lot of pressure on financial intermediation process, these imbalances with flaw in the financial market and instrument together became one of the specific features of crises (Mohan, 2009). In view of the current crisis, the UK Government can initiate the following actions to prevent another crisis: Looking at the long term , we think of what should be done in order to avoid danger of future crises, it is clear that macro economy imbalance was one of the major underlying reason, so it is better UK government try to find the problems which lie at the interface between macro economy policy and financial system regulation. Few more things that government should consider are they should make sure that they protect the needs of ordinary people when the information is costly to acquire. Next measure is the government should make sure that internalises significant externalities. This is in contrast to the currency regulatory frame work which does not focus on externalities and it also provides incentives for the institutions to become very large to fail or too interconnected to fail, because the larger the institution the more interconnected and higher the risk of escaping during crises.( Brunnermeier, 2009) The government should also focus on systematic risk contribution because during the financial crises losses tend to spread over other financial institutions also. The government should try to form a regulation that reduces the risk of spreading over the losses to financial institutions. A financial contribution to systematic risk can be large because of its correlation with financial difficulties among the other institutes or causes financial difficulties at other institutes. Therefore new measures should be taken to reduce the risk of both the channels. (Brunnermeier, 2009) According to Turner (2009), liquidity management and new regulations help to minimize liquidity risk. The future rules and regulations should be monitored effectively (Turner, 2009). Asset price booms can be regulated by implementing strict fiscal and monetary policies. These policies should take into consideration price stabilization and macro-financial stability. There has to be effective co-ordination between domestic and international policies. The UK Government should try to stabilize all the financial institutions that hold illiquid assets. The regulators have to combine macro-prudential and macro economic analysis by using sectoral analysis (Turner 2009). REFERENCES: Brunnermeier, M.K., (2009) Financial Crisis: Mechanisms, Prevention and Management [Online] Princeton University. Available at: [accessed 28 February 2010] BBC., (2009) Timeline: Credit Crunch to Downturn [Online] Available at: [accessed 28 February 2010] Bianco, K.M., (2008) The Subprime Lending Crisis: Causes and Effects of the Mortgage Meltdown [Online] CCH Mortgage Compliance Guide and Bank Digest. Available at: [accessed 28 February 2010] Crotty, J., (2008) Structural Causes of the Global Financial Crisis: A Critical Assessmentof the ‘New Financial Architecture [Online] PERI Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Available at: [accessed 28 February 2010] Davis, G.F., (2009) The Rise and Fall of Finance and the End of the Society of Organizations [Online] Available at: [accessed 28 February 2010] Mohan, R., (2009) Global Financial Crisis- Causes, Impact, Policy responses and Lessons[Online] Annual India Business Forum Conference, London Business School. Available at: [accessed 28 February 2010] Turner, A., (2009) The Financial Crisis and the Future of Financial Regulation [Online] The Economists Inaugural City Lecture, Financial Services Authority. Available at: [accessed 28 February 2010] Weissman, R., (2008) Deregulation and Financial Crisis [Online] The Huffington Post. Available at: [accessed 28 February 2010]
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Ruby Archuleta and Amarante Cordova Define Community Essays -- Milagro
Ruby Archuleta and Amarante Cordova Define Community Community is defined as a group a people living in an area under the same conditions. Realistically, a community is so much more than this definition. It is people and their different beliefs that form a community. In the town of Milagro, Amarante Cordova, Ruby Archuleta, and a town coming together to rescue a fellow community member from jail exemplify the true spirit of what community is. Ruby Archuleta makes the biggest difference in bringing the community together. Ruby is the only member of the community to take intuitive and start fighting for the rights of the Milagro citizens. While everyone is waiting around to see what will happen, Ruby gets to work. She understands that the first step in defeating the greedy endeavors of Ladd Devine will be to seek legal advice. Ruby gets Charlie Bloom to write up a petition and explain the water laws to the disorganized people of Milagro. Another example of Ruby’s commitment to the community is her devotion to get the petition signed. The petition is to stop the buil...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Unit Two: Principles of Providing Administrative Services
Unit two: Principles of providing administrative services Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. †¢ The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk †¢ Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly †¢ When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference †¢ Then, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.Please note that this Assessment document has 9 pages and is made up of 9 Sections. Name: Section 1 – Understand how to make and receive telephone calls 1. Complete the table below with descriptions of at least two different features of a telephone system and how / when they would be used. |Feature |How / when used | |1.Answer Phone |By pressing a number on telephone we ca n listen messages left by | | |others | |2. Conference Call |This allow us to speak with more than one person simultaneously | | | | . Prepare a brief report advising people on: †¢ How to follow organisational procedures when making and receiving telephone calls †¢ The purpose of giving a positive image of yourself and your organisation when making and receiving telephone calls. If possible, use specific information from procedures in your own organisation (or one that you are familiar with). Within an organization while receiving calls one should follow the organizational procedure i. e. nswer the phone within certain number of rings, use standard greeting, read script as advised, identify the personal when transferring the call or passing on the information and finally be ready to take colleagues calls when they are not on their desk. When you are making a call to a client ensure that you build a rapport with them and make them feel at ease. Ensure you are aware of th e purpose of call and make a check list of the points that you will be asking.The main purpose behind while receiving or making calls is to portray a good and professional image of an organization is to retain the existence customers and attract new ones and fulfil customer satisfactions Section 2 – Understand how to handle mail 1. Explain the purpose of correctly receiving, checking and sorting mail and packages (both incoming and outgoing). It is very important and responsibility of everyone within an organization to follow the correct procedures while receiving, checking and sorting outgoing and incoming mails.In case if a mistake is made then may be some body is waiting for an important mail and because of negligence it may go to a wrong person or even go missing. Once a mail is received we need to ensure the security and confidentaility aspect of it while delivering it to the recpients. If the mail requires urgent delivery then we need to ensure that mail is delivered or dispatched quickly and securly. It can apply to both incoming and outgoing mail as if the mail is urgent it should be treated as urgent and delivered or dispacted soon. 2. Complete the table below with the following information: At least two examples of internal mail services that are available to organisations †¢ At least two examples of external mail services that are available to organisations |Internal mail services |External mail services | |1. using internal envelopes so that mail can be circulated internally|1. Recorded delivery | | | | |2. ransfer mail between different offices of an organization |2. Special delivery | | | | Internal mail services Normally between offices we do have internal transport service that operates. We can use that service to deliver mails betweeen offices. We can also use services of individuals if they are travelling between offices.Also if we are working in a headoffice and it has several buildings then we can also use the internal ser vice that deliver or trasnport between different buildings. External mail services For external mail services we can use local mail service like Royal Mail, post office or parcel office. We can either call them and book the item so that they can pick and deliver or we can go to the nearest post office and post the item there. 3. Describe two methods that you can use to calculate postage charges for mail and / or packages.We can weight and measure mail to calculate postage charges. We can weight the mail with the help of weighting machine and measure the mail with the help of measuring deivce provided by Royail mail. Once we calculate the weight and measurement we stamp a stamp accordingly. For example if we want to sent a a first class mail we need to cataegorize the mail do we need one standard 1st class stamp or a larger one depending upon post. We should also consider the timing as first class can take upto 3 working days so if mail is urgent we need to use other services that ar e quicker.We can also use service provider like Royal mail and use their website to check out the charges. We can take the mail to any local post office and weight the items and pay the charges accordingly, we need to ensure a signed for or special delivery that if mail is important and needs to be delivered soon. In case if the contents of the mail are important we can also insure the mail. Section 3 – Understand how to use different types of office equipment 1. Describe the main types of equipment found in offices and how they are used. Include examples of at least three different types of office equipment.Shredding machines are used to shred important confidential documents. The main purpose of the shredding machines is to destroy your important documents that are not useful anymore but that can be important for someone else and that can be misused by anyone. Computers and its accessories such as Printer, scanner etc. used to prepare documents and print them if required. W e can use computer programs such as microsoft applications word, access and excel etc. to create letters, records, electronic worksheets, database management, presentation, graphics, Internet use and financial documents.For communication we can use fax machine and telephone. We can send the documents quickly to customers either by fax or use emails and for verbal communication we use phone. The disadvantage of faxmachine is that it require electricity, requires paper for receiving and sending faxes and it should be always on to receive faxes. The advantage of fax machine is that they are relatively inexpensive and some are part of all in one printers and you may need to occasionally pay for the toner, and a dedicated phone line and paper.Another advantage is that it doesn’t cost you more than the normal phone costs per minute. 2. Explain the purpose of following manufacturer’s instructions when using equipment. The main purpose behind the manufacturer’s instruct ions manual is to operate the equipment correctly and safely. This can reduce the maintenance cost and increase the equipment life. By following the basic guidance provided by the manufacturer the equipment will last longer, safer for others to use it and will work efficiently. 3. Explain the purpose of keeping equipment clean, hygienic and ready for the next user.We need to keep the equipment clean and hygienic so that the next person who will be using it will be safe. He can safely use the equipment and hygienically safe from any disease. While working in an organization once should tidy stuff, store equipment safely and clean it regularly with appropriate products. As an example one should use wipes to clean computer screen that will be beneficial for other as well. In working environment where there is a shared workspace it is good if we leave the area clean and organized that can also leave a good impression for the next person.Section 4 – Understand how to keep waste to a minimum in a business environment 1. Explain why waste should be kept to a minimum in a business environment. One of the main reasons that waste should be kept to minimum in a business environment is financial reason i. e. it can reduce the cost and spending and environmental reasons. Company can waste a lot of money to either recycle or dispose of that extra waste. One should think twice while using company resources that do they really need that or they can use any alternative to save some money for the company. . Identify at least two main causes of waste in a business environment. Because of heating, lightning and powering equipment we waste energy Another example is the resources such as ink cartridges, papers and toners of printers etc. Another source is use of paper in printing, before printing one should ask them self that do they need to print this out and if so can they use both side of paper for printing to save papers. 3. How can you keep waste to a minimum in a busin ess environment? Describe at least two ways of doing this.For paper waste we can use a recycling service for paper waste. For other waste like plastic bottles, plastic bags and others we can use recycling bins Recycling is a cost effective method of dealing with your waste es[ecially using different bins for different things simply because it is often cheaper when compared with general waste management and disposal. Recycling often reduces clutter and improves the working environment. Less clutter also means increased safety around your workplace. We can use emails instead of using posts where email can work.Emails are fast and can be delivered at once around the world. No other form of written communication is as fast as an email. We can advertise products in the email that can reach to a lot of people and we can save a lot of money on resouses like paper, printer etc. we can send the email to hundred of recepients without expanding any money on visible resourses and save a lot of money and making business environment eco friendly. We can turn off the lights and all power switches when it’s not required to save the energy. Section 5 – Know how to make arrangements for meetings 1.Complete the table below listing at least two different types of meetings and describing the main features of each type of meeting. |Type of meeting |Main features | |Team meeting |The main feature of such meeting is to follow any agenda, track the progress of the team on the | | |current project, sort out issues related to team peformance, update on the upcoming projects and | | |discuss any outstanding issues.It also allows individuals to generate number of ideas which can | | |prove to be quite effective in solving any organizational issue | |Training meetings |The main feature of such meeting is to keep the staff up to date, upgrade their skills and help them| | |in grooming. It also increases the staff productivity thus customers are served and satisfie d more | | |quickly.This improves efficiency, reduces costs and leads to higher profitability. With the aide of| | |training meeting we can raise morale of individuals which leads to a more motivated team. If | | |colleagues are motivated here are many opportunities open to them. | |Appraisal meeting |The main objective of such meetings are to recognise the individuals effort and praise them and give| | |them reward.Because of that Individuals take personal responsibility for improving both the | | |business processes and their own abilities. Such meetings also reflects the performance | | |expectations, establish goals for the coming year and discuss the success in the past year. | 2. When arranging a meeting: †¢ What sources and types of information are typically needed? †¢ How should meetings be arranged? We need to know the individuals requesting the meeting and they are aware of organizational procedure to arrange the meetingWe should be aware of the reason of the mee ting, the attendees list, duration of meeting and any resources like any projector or wall board required for presentation. Firstly confirm the attendees list, date and time, place and any resources required. If required circulate a brief message around about the agenda of the meeting and if meeting is long and refreshments are required also confirm the arrangement. Finally ensure that all attendees receive a confirmation of date, time, venue and a small brief description about the meeting. Section 6 – Understand procedures for organising travel and accommodation arrangements . Explain the purpose of confirming instructions and requirements for business travel and accommodation. The main purpose, behind confirmation of instructions and requirements for business travel and accommodation, is to ensures that all individual arrives on time for the appointment and all attendees are well aware of time and date of the event, accommodation and travel details, parking facilities, loca tion of the event, in case they need special arrangement person’s details who will be responsible for that and finally the main agenda and ist of things they need to bring in with them. 2. Complete the table below with an outline of the main types of business travel and accommodation arrangements that may need to be made and the procedures that should be followed when doing this. Travel and accommodation arrangements |Procedures | |Travel by Car and staying over night |If people are travelling by car we need to ensure that accommodation have enough | | |parking space if not then the alternate parking arrangements should be informed to the | | |people. We can select from bed and breakfast to hotels in terms of overnight | | |accommodation.We need to know how many nights they will be staying and book | | |accordingly. In case they need evening meals we need to make them aware of the | | |arrangements. | | | | |Travel by train and staying for few hours in the |If people are tr avelling by train we should ensure that they are aware of the ways to | |meeting place |reach to their desired location.We can arrange taxis for them to avoid hassle. | | |Sometimes we have foreign national who can’t speak English well, in that case we need | | |to ensure that interpreter is there to fulfil their needs. If they are attending the | | |meeting for few hours we must ensue that the refreshments are pre ordered. |Facility for disable peoples |If we know anyone who needs special arrangements such as wheel chair, we need to ensure| | |that all required facilities are in place to facilitate them. | | | | |Interpreter presence |Sometimes we have foreign national who can’t speak English well, in that case we need | | |to ensure that interpreter is there to fulfil their needs | . Explain the purpose of keeping records of travel / accommodation arrangements in a business environment. It is very important to keep a record (accommodation and travel expenditures) of an event once it’s over, as we can use that evaluation next time. This evaluation can help us next time in decision making i. e. we can improve the accommodation next time, find a cheaper suppler and get early discounts by booking in advance. Evaluation itself is a god process that can highlight any flaws in planning and identify that how we faired accommodation and travel.It also helps in identifying any issues such as parking arrangement of any particular accommodation. Section 7 – Understand diary management procedures 1. Briefly explain the purpose of using a diary system to plan activities at work. Give at least two reasons. One of the essential planning aids used within an organization is diaries and depending upon the nature of the business its use varied from person to person. It does help individuals to plan their activities and tasks as in some organization follow strict deadlines for their project.Information that can be logged in a diary contains timing, da te, location and people who are involved. Another advantage of keeping up the diaries is that individuals know the whereabouts of other colleagues. For instance if we someone wants to speak with one of your colleague by checking his or her status in staff diary we can deal with the caller accordingly. 2. Identify the information needed to maintain a diary system in the workplace.Nowadays computerized or electronic diary is used in organization and most widely used diary program is Microsoft outlook. It includes information of employees such as their name, contact information, email address, location etc. In some companies it also shows their availability and show their current status i. e. if they are on annual leave or absent due to sickness. Section 8 – Understand the purpose of delivering effective customer service and how to do so 1. What are the differences between internal and external customers in a business environment?Internal customers are the one who either work fo r an organization or serve the people who are not employed by that organization while the external customers who do not work for the organization but either buy the product or services to fulfil their need. In other words staff working for a particular organization purchases a particular good or service then he will be classified as internal customer, while an external customer is the one who come to the company to buy a service or good require to him and by no means employed by the company. 2.Explain why customer service should meet or exceed customer expectations. Include at least three reasons in your answer. Customer service should be met or sometime exceed customer expectations as it can: †¢ Gain customer loyalty and that means customer will always turn to us when that particular good or service is required †¢ Get good recommendations form customer that can provide us good publicity and allow an organization to expand its business †¢ Increase the business growth and that can create a sense of job security within the organization.Once an organization is getting extra customers it can expand its business and can create more jobs and extra bonuses for existing staff. 3. Explain the importance of building positive relationships with customers. Outline two ways in which this can be achieved. Every member of an organization has a duty to be efficient as he may be a first point of contact for the organization and that can create a long lasting impression on customer. Employee should show professionalism as failure to do so will not give customer any confidence while dealing with his organization.It is of vital importance to gain customer’s trust, meet or sometimes exceeds customer’s expectations as it can bring in new business opportunities. We can gain customer’s trust by actively listening to them which enables us to identify their needs and satisfy them accordingly. By keeping communication channel open both parties can gro w their business in a healthy and friendly environment. Both parties should trust each other and pay respect to each other ideas because that can contribute to a belter resolution of a problem if one does occur. 4.How do customers demonstrate their own needs and expectations? When a customer places an order or requested a service then they expect that service or goods to be not only delivered on time but also up to agreed standard. Customer normally expects that promise should be kept. In this competitive world customer also want bargain in prices as if someone is offering the same services at a very low cost they can turn to them as well. Customers’ need can also be gathered by collecting the feedback from them on the good or service offered and that be used for future to improve their experience.Customer can also raise their concerns directly with the company and by effective communication they can sit together, listening to each other and come to a resolution that can be a ccepted by both. Section 9 – Understand the purpose of reception services and how to follow reception procedures 1. What is the purpose of the receptionist role as the first point of contact in a business environment? Receptionists have many roles to perform such as give direction and sometime escort the key people to different part of the building. Generally visitors used them for general information or to solve any issues.Receptionist should have god communications skills and are aware of making good rapport with the visitors so that they feel they are at ease as some times visitors get confused. Now days most organization use sign in procedure and receptionist ensures that this is done properly and visitors are issued identification badges. In special cases receptionist also inform visitor about the standard health and safety information. 2. Describe how a receptionist can present a positive image of themselves and the organisation and explain why this is important.Recepti onist job is of vital importance as they are the first point of contact for every visitor, they should greet all visitors with smile regardless of their importance or arrival (if they are expected or not). Some receptionists commonly do mistakes and expect that key people are well and best dressed and in that they annoyed some key peoples. The general principal for all is to treat everyone fairly, with courtesy and make them feel that you have time for them. As they are the first point of contact in most organization, they can leave a positive image and long lasting impression of an organization.If they act or behave unprofessionally the visitor may lose confidence while dealing with the organization. 3. In relation to your own organisation (or one that you are familiar with), explain what must be done when carrying out entry, departure, security and confidentiality procedures in a reception area. When a visitor enters into a building and approach the reception, they should be greet ed first and offered help. If they want to visit someone with in an organization, take their details inform the desired person about their arrival.Advise them about the unrestricted visitor access area of recreation and make them feel at ease until the desired person come down and accompany them. Upon arrival of the desired person make them an identification pass and note down their time of arrival, their contact details and vehicle registration number if they have parked their vehicle. Once they have finished their meeting note down the timing and ensure that they have returned the pass and issue them any parking exit pass if required. Once you have completed all 9 Sections of this Assessment, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your work to your tutor for marking.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Emily Dickinson - Continuing Enigma
Emily Dickinson - Continuing Enigma Known for: inventive poetry, mostly published after her deathOccupation: poetDates: December 10, 1830 - May 15, 1886Also known as: Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, E.D Emily Dickinson, whose odd and inventive poems helped to initiate modern poetry, is a continuing enigma. Only ten of her poems were published in her lifetime. We know of her work only because her sister and two of her long-time friends brought them to public attention. Most of the poems we have were written in just six years, between 1858 and 1864. She bound them into small volumes she called fascicles, and forty of these were found in her room at her death. She also shared poems with friends in letters. From the few drafts of letters that were not destroyed, at her instruction, when she died, its apparent that she worked on each letter as a piece of artwork in itself, often picking phrases that shed used years before. Sometimes she changed little, sometimes she changed a lot. Its hard to even tell for sure what a poem by Dickinson really is, because she changed and edited and reworked so many, writing them differently to different correspondents. Emily Dickinson Biography Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts. Her father and mother were both what we would today call distant. Her brother, Austin, was bossy but ineffective; her sister, Lavinia, never married, and lived with Emily and was protective of the much shyer Emily. Emily at School While signs of her introspective and introverted nature were apparent early, she traveled from home to attend Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, an institution of higher education founded by Mary Lyons. Lyons was a pioneer in womens education, and envisioned Mount Holyoke as training young women for active roles in life. She saw that many women could be trained as missionary teachers, especially to bring the Christian message to American Indians. A religious crisis seems to have been behind young Emilys decision to leave Mount Holyoke after a year, as she found herself unable to fully accept the religious orientation of those at the school. But beyond religious differences, Emily also apparently found the social life at Mount Holyoke difficult. Withdrawn Into Writing Emily Dickinson returned home to Amherst. She traveled a few times after that once, notably, to Washington, DC, with her father during a term he served in the U.S. Congress. But gradually, she withdrew into her writing and her home, and became reclusive. She began to wear dresses exclusively in white. In her later years, she did not leave her homes property, living in her home and garden. Her writing did include letters to many friends, and while she became more eccentric about visitors and correspondence as she aged, she had many visitors: women like Helen Hunt Jackson, a popular writer of the time, among them. She shared letters with friends and family, even those who lived nearby and could visit easily. Emily Dickinsons Relationships From the evidence, Emily Dickinson fell in love with several men over time, though apparently never even considered marriage. Her close friend, Susan Huntington, later married Emilys brother Austin, and Susan and Austin Dickinson moved to a home next door. Emily and Susan exchanged ardent and passionate letters over many years; scholars are divided today on the nature of the relationship. (Some say that the passionate language between women was simply an acceptable norm between friends in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; others find evidence that the Emily/Susan friendship was a lesbian relationship. I find the evidence ambiguous at best.) Mabel Loomis Todd, a descendent of John and Priscilla Alden of Plymouth colony, moved to Amherst in 1881 when her astronomer husband, David Peck Todd, was appointed to the faculty of Amherst College. Mabel was twenty-five at the time. Both the Todds became friends of Austin and Susan in fact, Austin and Mabel had an affair. Through Susan and Austin, Mabel met Lavinia and Emily. Met Emily is not exactly the right description: they never met face-to-face. Mabel Todd read and was impressed by some of Emilys poems, read to her by Susan. Later, Mabel and Emily exchanged some letters, and Emily occasionally invited Mabel to play music for her while Emily observed out of sight. When Emily died in 1886, Lavinia invited Todd to attempt to edit and publish the poems Lavinia had discovered in manuscript form. A Young Contributor and Her Friend The story of Emily Dickinsons poems, with their interesting relationship to womens history, is highlighted by the most fertile period of Emily Dickinsons writing, the early 1860s. A key character in this story is better known in American history for his support of abolition, woman suffrage, and transcendentalist religion: Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Hes also known in history as the commander of a regiment of black troops in the American Civil War; for this accomplishment he proudly used the title Colonel Higginson to the end of his life. He was the minister at the wedding of Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell, at which he read their statement renouncing any strictures that the law placed on the woman when she married, and stating why Stone would keep her last name rather than assuming Blackwells. Higginson was part of the American literary Renaissance known as the Transcendentalist movement. He was already an recognized writer when he published in 1862, in The Atlantic Monthly, a short notice titled Letter to a Young Contributor. In this notice, he solicited young men and women to submit their work, adding, every editor is always hungering and thirsting after novelties. Higginson told the story later (in The Atlantic Monthly, after her death), that on April 16, 1862, he picked up a letter at the post office. Opening it, he found a handwriting so peculiar that it seemed as if the writer might have taken her first lessons by studying the famous fossil bird-tracks in the museum of that college town. It began with these words: Are you too deeply occupied to say if my verse is alive? With that letter began a decades-long correspondence that ended only at her death. Higginson, in their long friendship (they seem only to have met in person once or twice, it was mostly by mail), urged her not to publish her poetry. Why? He doesnt say, at least not clearly. My own guess? He expected that her poems would be considered too odd by the general public to be accepted as she wrote them. And he also concluded that she would not be amenable to the changes that he thought necessary to make the poems acceptable. Fortunately for literary history, the story doesnt end there. Editing Emily After Emily Dickinson died, her sister, Lavinia, contacted two friends of Emilys when she discovered the forty fascicles in Emilys rooms: Mabel Loomis Todd and Thomas Wentworth Higginson. First Todd began to work on the editing; then Higginson joined her, persuaded by Lavinia. Together, they reworked the poems for publication. Over some years, they published three volumes of Emily Dickinsons poems. The extensive editing changes they made regularized Emilys odd spellings, word usage, and especially punctuation. Emily Dickinson was, for instance, very fond of dashes. Yet the Todd/Higginson volumes have included few of them. Todd was sole editor of the third volume of poems, but kept to the editing principles theyd worked out together. Higginson and Todd were likely correct in their judgment, that the public could not accept the poems as they were. The daughter of Austin and Susan Dickinson, Martha Dickinson Bianchi, published her own edition of Emily Dickinsons poems in 1914. It remained until the 1950s, when Thomas Johnson un-edited Dickinsons poetry, for the general public to experience her poems more as shed written them, and as her correspondents had received them. He compared versions in the fascicles, in her many remaining letters, and published his own edition of 1,775 poems. He also edited and published a volume of Dickinson letters, themselves literary gems. More recently, William Shurr has edited a volume of new poems, by gleaning poetic and prose fragments from Dickinsons letters. Today, scholars still discuss and argue over the paradoxes and ambiguities of Dickinsons life and work. Her work is now included in the humanities education of most American students. Her place in the history of American literature is secure, even if the enigma of her life is still mysterious.. Family Father: Edward Dickinson (treasurer of Amherst College, state legislator, U.S. Congressman)Mother: Emily NorcrossTwo siblings: William Austin 1829-1895, Lavinia 1833-1899 Education Amherst Academy (seven years)Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (one year)
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
ESRM 100 Test 1 Essay Example
ESRM 100 Test 1 Essay Example ESRM 100 Test 1 Paper ESRM 100 Test 1 Paper How much has the population increased in the last 35 years? from 2.5 to 6.6 billion(more than doubled) Sustainability Use it, but dont use it up Carrying Capacity Maximum number of individuals of a species that can be sustained by a population by an environment over a long term Gaia Hypothesis global environment has been profoundly changed by life throughout the history of life on Earth, and that these changes have improved the chances that life on Earth will continue Principle of Environmental Unity Everything affects everything else Environmental Science Group of sciences that explain how life on earth is sustained, what leads to environmental problems, and how theyre solved. Ulitarian Justification Ecological Justification Aesthetic Justification Moral Justification 1 Economic/Survival 2 Value larger life suport functions of the environment 3 Beauty 4 Ones view of right and wrong System Set of parts that function together to act as a whole Things we need to understand to effectively manage natural systems Types of disturbances and changes that are likely to occur The time period which changes occur The importance of each change to the long-term productivity of the system Biota Biosphere 1)All living things within a given area 2)Region of earth where life exists Ecosystem A community of organisms and their local nonliving environment in which matter cycles and energy flows Ecological footprint the total area each person requires based on the resources used and the waste produced We may be consuming about 20% more of Earths biological productivity than is replaced each year Age structure proportion of the population in each age group Limiting factors to population growthshort-term intermediate termlong term 1) drought, energy supply, disease 2)desertification, pollutants,disruption of supply of unrenewable resources3) soil erosion, climate change, ground water Ways to create zero population growth Raising the first childbearing agesocial pressures to delay marriagebirth control and family planning Factors affecting carrying capacity food supplyland and soul resourcesWater resourcesPopulation densityTechnology Biochemical Cycle complete path a chemical takes through the earths four major reservoirs What are the earths four major reservoirs? atmospherehydrospherelithosphere(rocks and soils)biosphere(plants and animals) Flux amount that moves between sinks and sources How many elements are required for life? 24 Geological cycle Formation and change of Earths materials through physical,chemical and biological processes Consists of four sub-cycles -tectonic, hydrologic, rock, biogeochemical How much do plates move a year 1-12 inches a year What leads to plate movements? convection currents in earths mantle Tectonic subduction one plate being pulled under another Where is the earths water? 97% in the oceans, 2% in glaciers, 1% as landwater or atmosphere Drainage basin area contributing runoff to a stream or river How much of the earths water is freshwater? 2.4% What % of the earths atmosphere is nitrogen 80% Nitrogen fixation converts nitrogen to ammonia/nitrate Types of symbionts obligate symbionts absolutely necessaryfacultative symbionts helpful but not essential habitatniche habitat where it livesniche what it does for a living oldest fossils 3.5 billion years old ecosystem individuals of various species and their nonliving environment Ecosystems have 3 fundamentals characteristics structure(living and non living), proccesses and change gross production producing organic matter within the body net production storing some of the newly produced organic matter for future use what % of the land surface is occupied by agriculture 12% Biological diversity wealth of species that live on earth What four processes lead to evolution mutation, genetic drift, natural selection, migration Gene chemical information for a single characteristic genotype genetic makeup of an invidual or group Divergent Evolution single species evolving into two Ways in which extinction is caused hunting/harvestingdisrupting/destroying habitatsintroducing exotic speciespollution primary successionsecondary succession 1) initial establishment and development of an ecosystem where one did not exist2)reestablishment of an ecosystem following disturbances
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